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MemberAlright so I beat Modern Warfare 3 about an hour ago and I must say (not a fan boy or anything) that Battlefield 3 is better. I only played campaign of both on hardest difficulty and couldn't play online for them. Battefield's actual storyline of being interogatted is terrible but if they took that out it would have been better, so taking the interrogation part out of the story I'd say it was more engaging than Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 3's story was kind of boring and never really got my blood pumping unless going for a trophy (and the beginning for the mission 'Blood Brothers'). (I think) Battlefield 3 is worth the full $60 price tag because (even though I haven't played online) its way better online (especially when playing on PC), story more engaging, and (I heard and saw) the co-op missions looks better. I think that Modern Warfare 3 was just a patch for Modern Warfare 2 (which was a fantastic game). (I think) This is Sledgehammers first game they've developed (alongside infinity ward) and it's a nice try and entry to the series but not what was expected.
MemberNow on the last mission of Modern Warfare 3 and it's a good game but not the best and definitely not GOTY material. Probably won't try multiplayer but who knows, depends on how long it'll take me to beat last mission. Might buy this game either for the holidays or when it gets cheaper.
MemberRented Modern Warfare 3 today and it's pretty fun. I think the story is hard to follow and its not because I'm dumb or anything but you're just jumping around way too much and nothing is ever life threatening. I like the feel of the controls on this but guns sound way too different than the previous Modern Warfare. Gameplay is fun. I'm playing the campaign on veteran and already on the 12th mission out of the 18. I tried survival spec ops and it's alright. I'll try multiplayer tomorrow probably since I'll have this around for a while.
MemberAlright so I've finally found some honorable mentions to give out and most surprising game I've played this year.
Honorable mentions (note that these games are not contenders but games that were good and surprising):
Resistance 3 ( a game that truly is the best storyline for an FPS that was overlooked. Shame.)
Homefront (another game that was overlooked and (i thought) was better than I thought for a low budgeted game)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (had not played the first but this game was at the time the most fun I've had playing a game but not one of the best sadly)
Most surprising game I've played this year (don't know when it came out) was Megamind. This game is not bad nor that good and worth the money. I wasn't not a pain to play through this game either and is not bad for a kids movie game. Btw platinum it in 4 hrs.
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
@ jenkem_addict88
Thanks for the info on the bank card. My mom said she's probably going to take me and set up an account. Now I can finish getting the platinum on some of the games I've played.
Anyways been playing some Uncharted 3 online and single-player and racking up trophies (beat the game twice (second time was for the fun of it)). Now I'm playing Uncharted 3 on crushing and so far it's really easy compared to Hard. Had to take SKYRIM back yesterday but might get it on gamefly. I'm also played a little Portal and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on PC. Portal is fun and a little challenging while BF:BC2 is straight up boring. Haven't beaten COD4 yet because for some reason my save deleted and had to go back on Act 1 of the game all over again.
no worries. gamefly has made me whore some super bad games tho lol.
anyways…been playing hella skyrim still, but im going to try to get that damn LA noire plat here too…figure taking small breaks from skyrim sessions isnt that big of a deal, seeing as how its gonna keep me busy all winter getting that plat lol. lvl 50 ad having 100000 coins in your possesion might take a while
Sorry for being off topic (and asking too many questions) but will gamefly accept debit cards? I looked on their website but all it said was credit card.
MemberI played a little Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC) last night and I enjoyed myself unlike the first time. I think I might borrow L.A. Noire from a friend, but otherwise I put most of my games on hold until the end of the week.
MemberDoc-B said:
So the third patch went live on the 9th i believe… With another healthy selection of fixes……..nd-details
A whole host of things I'm sure could've helped… Even though i never found the game that challenging at any point… Might go back and hit Lvl 60 though… And the improved loot would've, i'm sure, saved a lot of pointless searching for rare weapons
So if anyone, Tommy, still has this and wants to start a new game at Lvl 50 give me a shout…
I'm also glad to mention that that DLC has finally been dated… It'll be available everywhere by the 23rd of November……..ena-dated/
It has been a while though
Anyone even still playing this or planning to play the DLC??
I might pick this game up when it hits $30 or $40, but otherwise don't think I'll be playing it for a while.
MemberAssassin's Creed might be good but not looking forward to it all that much as I feel Assassin's Creed 1 was the best of the series.
Biggest dissapointment: Killzone 3
Skyrim is good but not my contender for GOTY. Haven't played Batman: AC yet but heard its worth the price tag.
MemberKavinsky- Nightcall
Member@ jenkem_addict88
Thanks for the info on the bank card. My mom said she's probably going to take me and set up an account. Now I can finish getting the platinum on some of the games I've played.
Anyways been playing some Uncharted 3 online and single-player and racking up trophies (beat the game twice (second time was for the fun of it)). Now I'm playing Uncharted 3 on crushing and so far it's really easy compared to Hard. Had to take SKYRIM back yesterday but might get it on gamefly. I'm also played a little Portal and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 on PC. Portal is fun and a little challenging while BF:BC2 is straight up boring. Haven't beaten COD4 yet because for some reason my save deleted and had to go back on Act 1 of the game all over again.
Memberjust got some new games for my PC.
Warcraft III (and Frozen Throne expansion)
The Witcher (enhanced edition)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Far Cry 2
Dead Space 2
For my PS3 the only new game I got is Uncharted 3
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
jenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
I rented Skyrim earlier today. I played it but it was not what I expected. It's a good game but I thought it would have a better narrative or something like that. In my opinion its fun to explore and level up and do quests but was hoping for the story to be refreshing or something (or maybe its me because I haven't been paying attention). But overall I'm going to end up buying it when it drops to $40. Kind of disappointed.
