Forum Replies Created
MemberI havent downloaded the demo yet but I am definatly going to check it out. And another good think abiut this is that there is exclusive DLC on PS3 🙂
MemberGr8 i would be down to play the co op with you. And if you are thinking of platinuming this game then good luck to you. The 10000 kills was hard enough when the game was popular. But i could definatly help you with the co op trophies.
MemberRKF95 said:
Is any1 feeling like casual mode is still really hard
haha no not at all. I have to redo all the stuff that I did in the single player because my memory got erased, but i have been finding everything extremely easy. And I have even tried to turn the difficulty up but it wouldnt let me, or im just stupid
MemberYa if anyone wants to do a download for download with me too, just add me. My PSN name is TomTom555.
MemberGashead-64 said:
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Gashead-64 said:
This topic is in the singular not plural.
hahahaha LOLWUT,
no seriously tho, every1 in doing 3 or 5, when the topic is singular
Actually if you were to read the very first post in the topic, Dark Assassin asked what are your top 3 favortie PSN exclusive games/series.
MemberDoc-B said:
Has anyone seen Inception yet? The trailer looks sweet and what i've heard is all good…
Watched – Lair Of The White Worm (1988) Gotta love that old sh!t, lol…
Oh my, Inception was absolutely brilliant. It was definatly the best movie that I have seen in a while.
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
gr8jrfan said:
I773D33MABL3 said:
I’m actually pretty happy with that. I had decided I wasn’t going to bother with the online trophies but this patch will make me go back.
You still need a couple of hundred downloads and races but it makes it achievable. There are too many games on the market to expect people to dedicate themselves to one for months.
Yeah, I agree. They think they make the best games but most people only dedicate to cod. When they patch the lag il buy this game!
There is no lag to begin with.
Well if you are trying to type a message to someone while playing this game there is a lot of lag on that. Other than that and the loading screens its an excellent game.
Memberyo Zantos hook me up with a friend request cuz i need more people to download my stuff. My PSN is tomtom555
MemberYa Cory was telling me that they are adding an easy mode for the campaign, and i think thats
extremely dumb that they are doing that. I mean some of the SP trophies are hard to get but nothing impossibe. I had every single SP trophy in that game except the one where you have to beat all the challenges. But I have to redo every single race on SP to get that trophy because all of my memory got erased.
But I feel that the patch on the create xp thing was a great idea
MemberWithin the last week I just got 3 platinums so I guess I will just do all of them.
Skate 3:
- Difficulty: 3/10
- Estimated time: About 10-15 hours for all of the single player stuff, and some of the multiplayer stuff dont take long just you have to set them up.
- Playthroughs: . 1
- Online trophies: Yes.
- Difficult trophies: The only difficult trophy to get is the trophy were you have to get a 6 player team freeskate.
Burnout Paradise:
- Difficulty: 2/10
- Estimated time: Maybe about 20 hours for everything
- Playthroughs: 1.
- Online trophies: Yes.
- Difficult trophies: I guess the only hard trophy to get is to find every single event around Paradise
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Difficulty: 3/10
- Estimated time: Around 25 hours
- Playthroughs: 2. One to get all of the intel and then one to beat it on veteran. And then you have to play through spec ops.
- Online trophies: I dont think so.
- Difficult trophies: I really didnt find any of the trophies to be difficult, but everyone one thinks that doing all of the spec ops mission on veteran are hard but i really didnt have any trouble with it.
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
about how many hours is it going to take to plat this? i just started it and was curious
I got this platinum in 2 days of non-constant playing.
MemberEinstein by Tech N9ne. I love Tech N9ne so much,definatly best rapper.
MemberYa RKF i just sent you a message on the PS3, i already got a couple people willing to do this but the more the merrier. lol