#1 Site For Playstation 3 Trophy Lists And Guides With An Awesome Community!
i know this has anything to do with this forum but does any1 why my avatar for this site is not working
i have plenty but my fav is probaly sackboy,kratos,nathan drake or ratchet
ya the prices are high enough and i heard there is suppose the be alot of dlc and for other games there is dlc
thanks Ratchet
i say it is Ratchets father because it shows a pic of him and Ratchet
is this going 2 be a psn game?????????
i hope not because there wount be a lot of trophies
does any1 know if there is new levels coming
i love LBP
wat will be in this pack???????????
does any1 know if this is going to be free or not
theres a couple of new cars in it
does any1 know if there is a Ratchet & Clank dlc coming
i love both of those games
all those games will be unreal
def getting them
i cant wait for God Of War 3
it will be unreal