.deTuned Trophies
Total Trophies: 10.deTuned allows you to create your own visual to accompany your favorite music tracks on the XMB, and using the SIXAXIS Wireless Controller, you are able to manipulate the given scene by interacting with and modifying a man and his world.
Use the camera controls to zoom in or out.
Use the pump controls to pump up and release completely an effect.
Use the right stick to crank up an effect.
Read the… Help Screen.
Issue any two button combo.
Watch the demo mode to the end.
Look at Rob dancing.
Elephant Dance
Dance with four elephants around the chair.
Upload some music to your system, play that music while playing with detuned, and maximize one of the distortive sound effects.
Use all Modes at least once in a session.
Hmmm sounds interesting, i like the idea of it. Only time will tell whether it’s a success or not.
how mad is this trophies 4 tunes wot next trophies 4 pic ps3 sort your head out
meh i’ll get it if its free or less than 30p which i have on my account
anyone know a US release date?
the graphics aren’t even appealing. prolly waste of Hdd space.
anyone know the release, or the price?
this game does look really cool! i’ve been looking forward to it for while now. check it out online and see what it’s all about. sure the trophies look easy but it looks like an interesting and refreshing “game”, along the lines of linger in shadows, flower, etc. its something different from the same old over-the-top-view shooter that seems to dominate the downloadable games category
The game is really weird lol Only got 3 trophy missing. Kinda hard to know what to do with the text in japanese 🙁
Is this game out yet? will have to check it out if it is.
Only on the jap store, 300yen
Oh dear!!! yet another trophy joke. Game??? this aint a game!!! bronze trophies can be for anything but silver and bronze should be for achieving something not just fiddling with your pad when you´re bored. RUBBISH!! Where can i buy it???? LOL
TommyFlop, I think you meant Gold not Bronze the 2nd time, good comment though … exactly what I was thinking LOL
Yes i stand corrected!! LOL once again i need to think b4 letting my fingers loose.
If it’s cheap I’ll buy it. Not that I have any music on my HDD :/
came out in europe today… better go find some money on the streets 😉 i will have it on saturday… but tbh this game looks amazingly easy for trophies, but i bet the bronzes are the hardest to get 😉
Yup, it’s out here in Canada… only 2,99$ and takes about 55 MB. I find it worth it! Always looking for refreshing games instead of the same old shooter we do get usually… like someone mentioned here…
100% Trophys in 10 minute hahaha … lets give us more games like that 🙂
I just need to get the look at Rob dance trophy, not sure how to do this one?
I can´t get Rob to dance :S
100% XD (easy game)
you can watch rob dance (and receive the trophy) if you watch the building, rob is on the building and if you push O X, dancing starts and you get to see him dance (hope this helped you)
Very crappy “visualizer” , however the trophies can easily be done in one go. Watch the demo, then change the song, then do the rest and that should work. I would only suggest you buy it to get a few trophies.
Oh and as for getting rob to dance, get to dance mode (Circle and X at the same time) and tilt your controller to turn the camera around, and you will see a stick figure on a building moving his arms. That should help.
this game is way to easy to get all the trophies i got 100% in under 5 minutes . jarig was the only trophy the was a bit challenging to get
very wired, short game and very easy to get trophies ❗
i honestly enjoyed this. i wont even delete it even though it was 100% done in 20 mins. Put on your fav songs, get stoned, and you will enjoy this plently.
so i feel like a retard. i cant get teh dancing around the chair with 4 elephants one. thats the last one i need.
nvm i got it. plat. first one too lol. best $3.00 ever lol
haha nvm it was just 100%. no plat.
Biggest waste of money ever only thing of value about this is trophies.
REPLY WITH A VENGENCE_________________—————REDMAN OUT !!
All trophies in 14 minutes. Took me 5 minutes to work out what that Rob dancing thing was though…
Some more “games” like that please xD
i am a trophie hunter and i think detuned is a good game to collect trophies on even though there is only 10 trophies it is worth downloading because the trophies are easy to collect and it only costs £2.39
i have collected 9/10 trophies but could you please tell me how to collect the silver trophie for dancing with 4 elephants around the chair
it may be true that the only good value of the game is the trophies but if you are a trophie hunter like me then it is well worth £2.39 and even if it didnt have trophies its only £2.39 grow up@Jamie
Where is this gone on the PSN? I tried to look for it but can’t find it! Has it been removed? I’ve £3 left on my PSN account and this looked an easy £3 worth of trophies!!
This has to be one of the worse games ever made, 100% in like 10 minutes.
lmao you have me rofl with these comments ppl XD I gotta admit tho, probably gonna buy it just because it’s easy trophies and it sounds hilarious. I’m not really a trophy whore but I might be turning into one XD
The game is horrendous XD truly only worth it if you want some easy trophies. You buy this, consider yourself officially a trophy whore.
ooops i’m downloading it now 🙂
easiest trophys ive ever got 🙂