Forum Replies Created
Memberthx a lot 😛
Memberdeathwish, you can do that, but i think suspense is better because it's just one bridge (just a straigth line) and corruption isn't a straight line so you can miss it.
brain surgeon, uhm, that's what i said.. but i got it on my clan account just online (me love to snipe snipe). i said: or you can do some level like biohazard, mutator weapon replacement (all snipers) and slow motion mutator, frags to 25 or 30 (what you like best). then only aim for the head and try not to shoot if your not sure of a headshot! you don't have to host a multiplayer match you can just do insant action too
i'm never on veulen14 no more so if u want to ask me questions on ps3 you have to contact
T2D-Rap1dFir3 it's my clan account. (yay 187 ranked pure servers).
thanks for ur compliments guys
MemberMod5.0 make sure you do press x when you put impact hammers in and again x to go back to settings page (last page before starting the game) if you press O instead of the secend x it will not put in the mutator
Memberi will heart tomorrow guys.
Memberjust add me and i will heart you guys.
just friend request with message lbp allps3trophies (or just lbp is gd too)
Memberstill need help, im helping a mate atm with it. we are at level sandstorm. we won by 3 points in a ctf. i just defend and he attacks. he got killed alot and i had 3 killing spree (whats that called again, dominating???). but he got through their defence 3 times. once i scored after he died. bishop scored once. and my m8 scored once. but i love the game got it platina 😛 PS: read my guide if you still need to
MemberCoryAllen said:
i can do it with 2 accounts. make a final list and i'll add u all and heart u
i got 2 also (1 is from my brother) they're called veulen14 and veulentje, but my brother isn't going to add you (he's veulentje) but i can sneak into his account as he is on vacation untill friday or saturday
MemberBdamac said:
Veulen14 said:
Ps3 Freak said:
Veulen14 said:
cd broke, can't help no more
can i ask how it broke?
of course you can. well rui1992 added me and i picked up my cd, it fell out of my hand on the floor against te wall so it was lying pretty much like this: \   then my mate who was over at my place wanted to pick it up and kicked it accidently.. what a waste of €65,-… it really saks
again sorry to hear i love that game i dont know what i would do if mine brokeÂ
because it was an accident i don't want to say to my mate, buy me another one! but actually he did so now i have LBP again lol. pretty weird story but i can help again
MemberPs3 Freak said:
Veulen14 said:
cd broke, can't help no more
can i ask how it broke?
of course you can. well rui1992 added me and i picked up my cd, it fell out of my hand on the floor against te wall so it was lying pretty much like this: \   then my mate who was over at my place wanted to pick it up and kicked it accidently.. what a waste of €65,-… it really saks
Memberwell it sucks, i can't help you guys no more. but i barely played it, but my sister just got into it. it sucks more for her. don't want to see the look on her face when she returns from her vacation. sorry guys..
Membercd broke, can't help no more
Memberall send me a friend request with message allps3trophies and i'll do my best.. i already got it by H4H. you can make a good level but people are too lazy to heart you as an author.
Add me if you want my help
Membernice guide, but i have a question, what is this game like?
MemberRatchet525 said:
Nodanod said:
lol, well, as rubbish as it sounds, atm, i am stuck on crash bandicoot-warped, 4th boss
Its not even difficult, but i bought it 4 my psp, so i could use it when im away, and …well, my psp is very annoying, and doesnt like it when i win… thats all im sayin.. lol, i gave up after 5/6th try, but will do it sooner rather thn l8r.
“btw SW:TFU trophy patch announced
Yay!- will have another look at this game thn
lol that is rubbish. hmmm Which one is the 4th boss?
i'll tell you what. i got stuck on there on PSP and PS3. ratchet, it's the one with the flying thing. you play as coco, you must shoot his 2 rocket launchers away, his stomach hole (dunno what comes from there) and his 2 minuguns, after that he will get another ship, 4 rocket launchers and 2 plasma cannons, 2 things on the bottem if i'm right. i nearly had him, only 1 plasma cannon left nd he got me.. so frustrating
Memberi'm pretty new on this site.. and i wondered why i couldn't edit posts lol. admin, you own me with your trophies. i got 420 trophies and 3 plats