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MemberNinjacat said:
You're right, Gev. When you try to change lobbies, the party almost always gets kicked. And, when you're in a bigger party there are more problems. After 5 attempts, I got the 'Date night' trophy with one of my friends with me. When I was trying to change the lobby with 6 of my friends, none of them came with me. The party got disbanded.
When we try to get into matches with bigger parties it pretty much never puts us all in.
Yes. And every time we're playing with Nick you and Charlie would always get kicked :(.
MemberKieeeraaan. L said:
one of my friends has been sayin the campaign is online co-op. is this true??? and if it is would you still get the trophies for completing it on veteran???
Im pretty sure its not.
and Knoxie, idk how the party system isn't messed up for you. You're probably just lying because I've heard numerous complaints about it. Like for example, I get an invite and I try to join, but sometimes it would kick me back to the main menu and tell me that its either unavailable or an error. also, the game seems to kick everyone in the party 99.9% of the time when you exit a lobby.
MemberI'm sorry. I just ruined my new pair of pants.
You don't know how happy I am right now (FCUK YES SLY 4 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
MemberXeroTheGreat said:
They have dedicated servers, and always have had with all console based CODs (4, WaW and MW2). It's the PC versions that have never had dedicated servers until BO.
MW2 has had dedicated servers on PC, but CoD4, WaW, and BO have the other thing lol
Memberkingofgames73 said:
Hmm, completed the game on hardnened, and no gold trophy, also whenever i earned a trophy in the game, the whole thing would freeze for aroun 5-10 seconds. Also had several crashes throught campaign, i believe they may take the whole `concentrate on the MP` just a bit too far, however decent story, rest in white, in case of possible spoilers! highlight to read
However i dont like the fact there was no mission involving stealth/snipers except for one tiny bit of stealth theme for 5 mins, also the ending didnt have no epic finale, just a theme of revenge in a pretty meh way, build up, up too the end was good though. Just wish the game was more stealth (its a black ops team after all! you know, people who specialise in covert missions!), killing rooms of enemy, and the occaional escort mission, is kind of boring.
You don't play as Black Ops in the game, you play as SOG. The only time you play as Black Ops is when you play as Hudson, I think.
MemberGot the game on launch. Beat the game on Normal, played zombies (BEAST), and i'm currently level 41 in online. I have to say, good job Treyarch. I wasn't expecting this tbh. I have to say this is the best CoD up to date (beating CoD4 ;P). It fixed Mw2's ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE***'d up shit but I think there are a few problems in the online like the messed up party system and the spawn system sucks. The story is good too and im glad Treyarch put REAL cutscenes in the game unlike those stupid missions briefings. PLUS, we get to see the character and hear him!
MemberYea lol. I wanna get a few good resources though. I just hit a mineshaft with lots of red ore. Which I probably won't use until a while. I'm thinking of expanding my house to a castle. I just found out how to make glass, so yea 🙂
MemberWow Xero that trailer was amazing :D. I've been playing the game for almost a week now and seriously once I get on, I get addicted. Right now I'm just expanding my house. I'm also trying to destroy all the dirt and grass around my home to create a beach and will probably make a huge tower to overlook the whole world lol
Memberparnakas said:
Well I'm a little late on this.. but what the hell i'll go for it.
So I'm Parnakas, and I've been on this site for a LONG time.. almost too long lol.
My first and only love is my guitar, Gibson Les Paul custom, with a burstbucker pro 3 Zebra in the bridge and a P-90 in the neck, best pick-up combo of LIFE..
Tied up with me, right ;D?
MemberCan't wait. 3 easy plats for me 🙂
Membermonkeymoobs said:
Post edited 9:28 am – 10/31/2010 by monkeymoobs
I don't know why everyone goes on about the CoD campers there are campers in every online FPS I have ever played personally they are a bigger problems on BFBC2 cos the maps are so big people snipe from inside a bush about 2 miles away with a 12x scope which cannot be done on CoD
I haven't dealt with any campers in Killzone 2 or Resistance 2
MemberMy name is Gev.
I've been on this site for awhile and yes i kno i have 4000 posts
I love to play soccer and I've been doing Kick Boxing, Jujutsu's, & Tae Kwon Doe for 3 years.
MemberI want to get this but i probably wont.
really wanted to play with u charlie but w/e
MemberNinjacat said:
Post edited 10:30 am – 10/30/2010 by Ninjacat
Thing is though, he doesn't have anything better to do.
I for one can't wait for zombies to come back. I spent many an hour smashing the undead with a few of my friends.
What are you lot most looking forward to?
I'm getting it since all my friends are gonna get it. Plus they're making me get it lol
MemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Oh yay. Really can't wait to see all the exploits and glitches make this game as much as a shithole as MW2 was.
well dont buy it then, simple as.
You just admitted that BO will have fcked up outcome as Mw2.
Just one thing though:
thats smart.