Forum Replies Created
iruleu said:
Anyone else ready for Iron Man 2?!?!
Who isn't?
I plan on skipping school to view it first day ;D
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberedge4eva32 said:
Hey W4R, I am doing the same thing right now. I am rarely on my edge4eva32 ID. I started a new ID and replaying my favorites so that I no longer have 0% or plats for really horrible games anymore. So from my experience, it has been much more fun this way replaying my favorite games and still hearing that familiar “ding” sound lol
Be sure to send me the new ID bro.
My final decision will be made Friday. Whatever the outcome I still plan on keeping W4R accessible, keeping my stats on the leaderboards. But I just probably wont be using it on a daily basis.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberActually I have been having the urge to play some platinums I had gotten around my 10 Marker. After pretty much becoming addicted to Uncharted 2, I was considering playing the whole series again. And considering I never actually platinumed the original, perhaps its not such a bad idea. Batman: Arkham Asylum still remains one of my favourite games out there, so there is always satisfaction in revisiting it, especially when knowing a sequel is on its way. In regards to other games its just a matter of what I am in the mood for. As of now I wont be getting many major releases aside from the new Skate. And with summer along the way I have plenty of time.
Im actually curious what your platinum/trophy count is 1773. Share?
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberGHOST305 said:
So Let me get this straight…Your going to delete your profile bc you cannot get anymore trophies? Why? That makes no sense to me. Why not keep your name bc its how we all know you, Your name is what defines you, not your trophies.
I can get trophies. The whole point is that Im honestly tired of the trophy race. I would much rather enjoy games for what they are rather than juice them out quickly until they are dry.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberLadies and Gentlemen – Saliva
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
She wants to touch me woah
She wants to love me woah
She'll never leave me woah, woah oh ohDon't trust a hoe
Never trust a hoe
Won't trust a hoe 'cause a hoe won't trust medont trust me – 3oh!3
I hope your not serious.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberredbren said:
W4R if you want an Uncharted clan, then message me. I would love to play U2 with a clan.
Will do man, be expecting a message asap.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberIs anyone interested in making a serious clan? As of now, our clan is H!D3, but this was never really intended as being a serious thing. At first I was actually a bit skeptical about the online, but its growing on me as did Call of Duty 4 on release. Be sure to message me if interested.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberGHOST305 said:
I only wish they had added the ability to manually move your trophy games around. I wish i could have all the games that I have platinums in together so i dont have to scroll through my games and find out which ones i need to work on.
On the bright side, when comparing trophies online, a series of games are now put together thanks to alphabetical order. I really like seeing all of my God of War platinums bunched together in a neat fashion.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberMany songs are capable of progressing without any lyrics at all.
Look at Rush's song, YYZ. An instrumental that possibly deliverers more than a song with lyrics can.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberIs Tom Hanks the new McTavish?
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberThe General said:
Disney Pixar's UP
Estimated Time: Under 4 hours
Platinum Difficulty: 1/10
Required Playthroughs: 1
Difficulty Trophies: none
Online Trophies: none
Most Challenging Trophy: none
Another quick one in the bag. Better than Cloudy. Played the entire thing co-op, had a blast doing it. This is most definitely a rental.
Whats with the whoring man? Consecutively easy plats in a row? I guess after Just Cause 2 your are forgiven. Just go platinum GTAIV now and you will be redeemed.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberI773D33MABL3 said:
Lads, what kind of conversations do you have where you get to quote this stuff?! If I was talking to one of my mates and he came out with some of the stuff I've read here I'd give him a slap
Not that I'm taking away from this thread. I mightn't quote anything but I eat, drink and sleep music and I think lyrics are the most important part of any song.
I agree, I doubt anyone here actually quotes these lyrics to their friends. And oh god if they do, I would hope its atleast a female. After reading a few of these, some might get the wrong message when seeing a man quoting these kinds of things to another.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberPersonally, Anime and Manga is the shit that made many of our childhood 90's show run to the ground. Turn on some of todays popular cartoon channels and a large percent of the shows are based around characters with strangely sharp noses long eyes. Screw that.
W4RG34R3D_SN1P3RMemberI created a chat ages ago titled “Use this chat for the rest of 2010”, a few days after New Years.
People are still using it.