Uh, were you not looking at your TV or something? Skyrim melts face. Period.
Try reading all the awesome books you find with all the information. Im not going to judge the story yet though. Ive been playing for nearly 15 hours and still HAVENT EVEN CHOSEN MY CLASS (not race). So im gonna assume that things even havent really unfolded yet at all. So ill get back to you story.
Should have figured that was going to be a bad rent…i would feel really unfufilled and disapointed if i only had 5 days with my baby
Kill a couple of dragons and get back to me. I have some Skyrim to play lol
I take back what I said about SKYRIM. I must have been tired or something last night when I played it. I popped it back in this morning and started playing again and WOW. I killed one of the dragons and that was really EPIC. To me this is Uncharted 3 level for me. I'm going to pick this game up next month because the holidays are coming. The stories is getting good but it's really straightforward. This game is probably something I'll invest my time in to playing when I buy it. Oh and I only got a day for SKYRIM because I was using my moms credit card at a local redbox and she doesn't want it to keep adding up. Moms always running the EPICNESS
lol you should just get gamefly. ive suggested it to a few people and im not sure if anyone has heeded my advice or not. 2+ years as a memeber and i dont see me self canceling their service asytime soon.
im glad you killed a dragon, that shit is epic.
Do they accept anything besides credit cards? Because my mom doesn't want me using hers.
Anyways SKYRIM is EPIC right where UC3 is and Deus Ex. Story is really straightforward though. Oh and I stole a horse and SPOILERS met the greybeards. Then when I went back to the town where I stole the horse I was put in Jail and escaped. Now I have no friends, no weapons, no armor, and no way to get anywhere without guards chasing me. Epic though that I escaped and was using fire. Won't finish till I buy it though or gamefly.
Hop on a little UC3 today and last night with a few pals. Probably the most fun I've had online (not including GTA IV).
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
jenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
I rented Skyrim earlier today. I played it but it was not what I expected. It's a good game but I thought it would have a better narrative or something like that. In my opinion its fun to explore and level up and do quests but was hoping for the story to be refreshing or something (or maybe its me because I haven't been paying attention). But overall I'm going to end up buying it when it drops to $40. Kind of disappointed.
Uh, were you not looking at your TV or something? Skyrim melts face. Period.
Try reading all the awesome books you find with all the information. Im not going to judge the story yet though. Ive been playing for nearly 15 hours and still HAVENT EVEN CHOSEN MY CLASS (not race). So im gonna assume that things even havent really unfolded yet at all. So ill get back to you story.
Should have figured that was going to be a bad rent…i would feel really unfufilled and disapointed if i only had 5 days with my baby
Kill a couple of dragons and get back to me. I have some Skyrim to play lol
I take back what I said about SKYRIM. I must have been tired or something last night when I played it. I popped it back in this morning and started playing again and WOW. I killed one of the dragons and that was really EPIC. To me this is Uncharted 3 level for me. I'm going to pick this game up next month because the holidays are coming. The stories is getting good but it's really straightforward. This game is probably something I'll invest my time in to playing when I buy it. Oh and I only got a day for SKYRIM because I was using my moms credit card at a local redbox and she doesn't want it to keep adding up. Moms always running the EPICNESS
lol you should just get gamefly. ive suggested it to a few people and im not sure if anyone has heeded my advice or not. 2+ years as a memeber and i dont see me self canceling their service asytime soon.
im glad you killed a dragon, that shit is epic.
Do they accept anything besides credit cards? Because my mom doesn't want me using hers.
Anyways SKYRIM is EPIC right where UC3 is and Deus Ex. Story is really straightforward though. Oh and I stole a horse and SPOILERS met the greybeards. Then when I went back to the town where I stole the horse I was put in Jail and escaped. Now I have no friends, no weapons, no armor, and no way to get anywhere without guards chasing me. Epic though that I escaped and was using fire. Won't finish till I buy it though or gamefly.
Hop on a little UC3 today and last night with a few pals. Probably the most fun I've had online (not including GTA IV).
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
scotty243 said:
I rented Skyrim earlier today. I played it but it was not what I expected. It's a good game but I thought it would have a better narrative or something like that. In my opinion its fun to explore and level up and do quests but was hoping for the story to be refreshing or something (or maybe its me because I haven't been paying attention). But overall I'm going to end up buying it when it drops to $40. Kind of disappointed.
Uh, were you not looking at your TV or something? Skyrim melts face. Period.
Try reading all the awesome books you find with all the information. Im not going to judge the story yet though. Ive been playing for nearly 15 hours and still HAVENT EVEN CHOSEN MY CLASS (not race). So im gonna assume that things even havent really unfolded yet at all. So ill get back to you story.
Should have figured that was going to be a bad rent…i would feel really unfufilled and disapointed if i only had 5 days with my baby
Kill a couple of dragons and get back to me. I have some Skyrim to play lol
I take back what I said about SKYRIM. I must have been tired or something last night when I played it. I popped it back in this morning and started playing again and WOW. I killed one of the dragons and that was really EPIC. To me this is Uncharted 3 level for me. I'm going to pick this game up next month because the holidays are coming. The stories is getting good but it's really straightforward. This game is probably something I'll invest my time in to playing when I buy it. Oh and I only got a day for SKYRIM because I was using my moms credit card at a local redbox and she doesn't want it to keep adding up. Moms always running the EPICNESS
MemberI rented Skyrim earlier today. I played it but it was not what I expected. It's a good game but I thought it would have a better narrative or something like that. In my opinion its fun to explore and level up and do quests but was hoping for the story to be refreshing or something (or maybe its me because I haven't been paying attention). But overall I'm going to end up buying it when it drops to $40. Kind of disappointed.