Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao Trophies
Total Trophies: 17A hand-to-hand action game, Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao allows players to pick up weapons, acquire different combos and learn various finishing moves. The game also features co-op multiplayer modes so players can enjoy the game at home with a friend or online with people around the world.
Inquisitiveness of the Monkey
Complete the Old House
Righteousness of the Ram
Get a Time Trial gold
Stubbornness of the Horse
Survive 10 minutes of Endurance Mode
Loyalty of the Dog
Complete a Co-op level
Patience of the Pig
Defeat every enemy type
Perfection of the Rooster
Use every Combo
Wisdom of the Snake
Use a Smart Bomb
Thoroughness of the Rabbit
Throw 30 barrels
Recklessness of the Tiger
Die 100 times
Night Trophy
Have 10 vampires active at once
Blood Trophy
Unleash Hyperstate while at less than 5 percent health
Water Trophy
Use meditation 100 times
Lightning Trophy
Complete the Waterfall level without getting hit by a single fan
Nobleness of the Dragon
Complete Story Mode
Determination of the Ox
Defeat 5000 enemies
Discipline of the Rat
Perform 50 finishing moves
Heavenly Trophy
Kill 200 Stone Warriors in 1 game
1ST and what is this game?
@VaMpAiDeYn its a gay 15 dollar arcade game with no gold trophies. not worth it!!!!!!!! 🙄
but it is the first 3D PSN game
oh no no gold will people ever live without gold trophies pfft give me a break. it’s a good game.
Can any1 help with my question, I know it a 3D game but will we need the 3D glasses as used in cinemas to view the game in 3D mode????
dude.thats like sying street fight 4 is a good just says im not in to badly made games. 😈
dude.thats like saying street fight 4 is a good just says im not in to badly made games. 😈
Apparently you need the 3D glasses that you can receive off the Invincible Tiger Web site and you need a special TV which costs a ton of money and hardly anyone has. I was going to get this game but I’m no longer buying a $14.99 game without a demo, first.
street fighter 4 is a good game the only reason people bag it out is because they suck at it, anyway it’s your opinion but just becasue there is no golds it doesn’t mean it sucks.
true, i was just saying for 15 bucks you should get more then that.
No gold?!without demo!
@Noctisalmark dont cry about it you trophy whore…
is this any good?
Looks decent from all the previews i have seen.. looks like some fun, but also looks like it can be repetitive.. i need to some reviews, and a demo..
Every freakin Game should have a bloody demo!!!
@ Tridon, ok ty. For the £10+ that it will cost i think ill pass. I wod get it if my TV was 3D. Bloody hell that means i have to buy another tv for 3D does it??
game is better than trash panic if that helps.^^
This game is pretty fun, kinda cheesy but u know, its better than ragdoll kungfu, thats just my opinion, i like trophies too but i wont complain if a good game doesnt have many gold, just look at batman for prime example, one gold, but kickass game
Does anyone knows how to get Night Trophy (“Have 10 vampires active at once”)?
This game sucks – too repetitive! 3D is a term abused in the sales pitch….
This game completely blows. COMPLETE waste of money. It treats you like a bitch, the controls don’t work 1/10 of the time. THE CONTROLS DON’T WORK 1/10 OF THE TIME. So, on a level that would be reasonable on a game that did not suck, like this one sucks (giant donkey diks in hell) you could finish the full game in an hour or two. Maybe they made the controls not work to artificially inflate the difficulty of their suck ass game. I’m boycotting Namco/Bandai from now on, that’s how bad this game is. If this game was ten times better, it would still suck. The previews make this game seem a hundred times more fun than it is. I want my frickin money back. I love kung fu movies and kung fu games, have since the days of karateka, and ye ar kung fu and kung-fu master in the arcade. This one sucks.