#1 Site For Playstation 3 Trophy Lists And Guides With An Awesome Community!
well id say Silent Hill buht u knt pre order it cuz its already out i’d say pre order Resistance 2 PSN:AROCCqer
no i got psn 1 and it werks fine on and off line
yea i hope it supports trophies
no it might be patched tho
o kool i start a draft guide
just trade it in at gamestop
yea buht online 4 gta doesn’t require save its on gta server thts y those might be retroactive
yea it was iight not perfect tho
how much isz it in USD
really how much isz it 2 make a site?
Lmfao thts wat i did WE CHEATED!!!!
it really is
any1 got new quiz pack
it was my 1st pain trophy