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MemberHAHA, I like how you automatically think thats directed to you, just shows how insecure you are. BTW just wondering, did you cry when Nick deleted you, cus according to the messege you sent him afterwards you seemed pretty upset
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
No, the PS Vita looks to be way better than any of the competition
Is that why the 3DS has outsold the Vita 6.5 to 1 :O
Sony cant ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** with pokemon lol
MemberLMFAO, my monthly visit to see whats up with APT was pretty entertaining.
Why the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** are people mad at Finch, he won so STFU…….. and why would anyone get mad at the host for having a life. It was New Years Eve, do you really expect someone to check your fken scores at midnight on New Years Eve???
Congrats Finch, a 2 point win is pretty epic 😀
MemberSomeone need a tampon?
Lulz JK, MW3 is gonna be sick and BF3 is gay, thats all I have to say about this topic.
MemberIf you really dont want to do hardcore, heres a link that shows you how to breeze through the game on hardcore in just a little over 2 hrs.
I did it and its legit, took me like 2 and a half hours doing it step by step.
MemberFIFA 12, working on UT, got a 4 star team right now.
MemberDoc-B said:
I —
The food trophies can be done by buying all the food from the dude in the halls of Camp MCcarren(?), wait three days, but it all again, repeat untill you have loads then get to some water… Drown and munch all your food… (Thanks to whoever told me that from the site… Can't remember who, but this wasn't my find
For stimpaks… The medical centre beside Crimson caravans has 7-12 stimpaks every 2-3 days… Drown, heal…
Everything else is pretty much straight forward, although I've not found many terminals for hacking, so be vigilant!!
I believe that was me
MemberTheres 4 branching endings, just save right after you get the chip back at the tops casino, so that you can just reload that save after you complete one of the endings.
MemberNa your companion damage doesnt count for the trophie. I got the trophies by stacking up on a weapon type, saving on the strip, switching to very easy, and just kill everything.
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
I was hoping for something along the lines of Burnout: Paradise. I don't want to have to practice tracks until my thumbs bleed. I won't have the time
Haha, yea its like burnout but without the freeroam, takedowns, or fun
Memberemdeepee said:
Post edited 3:20 pm – 09/05/2011 by emdeepee
I773D33MABL3 said:
My housemate bought a second-hand PS3 and this came with it. I don't want to have another low % on my trophy list so I was wondering if anyone here has played it and if so is the plat still doable?
There are way too many AAA titles being released over the next while so I don't want to start into something that's going to take ages or is dead online. There don't seem to be too many multiplayer trophies but can I play it with one or two friends or do I have to try and get a public room with X amount of players?
If I remember rightly Gashead managed to plat it fairly quickly. Maybe a week to seven days
Obviously the online was a lot busier back then, but its certainly doable.
Haha, a week is seven days dude
MemberYea but Gashead is amazing at racing games and FIFA, I guess thats what happens when your not allowed to play M rated games lol
, I thought it was hard as shit, but Im not the best at racing games and didnt really find it fun, especially the time trials
MemberHes 15……… and Arabian or some sh!t.
MemberHmm………… well you could ask the admin……… oh wait………
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
Apology accepted
I still think youre sh!t at gaming