#1 Site For Playstation 3 Trophy Lists And Guides With An Awesome Community!
i still hav hopes 4 it it should b awesome open world choose 2 be evil or gewd i mean cmon its amazing
yea i had a couple like Hale ratchet clank drake chimera nd now jak buht we need newer 1’s
yea especially splinter cell series
ahy dumass shadeblack a fanboy is wen a lil dumass sez a system is better without stating tha flaws just the stuff thts gewd nd ye no reserch here buddy
i kno this ps eye topic not socom lol
u start 4rom 0-10 online
its still in development of course it wnt look PERFECT!!
den i wnt do it im already rank 8 1,045,677
we do get stuff 1st =D
yea i just want new avatars
u all sound like fanboys lol
highspeed internet
US got it yesterday at 11.00 pm
yup it came out yesterday in US
hell yea i’m looking forward 2 killzone 2 any1 see tha online trailer?