Forum Replies Created
Membermines is formula 1 and moto gp.
Memberi just got it now
Memberhow can you be surprised or disapointed about the ending insonmiac said this will be there last r&c so what other ending did you expect.
Memberwell if it could be any car i would love to drive the ferrari f1 car but if it has to be a road car then the enzo.
Memberyeah i got it
Memberha ha by trying to make fun of people on this site you made yourself look like an idiot.
Memberthis isnt really about ea or microsoft its about valve and they have made it clear they do not want to make games for the ps3 so this is prob not going to happen
Membersorry i should prop have said this wasnt from sony it was from an insurance company.
Memberi bought extended warranty so because they dont make the 60 gig anymore i got that instead. although i was serprised with the amount cos it was more than enough for a new ps3 the only thing that i can think of it was incase i wanted to buy a ps2 aswell.
Memberwell as i said this happened to me but i just got some good news i got £350 to spend in game and that got me 250 gig slim with uncharted 2 fifa 10 brutal legands and tekken 6 preorderd but i do miss my 60 gig one now i cant play my ps2 games.
Memberi feel your pain man my ps3 got it last month but i bought insurance with mine but then three days after getting it back it happened again i was then told they couldnt fix it. i would give sony a call see if they can do anything.
Memberwhy are yous arguing over which game will be better wait till you have played both of them before you decide no one knows how good any of them will be.
Memberi know the patent doesnt really make sense but i guess they just did it so that it was one thing that their console can do that the ps3 cant
Memberfrom what i understand microsoft has the patent to play your own music on a game and for you to be able to play it on the ps3 the develepers have to make it an option on the game.
Memberim up for it i have cod 5 killzone 2 socom and warhwak