Choplifter HD Trophies
Total Trophies: 12Choplifter returns with 21st century graphics and a new twist on classic game play, allowing you to take control of a variety of different helicopters on over 20 missions. Bank, hover and sidestep around danger to drop down and rescue innocent lives.
Mission Accomplished
Complete the game on NORMAL
All Star
Get 5 stars on all the levels
Complete all “Escape” missions without killing anyone
Trigger Happy
Kill 100 enemy soldiers on one level, without restarting the level
Complete a level by killing all the rescuees
Unfriendly Fire
Kill 10,000 enemies across all the levels
Complete Desert Rescue without letting any rescuees die
Get the Scoop!
Save Scoop on every level he is present
No Stone Unturned
Find all the secrets
Dinner is Served
Kill 1000 chickens
Kill 1000 zombies
Goat For It!
Make 100 goats faint