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I know theres a new Ratchet and Clank game coming out with trophies ;). Easy platinum for me.
Ratchet525MemberIs it easy to get Platinum on this game cause i might rent it and get platinum quickly
Ratchet525MemberSeriously! freaken IGN gave KZ 2 a 9.4 before the game came out! They probably only played the demo (which i beat is like the first 2 levels). Its so gay when game websites do this shit!
Ratchet525Memberyeah about 2100000 xp
Ratchet525Memberkingawol said:
MFK863 said:
Hey I'm currently looking for some more mature gamers as well. I'm 25 and it seems everytime I add someone its some immature 14 year old who screams in his mic the whole game and is annoying as hell. Add me PSN: MFK863
i have to mute almost everybody on Resistance online , depending on the time it is in the US , i get all these kids talking , just to each other , nothing even game related : i hate that … or else you have their mum come in the room to talk to them – turn off your mics people!!!!
Same here! Even though im 11, there are freaken 15 year old guys that keep screaming and shit just because they died! WTF its just a game. I dont even do that.
Ratchet525Memberdemo didnt downlaod for me so i really cant say anything right now about this game
Ratchet525Memberi heard its a very good game but if u want to scare the shit outta ur pants or get freaked out then go for it
Ratchet525Memberlol same here parnakas naughty dog and insomniac FTW! and Kojima!
Ratchet525MemberHaza12 said:
I really can't wait for this game! I'll probably end up playing this non-stop weeks after playing this. That's what happened with CoD4!
lol same here
Ratchet525Memberlol nice answer by the way gamerben you should do superhuman.Its easy you just need to be good at running away from titans and use the bullseye's secondary fire ALOT! The only thing they changed is that the hybrids are elite chimera
Ratchet525Memberoh and you didnt spell it wrong if thats what u ment by sorry if its wrong
Ratchet525Memberyea that gay message always happened to me and i had to delete some of my levels! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Wish the game had more space to save more things.
Ratchet525MemberI agree parnakas, it will beat CoD4 to my prediction and it will probably be Best FPS of the year!
Ratchet525MemberWow, from trophies to meanings of odd slangs.
Ratchet525MemberShitbox 3fixme will not recieve a Blu-ray player, NEVER! It will be too much for it that the console would expolde.
P.S. yeah if MGS came out on 360 it would need about 15 discs.