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Memberk when do we start? Weekend okay?
MemberDoctor_Rock said:
Y'know, you can just hit 'CTRL' and 'F' and it brings up a find box that scans the entire web page right?
I just tryed that but it goes like text not found. So yeah it would be better if we had a search box. Easy and quick.
Memberparnakas said:
I'm gonna have to disagree with you.
The PS3 has technology to last up to 10 years, and still be considered next-gen. At the moment, Sony just needs to do more advertising, but im starting to see KILLZONE 2 and PSP billboards at bus stops, and on TV, which is good.
Sony should continue to do what its doing, which is crank out all these awesome exclusive games, and advertise the FEATURES of a ps3 more. When i show my friends my ps3, they always say, “WOW, I never knew ps3 could do that!” If Sony advertised the features better, people would say, XBOX doesnt have that, so I should get the PS3, because it is worth the $400. All my friends bought a 360 because they thought it was cheaper, and that it had all the same features as a PS3, except blu-ray obv.
Sony FINALLY released that info on how a 360 is more expensive than the PS3, which they should have done a long time ago.
When PS3 is finally out-dated, which will be in 10 years according to Sony, Then the PS4 should be released. The 360 is already becoming out-dated, so a new XBOX should be coming within the next 2-5 years. Then, after the new XBOX would be released for a few yearrs, the PS4 should come out with everything missing on the new XBOX, and do some good adverising.
Sorry its kinda long lol
Oh and @barkiemailman- The 360 DOES NOT HAVE MORE EXCLUSIVES. almost ALL of 360s exclusives are available on PC, and the 360 “exclusive games” on PC, can now be played in 3D, like Left For Dead(which is crap btw) . But you are correct on how most 360 exclusives are crap…
I thought the 3D was only for Playstation because of Sly 3.
MemberPs3 Freak said:
Also has anyone noticed how many 360 adverts there are on TV???
So many! Even on the gayest commercials. I was once watching TV then one of those lunchabels(or however you spell it) commercials popped up and it was talking about how you can win a “Banjo Kazui” only on the Xbox 360. WTF is up with that,.
Memberpobert06 said:
shadeblack said:
Ratchet525 said:
One A? What was everything else an A++?
Nah… if you really want to fine split… I only ever got:
one A*
one A (we don't have plus or minus, however, the *(star) in A* means perfect marks e.g. 99 or 100 out of 100).
and the rest of my grades on average are B's C's and D's. Heck, I even got U in R.E. But personally I think that's because of my somewhat “extreme” views on differing religions. Although, what maybe classed as extreme to my teacher certainly wasn't for me. R.E studies is a hack if you ask me.
Oh and don't get me started on General Studies… I got a D in that for my final exam. I don't know why though, I should have failed it… I went into the exam, and instead of answering the questions, I wrote a story about giant killer ants. maybe the examiner liked the story? who knows.
lol you must have a heck of childhood shade..i had my ups and downs too in my grades but somehow i always end up being in the top of the class..even if don't study i somehow get an A in my subjects that i'm not interested in..weird really..but somehow college changed that,must be my professors intimidating me lol
I use to be like that Pobert. I never studied for tests and i got A's on 'em. I guess some people all just naturally smart 😀
MemberBy res2 do u mean resistance 2? if so then ya.
Memberwait..why is this topic in the fallout 3 section if its about killzone 2?
MemberOz-Metalhead said:
WTF you got your ps3 taken away because you got a B!? All A's and 1 B is damn good! Your parents must be super strict….
Well, they're not strict. It's just that Im Armenian( Dont ask me what it is). And its typical for Armenian parents to get angry at B's. All they want is A's. So yeah they're NOT strict.
Membershadeblack said:
i only ever got an 'A' once.
but to be honest, with different schools, and different countries, it's completely different levels of grading.
One A? What was everything else an A++?
Memberyea. so you should tell admin about your idea
Membercookies are small prizes o.O
MemberSo your saying that you get a partner and write a guide for a game? You know this site probably can have a contest for this sort of idea. The two people who can come up with the MOST helpful guide on a game can win a prize (cookies).
Memberi think you have to get 1 type of medal from each categoray.
Memberparnakas said:
lol @ shade…. i thought you were very good in school too…
@ ratchet….. dont worry man, i get D's in math every year…. i fukin hate math… its so pointless, when the hell am i gonna walk up to a building, sit down, and try to find the diameter and radius of it??
Or when the hell in life am i gonna have to use PIE (3.14 something) , unless im eating it???
Basic Math like 1+1, 3X3, 7-4, etc. You will use. But at no time in life are you gonna have to use Quadratic Formulas….
Unless you wanna be a mathematician, or something like that lol
Agreed its all because of the Mesopotamians, we have math..
Memberkingawol said:
yeah my parents would have GIVEN me a ps3 for a B…lol.
Yeah i know it sounds crazy.