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MemberCurrently playing COD4 (PC) for my first time and its really good. Tried playing DCUO (PS3) but it said too many people were online and signing in and I couldn't play
. Quick Question for people who played RAGE: do you think its worth the $60 price tag if I buy it or my time trying to download it?
MemberNot really playing this week due to HW assignments and exams. But this weekend is going to be relaxing. Might rent MW3, complete my second playthrough of Uncharted 3, and play some DCUO.
MemberRight now going back between my second playthrough of Uncharted 3 and DCUO. Even though I don't have the premium membership to get trophies for DCUO I think I'm going to be playing it for sometime even though it took up 18 gigs.
MemberOMFG I just beat Uncharted 3 and I must say its the definition of a MASTERPIECE. This truly is my choice for GOTY and also if not the best game I've played one of the best. Naughty Dog deserves a long vacation from working on this masterpiece.
But anyways I'm playing Goldeneye Reloaded and its fun but nothing spectacular. Might rent MW3 next weekend if they still have copies.
Memberserbswag said:
mw2, and for the record i got black ops lol
No offense man but WTH? Why would someone care if you got Black Ops?
MemberI couldn't wait till friday so I opened up Uncharted 3 and pop that baby in! WOW what a rush! This game is fantastic. I played 2 hours of it both campaign and online and so far it tops Uncharted 2. What I like Uncharted 3 is the combat is more fun and the puzzles more challenging. Online was better than ever too! I'm on Ch. 6 on Hard and it's HARD. If anyone wants to play online with me on UC3 just add me. Oh and does anyones Starhawk beta key work or does it have to be used at a certain time?
MemberCan't wait until tomorrow when I pick up Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. But the thing is I'm not going to play until friday because I do not have to do any homework or projects and I can just sit back, eat nachos, and drink some powerade.
MemberDid you guys here the rumor? The game might be downloadable only. I think this is a cool idea but also what about the people who do not have an online connection or takes to long for them to download.
Membergr8jrfan said:
jenkem_addict88 said:
gr8jrfan said:
scotty243 said:
I don’t know if GTA has done this before (only played GTA san andreas and GTAIV) but they should do like an undercover cop story with choices. Like how Splinter Cell: Double Agent was, they should take that formula but make it their own. I thought that would be cool.
Little game that got cancelled did that. I believe it was True Crime: Hong Kong or something. I’m not sure which way I want them to take the series, like IV or SA? Either were epic in their own right but I think I’d rather see IV more. Spectacular storytelling, epic missions, and just a better
(but not so much funner) game. Make the story like IV but with an undercover cop, MP like SA, and co op that isn’t lame and you have a delicious package of GTA goodness. Make it happen, Rockstar.
isnt the point of a game having fun?
Thing is (and I hate myself for this) I’m a trophy collector, and I don’t just play for fun anymore. I want the best all around game because the list is going to compel me to see everything from the game. So if that means I get an awesome story and more polish to sacrifice a little of the fun, I’m OK with that. And on the SR Vs. GTA argument, I’m going to go out and say that SR3 is going to be more fun than GTA but the story’s going to be lacking. So if GTA puts out the better story with enough GTA craziness included, it’ll be the better game in my eyes.
I'm a trophy hunter myself too and hopefully GTA V has no online trophies for me to get. For me when I play a game I play first the campaign, then trophies, and maybe online. I just usually talk to people online and never really play with them for some reason.
Memberi'm hoping back and forth between F.3.A.R. and metro 2033. I never got my two free games and playstation plus from the playstation store since i was offline for the whole summer
. Picking up Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception on wednesday
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
scotty243 said:
Kind of late but I just beat Splinter Cell: Conviction for my PC. One word: AWESOME. This game is definitely top 10 for me. It pretty much redefined the whole stealth genre, had innovative game, and great story (which is only 5 hours). This game is pretty much what I want when I play straight up Action games.
Sorry but splinter cell conviction doesnt redefine the stealth genre, it ruins it. They literally made splinter cell an action game.
Yeah but the way they took stealth genre and made it their own was nice. Stealth in Conviction wasn't just waiting for someone to walk by and you kill them, you were the predator and they were the prey in Conviction. But anyways playing F.3.A.R. on PC. Really good.
MemberJust saw Drive and WOW. This film is the definitive of Masterpiece. I have been dying to see this film and we I just did, I was blown away. The dialogue was execellent, characters are extremely likeable and dislikeable, and violence is the definitive of Violence. Top 5 for me. Might even be my new favorite film.
MemberKind of late but I just beat Splinter Cell: Conviction for my PC. One word: AWESOME. This game is definitely top 10 for me. It pretty much redefined the whole stealth genre, had innovative game, and great story (which is only 5 hours). This game is pretty much what I want when I play straight up Action games.
MemberIf any one wants to be kind enough on APT I'll happily accepted inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood.
MemberYeah it tookme longer since playing on hard but on easy when i went back to pick up the rest of the campaign trophies took me like 15-20 for each level on easy. There is only 11 missions in the game. But between the battle of modern warfare 3 and battlefield 3 both are equal. I think MW3 will have more of an engaging campaign while BF3 (i heard) online is more fun and unexpected. I think that online passes are cool but they shouldn't take out MP. They should do what homefront did. You can only lvl. up to 10 and get few game modes.