Forum Replies Created
Memberemdeepee said:
Okay so slightly off topic but I brought this to scotty's attention and thought I'd share it here. Basically I'm on holiday in Florida and asked 243 for some advice as to the best shopping mall to visit which turned out to be 'The Florida Mall'. Anyways I thought I'd check out a GameStop having heard so much about them (mostly negative) from 243. Here is a basic breakdown of the conversation:
gamestop employee: hello there sir, how may I help today?
emdeepee: oh I'm okay thanks just having a look around…………..actually you know what can you tell me if you have a customer who goes by the username scotty243?
gamestop employee: yes sir, however Mr A (name withheld for legal reasons) is currently banned until he turns 18!!
emdeepee: really? May I ask why?
GameStop employee: well because he's an elitist, miserable cunt!!
emdeepee: WOAH WOAH WOAH there pal. There really isn't any need for that kind of language okay, grumpy is a much more appropriate term!!
Anyways back on topic:
Black Eyed Peas – Karma
Before Fergie and before they went Hip-Pop
You mean when they were actually good?
The Cinematic Orchestra – To Build A Home (ft. Patrick Watson)
Membergr8jrfan said:
Let me make this clear: If The Witcher 2 were on PS3, I'd be all over that shit. I saw a review of it once and it looks fcuking awesome. The same goes for Kingdom Hearts as well, just gotta wait a bit more for that collection. I've been meaning to do Demon's Souls but it's a pretty large time investment and I'd like to finish some smaller stuff first. I'll stand by what I said about Skyrim. It's still the best RPG I've played, but sadly, I was trying to get a reaction out of scotty and his was pretty disapointing.
If you wanted to have a discussion about Skyrim, you could've just asked, not by putting some arrogant and naive comment without actually thoroughly researching as to why some people don't find Skyrim appealing or just don't like it. Also, I don't put up comments for your enjoyment; I'm not going out of my way to put something up for shits and giggles with no real argument. For instance when I stated my opinion as to why Man of Steel was reviewed correctly, you didn't have much of a say other than, “They're just nitpicks, really,” which is invalid as nitpicks is to “be overly critical”, which in no way, shape, or form were the problems presented in the film were nitpicks – it was just poor film making.
As for my “reaction” to your comment, it's an inside joke I decided to put up for my own reasons. Maybe if you didn't rely so much on improbable comments yourself, you'd get a much more reasonable discussion out of me, which you seem to be completely ignorant to.
Membergr8jrfan said:
It's hands down the best RPG I've ever played.
It's better than sex.
MemberSo moist for this. I was hoping a replica anal probe would be included, but oh well. Had to take out my life insurance policy on this one
MemberBorderlands 2 – How you like me now?
Much, much better.
MemberJay Z ft. Rick Ross – ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** With Me You Know I Got It
***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** with my donut you know I got it
Fat ass foods you know I'm bout it
Think that's the only good song of the album. Holy Grail was alright due to Justin's parts, I thought Jay Z actually demoted the song, to be honest…
Memberemdeepee said:
So some guy called 'Warfighter' has just hit level 100 and even done it legit according to
Man,'s leaderboards are so broken, it's not even funny. Sly doesn't even care at this point anymore – he claims his cheating system will “do it”. My ass…
MemberWith the final season of Dexter already upon us, I've been mostly underwhelmed with it. There's no real significant plot points that make this feel like the final season season other than the Dexter/Deb story that's being played over from the last season. Dr. Vogel, while sort of interesting, has honestly felt like filler. It would've been nice if there would've a reveal of Dexter's real father or something in that nature, or perhaps an unexpected death, but sadly we've gotten another Season 3. Hopefully there's something to change the stakes in the next episode or so, since this'll end up being one of the biggest disappointments yet.
Ray Donovan is a show that's been quite a surprise. I don't want to say too much on it, but it's something I'm definitely going to keep following.
Currently waiting for Masters of Sex on Showtime, which should be something great to watch, and it's not a porno.
Breaking Bad!! 9 days left!!!
MemberThe National – Demons
One of my favorite songs and I just felt like promoting the band/song if I haven't already.
MemberBeen in New York for the last month, so I brought the Playstation with me to keep me occupied in case of boredom.
The last few days have been indulged in finishing the “expansion packs” for Battlefield 3, with Close Quarters being some of the most fun I've had with multiplayer since 1943's 100%. The trophies have been fairly easy and straightforward, aside from Back to Karkand's mind boggling assignments. Going to try and finish up Armored Kill and Endgame tomorrow, with Aftermath finished up afterwards.
Got through the majority of Alice: Madness Returns, which had been very enjoyable throughout, even collectible hunting as well. The world, characters, themes, symbolism, and metaphors are all immensely intriguing with Alice being soley worth the price I paid. Even the first game, American McGee's Alice was pretty good throughout with it being slightly dull towards the end. Should have the game finished by sometime next week with the plat/100% closing in the very next weekend.
MemberApocalypse Now – With the amount of critical acclaim this film has received, I expected this to blow my balls away, instead, I feel rather disappointed with it. With Spec Ops: The Line deriving from this film in a lot of ways, with the development team actually quoting this as an inspiration, I expected quite a lot of moral themes to be questionable upon the viewer(s), etc. Essentially, the film is Max Payne 3 with the shitty monologue about how Capt. Willard despises normal life, is sort-of depressed, and wants back into the “game” including your friendly cold one, alongside him.
I thought the first two acts of the film were actually really well crafted, building towards what would potentially be an incredible mind-blowing ending that would make the viewer reflect on what was presented in front of them, however, throughout the entire third act, the only thing I thought of was, “The ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE***.” I thought the second act started to drift off a little bit, plot-wise, with nothing really happening, just a death or two here and there which weren't even slightly emotional or memorable.
And lets get to this third act, which was absolute shit. What the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** happened? Kurtz is exactly what the generals assumed he was, an insane lunatic trying to wage the Vietnam war as if he was a god. This last act, when Willard encounters Kurtz and his “heart of darkness”, made me question as to why the ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** I would waste 189 minutes of my life on this shit. Aside from the crisp clear HD version and vivid sound quality this film presents, this third acts eradicates whatever decent feelings I had towards this entire film.
Managed to watch about 30 or 40 other films this month, but the list is mostly long and forgettable, including titles such as Premium Rush and Total Recall, which were suprisingly entertaining and others such as Paranormal Activity 3 & 4 which were even viewed due to wanting something in the background whilst I complete assignments for my virtual courses.
Member#42 Vanquish
Difficulty: 10/10
Enjoyment: 8/10
Challenge six. Challenge. Six. Holy hell, was challenge six the pinnacle of excrutiation. But you know what? I loved every minute of this game. It's adrenaline-inducing, unforgiving, and overwhelming. There's not a moment of this game where you feel bored or it gets repetitive since you're always on your toes. I'm willing to give Metal Gear RISING: Revengeance another chance if it's anything like this game.
Membergr8jrfan said:
Other than that, it's still just nitpicking.
Member- The Lone Ranger
- X-Men: Days of Future Past
First Class is undeniably one of my favorite, if not my very favorite, superhero movies to have been released so with Days of Future Past getting an actual release date, I couldn't be happier