Forum Replies Created
Memberits slooooooow going for me to get this plat.. i still need 3.5 levels and i've played it more in the last 48 hours than enough..
Membermonkeymoobs said:
is this game any good cos i might eventually get it
rent it first if you can, or borrow a friends.. at least that way you can see if its your cup of tea before you spend the bucks to get it.. i really liked it till i started my second play through.. i just need to hit lvl 50 for the plat, and honestly, i'm currently hating every second of it.. lol.
MemberHypnosis said:
I have been just bombing around trying to collect better gear.What is the deal though? I am level 32 and all the shops sell things that are level 19 and under with the occasional lvl 22 and 25 item and rarely i will come across a level 28.And all the loot i find is the same way. all lvl 19 stuff =\. and rarely a lvl 22-28 item. Needless to say this makes the game kinda of tough. i died like 5 time in the final round of circle of death at level 30,because i cant find any decent gear that is close to my level.
its because the game doesnt really want you to go around randomly killing stuff, if you're already lvl 32 and are still not walking your way to the last “chapter” in the story on your first playthrough then you're gonna find it pretty boringly easy.. the enemies dont level with you so i think most of the latter guys you'll be killing will be super easy for you.. crap guns or not..
Memberbarkiemailman said:
Post edited 9:53 pm – 10/31/2009 by barkiemailman
But does the game get boring after a while? Deadklown still finished the game and made it into the 2nd playthrough before getting bored with it. Thats still pretty good considering we get too bored to finish a game the 1st time around usually
this is true, and to this game's credit, my getting bored of it is probably more due to the crap in my life causing me to not be able to get into playing games much anymore.. its definitely worth a playthrough, but mine is gone to get traded as soon as i get lvl 50.. hopefully just in time to use the trade credit for MW2
Memberthis game has lost my interest sadly.. all i gotta do is get lvl 50 for the platinum and it cant come soon enough.. i dunno, maybe its cause my head isnt into gaming these past weeks, but as good as this game was when i first started playing it, its worn off big time.. 🙁
if there was a faster way to boost i'd be all about it.. perhaps if i can get 3 more lvl 50s to invite me and i'll just tag along it'll be ok.. lol
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
Does anyone know how to view challenges that you've completed and have yet to complete?
press select and go to the quest screen, then press triangle to switch to the challenge list..
also you're totally correct about the fact that it only comes down to the gun you use.. i was using my sinper rifles fairly exclusivly with my hunter and then i ran out of ammo one time and had to fall back on a combat rifle that i had kicking around.. needless to say, my hunter now uses combat rifles all the time.. snipers are too slow, no matter what one you get.. i just kind of rambo my way through places now, and kill bosses in very little time all because i'm not using my character the way intended.. kind of leads me to believe that the hunter got the shaft in the game.. i mean come on.. give me a REAL reason to use snipers if thats his thing..
Memberi have to take back what i said about the control in this game, it's actually pretty tight and hardly anything like the pain in the ass PC version
Memberlol nice guide.. but seriously this did not need a guide unless you couldnt figure out the Jarig trophy.. that was the only one that was kind of weird to get.. the rest were pretty much straight forward and they told you how in the description..
MemberFirst of All, What is your name (First or initails): Kris
How many games do you own?: 7
How many have trophy compatibility? 5
How long do you spend playing games every week? varies, between 5 – 15
Do you get a first opinion on a game based off whether it has trophies or not? i prefer to play games with trophy support, so yes i would choose a trophy enabled game over something that might be good but doesnt have them
Have you ever bought a game just for trophies? yes and no, i've bought a PSN game because it was cheap and had them, but the game looked interesting.. never a retail game tho.. unless you count barkie and me going halfsies on Matt Hazard :/
*JUST FOR FUN* Do you think it matters whether a game has 50 trophies total or 51 trophies (a platinum) um, no..
Memberthis is not worth the $2.99 barkie paid for it.. lol.. we both got 100% in literally 5 mins, if that..
Memberi think he likes you KnightmarE..
Membercurrently i have a cat, his name is Lil Billy Pickles.. tho i call him billy, william, pickle dude, and other different variations
MemberW4RG34R3D_SN1P3R said:
parnakas said:
“You will always have the Fortune Edition”
its just a fake dagger!! what are you going to do with it? keep it on display?
How do i not know the value of money? Money is hard to get.. especially $3000, that would help anyone out.. A LOT!!
Well .. If i never ended up getting Uncharted 2 platinum thanks to one treasure can basicly crack and go on an Uncharted 2 blood massacre …
with a fake plastic dagger that would crack once it hit the first bone in the first person you gouged? lol..
Memberspeaking of updates.. Brutal Legend required a 250mb download update the day it was released.. WTF? lol
Memberyeah their “slip” was that a NaughtyDog dev expressed something of a concern about their multiplayer being affected on the PS Forum..
the exact quote was by user ReklissAbandon and was deleted pretty fast afterward, it was as follows:
“Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies positions.”