Forum Replies Created
MemberDude, you're 8 days late to the party.
But yeah… boosting.
MemberAt 16 you're no doubt impressionable.
I never said you couldn't like the movie either, but as you get older you'll start to look for different things in a movie, and you'll realise just how bland and rehashed films like Iron Man 2 and Avatar are.
MemberIt's easy kills.
If you're a sniper and qscoping, you can't be beaten at range, and up close you're unstoppable too.
At range you have a sniper rifle.
Up close you essentially have a shotgun.
It's an exploit in the game.
What would anyone want to play a game of quick scoping? I don't know about MW2, but in every other fps I've played it's a dick move.
MemberThe plot was good?
Plot: Two dimensional bad guy who happens to be super genius scientist ( I thought he had a poindexter look about him) wants to kill Stark for a pretty weak ass reason.
Hammer is your typical cocky idiot cliché amped up to levels of retardation I have never witnessed before. Hammer does not like Stark.
Stark is dying. Incredibly quickly too. In 6 months his blood toxicity was 20%. In 2 days it reaches 80. Wat?
Solution to everything is in the table. Who didn't know this the moment you saw the table?
Strained Avengers tie in.
The whole film was a case of join the clichés.
If you liked it, cool, but it was not a “good” movie. It was badly written, badly paced, and badly presented.
From your taste in movies I can assume you're pretty young and impressionable. No doubt in a few years time you'll look back at Avatar and Iron Man 2 and wonder what the hell you were thinking.
MemberIron man 2 was absolute shite. I was being force fed stupid.
The dialogue was nothing but waffle which went on for far too long, and generally went nowhere.
The plot, if you can call it that, was nonsense. Convoluted nonsense.If it wasn't for Scarlett Johansson I would have walked out.
If you want action, watch Die Hard. Iron Man is somewhat lacking. With the exception of the last half an hour or so, there was far far too little.
It goes for almost 40 minutes without so much as an explosion or car being tossed into the air. Daytime TV is more exciting.
MemberRatchet525 said:
haha thats funny how a new member like you defends someone that you probably barely know.
good job 1773 for making an account just for me to say it..
Revenant = Mojo
I was going to put my old avatar up, but it was late and I got lazy.
You really do seem hellbent on I773D33MABL3 using multiple accounts. What's this, the third or fourth time you've accused him of it?
MemberRatchet525 said:
I have the urge to say something that involves your mom but im not gunna say anything..
Is that because you're not old enough to understand what most “your mother” jokes mean?
But please, go and say it.
I'm sure you're scathing wit will leave 1773 in tears.