Forum Replies Created
December 25, 2009 at 3:07 pm in reply to: James Cameron’s Avatar : Greatest movie of the decade . #53746
Memberedge4eva32 said:
Wow as far as the other posts are concerned. @wrath and @mojo: I have never read more immature and uncalled for posts in my life. How rude!
god , the sweet sheltered life you must have to think of my posts as the most anything. i'll leave you & your community of 'friends' to the little pink cloudy world you live in.
thats why i cant stand trophy/gaming sites , for ppl that play such violent games and revel in macho universes , you're such a ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** bunch of prudes. 'how rude' ? how bloody gay.
now i'll leave you and your tight-knit 'friends' get along with your lives. guess i'll try and find this 'thickbrow' you refer to , he seems far more interesting than you yes-men.
-answer if you feel the urge , but i wont be reading any of it.
ps. mojo , good luck with this bunch.
December 25, 2009 at 10:27 am in reply to: James Cameron’s Avatar : Greatest movie of the decade . #53734wrath
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Post edited 5:38 am – 12/25/2009 by W4RG34R3D_SN1P3R
Its obvious people cant post in peace any more , i made this thread so people can share thier feeling on the movie , not so they can bash mine . I suggest you respect them as i will respect yours , and hopefully we can put all of this behind us and maybe get along . And pointing out i spelt a word wrong where i could instantly find gramatic errors in your paragraph above isnt smart and just makes you look like the hypocrite , buts that a different story isnt it ? Im done , all i want is a peaceful discussion .
As for Mojo : Wow 3 posts and i already hate you , why would you take a picture of mine and add a p*nis to it huh ? Is that a way to mock me ? You said up above how its a forum and that not everyone agrees with you , so if your picture is what i think it is why are you so irritated in such a way to mock me ? I didnt agree with you , so what ? You decide to go on your photoshop and do that ? Real mature man . Keep it up you ll be torn to pieces on this Forum .
so opinions are fine as long as i agree with yours?how are we supposed to have a discussion or debate without contradictory opinions? also , find a gramMatic (yh i like my spelling) error , go ahead , take it to your English teacher. as for hypocrisy … dont start a forum if you cant deal with others not agreeing.
you dont want a peaceful discussion , you want everyone to see how insightful you are for seeing how great Avatar is. if you wanted a peaceful discussion you would have answered my first post sllightly differently. i'm tired of 16 year old geeks that grow balls behind a PC screen then cry when things dont go well for them. you , dear sir , are a biatch. like all snipers.
ps. no matter how annoying this guy W-S is , putting a penis on Kratos' face seems a little… well , wrong.
December 25, 2009 at 4:43 am in reply to: James Cameron’s Avatar : Greatest movie of the decade . #53721wrath
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
Wrath – Who are you to question my oppinion ? Dont awnser a question you asked for me , i can do it myself . You asked for my honest awnser and here it is , yes . The Technology of course did make the movie another top notch scale , but me watching it at home would make it no different . You think all of these critics and reviewers didnt compare and review the 3D and 2D experience? Reviews came out hot either way , so i dont see what plant youve stuck up your pipe lately .And have i seen any other movie aside from action ? What the hell ? Ive seen hundreds of movies in my time and i can name ALOT that dont contain any mere essence of action and are still Oscar worthy contenders .
Mojo :
Quote:It's written by George LucasQuote:Im sorry , but i guess James Camerons Avatar wasnt already a big enough give away , i atleast figure WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY JAMES CAMERON at the end of the film was enough . Guess not .
i ask the question not because of the 3d experience , its obvious that much wont be available at home , but because avatar is one of those films that looks great in cinemas , and you will see all the flaws of the (nonetheless decent compared to most) storyline once its out on bluray. as for reviews , stick them in my weed pipe and shove them both where the sun dont shine sweetheart. reviewers are biased and hyped-up for cameron's 'masterpiece'. (which it isnt imo.) (so if its not even cameron's best , how could it be the decade's?)
as for ur opinion , it seems a bit grand dont ya think ? 'best film of the decade' …. if u'd kept it at 'great film , must be experienced in a theater' , we'd be fine , but im sick of the end-of-year top 10s of the year , decade andfriggin' century. yours is as bull as the others. and like Mojo i felt a little overwhelmed by the good feelings that emanate from the film. ecological awareness is the theme of the day , so a beautiful film (because it is ppl , in its own way ) with that theme was clearly going to be a favorite of the bs PC reviewers.
i ask about action films , as you seem overwhelmed by the visuals of the film , whereas i'm a little wary of the amount of CG. i mean , some of that could just be actors. it feels like nothing is real , even when it is , touched up as each frame is/feels.
i just fail to see how this is cameron's best work yet.
as for who i am to question your opinion? just a guy who can spell 'opinion' …
Memberi actually didnt mean you. as you say ,you never blamed MW2.
Memberwhilst its more a follow up or somewthing than a remake i feel Hollywood shouldnt do remakes of classics. or of ANY films really.. i mean , a film like Internal Affairs was great in the asian version… why do americans have to do a remake? why do i need de niro in it? cant you watch a dubbed film? the rest of the world watches dubbed american films , so why cant you? also , very recently spanish horror movie .Rec was remade within less than a year of its launching , and its almost a frame by frame likeness.. end of rant.
ruin karate kid i will slaughter your children.
and to keep on topic , tbh jackie chan has gotten old. very very old. (hey ,ur still God for Drunken Master, jackie-o..)
December 24, 2009 at 9:05 pm in reply to: James Cameron’s Avatar : Greatest movie of the decade . #53693wrath
Memberokay lets start by saying i truly enjoyed the movie. looks incredible , good story and characters, but while it may be the best i've seen this year its not even CLOSE to the best of the decade. i mean , get over the eco-bs ppl , i dont care what james cameron thinks. want to help the planet jamie? spend the money on helping , rather than making a film you tit. (and keep ur PC global warming views to urself , im not saying humanity isnt hurting the planet)
also , i agree with parnakas – tim burton s work is way more original and ground-breaking. and yh , george lucas' approach to it was far more adventurous than cameron's. (innovation is harder than doing something that already exists , no matter how perfect you make it)
so , wargeared sniper, i'd like you to think about this : if you watched it at home , would it be as impressive ? would it ? my honest answer is no. i truly think this film , whilst top top class , will not turn into a classic. except for new age hippies maybe.
'greatest film of the decade , maybe of all time' …. have you ever watched a film that wasnt action-action-great graphics-asswhupping-action-GREAT FILM ? SFX only make a movie beautiful. and ecology is somewhat of a hot topic these days.
Memberkingofgames73 said:
i personnally think they should allow you to convert your trophy images you earn into avatars…it’d make em mean more…..
always thought they'd do it , and keep getting disappointed…
i mean , most trophies don't say much but some do. to the user at least.
Memberi m sick of people complaining about MW2. it didnt give you YLOD , maybe it has to do with the sheer age of the 60GBs (notice most of the YLODs are on 60GBs?) and stop whining 'oh MW2 is overhyped' when you took the time to plat it (i'll agree its far from perfect and has more issues than most games) -want an overhyped game? uncharted 2 , the stunning visuals make you believe its the greatest game of the year , agreed the storyline is action packed but forgive me if i say they needn't bother trying to do a mp on U3. that one is utter bs.