The General
Forum Replies Created
The General
MemberHmm…. I do have 14 games I haven't started yet and a few others I've yet to finish the Plat on, so I could line them up… but it might be better if I give someone else a chance at it this time.
Would it be the same rules as last time? Also, there are plenty of cheaters running rampant on here now, you'd have to pay extra attention to the details unfortunately…
Defend the title or give someone a free pass??? Stay tuned for “The Decision 2010 Pt.2”. REAL SPORTS fans know what I'm talking about lol…
The General
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Hannah Montana is a highly prestigious platinum, and anyone that sees it drops their jaw in awe.
I also heard Warhawk takes about 30 Minutes.
on topic: Get Bioshock. Nuff said
The General
MemberMan, I've noticed there's a lot of hostility towards Tattoo on several threads… Did I miss something???
The General
Member@Pobert – Thanks man. It was #42 (should've been 43… stupid mercs 2) It was also #20 this year. Definitely ahead of the pace for my goal of 50 total by the end of the year lol…
shit, I forgot to add you. I'm gonna add you next time I go on if thats cool
The General
Estimated Time: 15+ hours
Platinum Difficulty: 5/10
Playthroughs Required: 1
Difficulty Trophies: Yes
Online Trophies: No
Most Challenging Trophy: I Chose The Impossible
This game is amazing. I can't believe I put it off for this long. WOW. Playing on Survivor really wasn't all that challenging, but the Big Daddies are a pain in the ass. The last boss was surprisingly easy, as I did it 1st try, compared with some of the BD's taking a good 6-7 tries sometimes. If you haven't tried this game yet, go and get it. It's cheap ($$) and it actually has replay value and you'll feel good about getting the Platinum, because it does offer a challenge.
As always, 100% legit
The General
Memberscottwiz5775 said:
everone that talks about darkassassin so what this is why i spend most of time plating game instead of trying to nuke people on mw2 because u all are mean people. im not, i repect most of the other players i play against thats why im not a pro noob tubers ( the guys that noob tube half the fleld) when i noob it's like guys who are like 10 feet away and i don't use the same gun ever match can u guys change it up and actally get some really skills. means stop using the same 2 guns, DAMN UMPS AND SCARS EVERYWHERE. that u just want to be like everone else. and getting back to the mean part you guys are so compete the online is about it being fun not coming to lobby and going ” f you no f you im better then all u n=black people” i mean wow, it showing how ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** up your lives are. ooo and listen to this that is why i think 360 players arew better because they care about being good not good in a noob way.
next plat is today or tomorrow moring= mini ninjas and next is dante's inferno or planet 51 or batman:AA
I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say here. Comparing noob tubers with trophy cheaters?
@monkey: hell ya, now every pansy can go out, use the hack, and talk big about getting a hard ass Plat
@finchy, i mean, scottish….: exactly, if you do it legit, you'll feel awesome about getting it. Did Steve-O get it legit? I looked over his times, and shit doesn't match up….(getting the difficulty trophies before beating some of the levels and getting those trophies???)
The General
MemberHonestly, whoever has unlocked the platinum for COD:C in the past month or so, is going to come under suspicion. We should start a thread for known cheaters. It worked for the trophy guides…
The General
MemberRatchet525 said:
Is there anyone still willing to help a guy out that doesn't have this trophy
When you get some ppl together, if I'm not playing something else, let me know, I'll help out
The General
MemberOn the cover for the Sly Collection, it says “Classics HD”. Looks like an entire lineup soon. Hopefully they re-up the GTA, MGS & Twisted Metal series' with trophies. That would be SWEET.
The General
MemberWassup man. MGS4 is the shit. It needs a trophy patch. Like NOW.
The General
Estimated Time: Under 12 hours
Platinum Difficulty: 4/10
Playthroughs Required: 2 (you have to beat it once to unlock very hard)
Difficulty Trophies: Yes, several
Online Trophies: No
Most Difficult Trophy: Better Than Developers (about 15 tries to beat the last level on very hard without any deaths)
Picked it up when it was half price back around Christmas. Only real reason I got it was because it had a Platinum, but I really enjoyed it once I got to it. It felt like LBP a little bit, being a side-scroller, with multiple levels (heights), and a pretty good little combat style. There are 3 different characters you can use, and its fun to have to jump between the 3 during almost every level. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who likes side-scrollers or combat style games. Good fun to be had here. 8/10 overall
The General
MemberI don't really have a problem with difficulty trophies being added. I hate the excessive requirements for some online trophies most games have or are getting (that 1 in modnation really has me not wanting to get it).
Regarding changes for the new one, I don't think they really need to change much. I wasn't going to buy Fallout 3, but it came free with LBP when I bought it, and I really enjoyed it. It did have some glitches, but considering how big the game was, there weren't very many (note- I didn't play the GOTY version… that one is reportedly FILLED with glitches).
The General
MemberllllxxGOWxxllll said:
Hi Rachet check out my GOW3 Guide should help u wit para spaces your guide is good no doubt but it looks messed up dont get me wrong thnx.
It may look a little messy, but at least he actually made his…
BTW. Where was this guide. I remember posting to it when you 1st made it Rat, but I couldn't find it when I was playing through it again. Cory told me it wasn't in the guides section for some reason?
The General
MemberDoc-B said:
The General said:
Honestly, the trailer killed all interest I had in the game.
You'll get it just for the Plat.
HAHA. I doubt it, but if either of my brothers get it, I may borrow it when they are done, but its not the type of game I buy. All my shorter plats were either borrowed or rented games. I only buy games I know I'm gonna sink at least 40 hours into. I wanna get as close to $1 an hour outta them as I can…
The General
MemberThat video wasn't even where the wreck happened lol, that was before the slippery slope. The real wreck happened when they pulled out the bow. The aimer was going around & around in circles… just going ape shit. You have to find and watch that video.
Poor Nintendo. You can tell they aren't targeting Gamers anymore. It's like they don't even TRY anymore. They know the kiddies & the grandma's will snatch shit up regardless, so what's the point…
I honestly gotta hand it to the younger dudes on this site for actually playing a big boy system. Kudos.