Buzz! Junior: Dino Den Trophies
Total Trophies: 11Buzz! Junior: Dino Den is a mini-game collection that uses Sony’s Buzz! controllers. Dino Den is the latest game released for kids and features cute dinosaurs competing against each other in a tournament.
Dinner Time Dino
Eat more than half the steaks in a single player game of All You Can Eat!
Greedy Dino
Eat all the steaks in a single player game of All You Can Eat!
Catch of the Day
Catch all sizes of fish and win single player game of Ice Fishing.
Fishing Frenzy
Catch more than 340kg of fish in a single player game of Ice Fishing.
Eat My Dust
Lap an AI controlled opponent in a single player game of Elastic Racers.
Ace Racer
Win a race without spining out in a single player game of Elastic Racers.
Hop, Skip and Dino!
Win every round in a single player game of River Crossing.
Mother Thumper
Hit 4 Stalactites in a row with the highest power smash in a single player game of River Crossing.
Easy Rider
Win a single player game of Hitch A Ride!
T-Rex Rambler
Never fall off and win a single player game of Hitch A Ride!
Prehistoric Perfectionist
Win a standard single player game with the difficulty level set to hard.
these games are always fun to play withh younger relatives and hope they bring out a full version for the ps3 as again an easy plat
What is this game about
Don’t hate just cause you’re ass wasn’t 1st.
Like you never wrote that before smart ass there’s nothing wrong with that anyone would wrte it if they had the chance.
why is JJ talking to himself? kinda pathetic here .. nevr gnna play this game!
I wasn’t talking to my self they took the other persons comment’s off.
I just technically Platinumed this game 😉 hahaha very easy, still took me several play-throughs tho!