Forum Replies Created
Memberis this only available to US residents?
MemberThe trophies are already posted on the site including the Episode 2 trophies coming this July.
MemberKojima himself also mentioned that this game will just be a spin-off and a side story game.He will not be involved in this game.
The true sequel will be Metal Gear Solid:Peace Walker for Playstation Portable which will be made and arranged by Kojima.
MemberI think Microsoft and Sony did an ok presentation so not to be biased being in a PS3 forum.Nintendo,ahmm let's just say that they were at E3 🙂
June 3, 2009 at 4:16 am in reply to: Burnout Paradise 8 players meet in the Wildcats’ Baseball Stadium #27559pobert06
Memberi'll join you..but domba_car,would you mind if we also play a game of cops and robbers? do you have the add-on content?
Memberyahoo..this is good news!
MemberI just wish that Sony's Press Con tomorrow will show promising stuff upcoming for the PS3.
MemberIt looks like Grey Fox will be there too.I think it will be a remake of the first MGS but let's just see..
MemberShadeBlack said:
yeah i got fallout 3 as a christmas present from my brother, but i may have to buy this special edition for the bobblehead alone! Personally, I think it's a steal for that price!
Collector's Edition with the bobblehead is cool and all but what i really wanted was the Limited edition with the Brotherhood of Steel Figurine though it was only exclusive to GAME in UK 🙁
Memberthis more of a mockery on the game than a guide..lol
thanks for it anyways
Memberyeah i've been using my HDD alot for watching movie and TV shows..almost 90 GB left of my 320 GB..Installing game data on the HDD doesnt seem to have any difference at all..For me i guess coz i don't see any difference in load times.
Memberplace Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 on the list..the most time consuming platinum i've played to date so I'd considered it one of the hardest..lol
Membereh,Dead rising is ok but looks boring..Your in a mall and you bash your way through zombies to get to objectives..It looks like state of emergency IMO
MemberFable would have been a great port…Halo 3 and Gear Of Wars I've seen both games and they look pretty cool to play especially Halo 3 online
Membergame is fun to play to be honest…i played the PC version and i might get it for PS3 if the rumours are true…