Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 12A downloadable edition or the classic fighter, Marvel VS Capcom 2 pits some of Capcom’s familiar faces against a host of Marvel Comic’s biggest names in explosive three-on-three team battles.
Mega Buster
Win 50 Scoreboard Matches online
#1 in the Hood
Win 100 Scoreboard Matches online
I Am Doom
Defeat opponent in under 15 seconds (Multiplayer)
Hyakuretsu Kyaku
Perform a 100 hit Combo (Multiplayer)
Berserker Barrage
Perform a 200 hit Combo (Multiplayer)
Shun Goku Satsu
Perform a 3-part Hyper Combo (Multiplayer)
The Best There Is (At What I Do)
Perform 50 One Character Victories within 20 unique teams in Scoreboard Matches
Get Out Of Here!!!
Perform 10 snapbacks within 20 unique teams in Scoreboard Matches
Avengers Assemble!
Beat the game with Avengers theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Vampire Saviors
Beat the game with Vampire Saviors theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Uncanny Hero
Beat the game with X-Men theme team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
World Warriors
Beat the game with Street Fighter team without continuing or challenges. (Arcade Mode)
Just when I thought I couldn’t love this game any more, Capcom throws trophies into it and re-releases it. I can’t wait for this!! Release is coming soon, right? fave crossover fighting game that’s not japanese..trophies are a bit of a challenge but not hard to get
looking really good i hope i started working soon so i can get this psn game
Stay in school, your grammar stinks. You can work after you get an education.
as for these trophies…they look tough
Awesome. I never mastered the vs games. Trophy support is a sweet play but an HD Remix should have been made. Im still going 2 use Ryu & Spidey!
i’m getting this…and the next day…Blazblue comes out.
Sweet, this game was awesome when it was on ps2 now its online for ps3. Epic! uh Cable, War machine and Iron man will take all challengers,
Nice, cant wait.
no Platinum how stupid is that
It’s a $15 downloadable game stupid.
When Is This Game Comming To The DLC For The U.S.A.?
wow, does anyone remember the moves?? can someone share a website that has this?
gamefaqs has a move list for all characters
man i can’t wait. ITs coming to PSN and XBLA on july 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its coming to psn aug 13th and xbla july 29th
xbla july 29th psn aug 13th
how do u do a snapback for the “get outta here” trophy?
half a circle and a1 or a2
haha 100 hit combo will be a breeze, just get b.b. hood, iron man, and war machine and use their specials
snap back
u must have a full bar( at least 1) and press the buttons like if ur doing hadoken but instead of pressing [ ] press L1+R1 😮
this game not worth it unless u love infinites an God tier characters. i play 4 fun but people will co whateva it takes 2 stay undefeated especially disconnecting like sore losers^^
I liked the game back then and its still alright but there is no need for releasing the exact same thing. Fk that. Why not change around or add a few things, make it interesting. Already dominated this game.
servbot my 1st character choice an i don’t care if i lose just hate people disconnect my victory with servbot/miss Tron moment^^
if any1 could help with these trophies can u plz add me bodybags029
Just got all of the trophies that are possible to get. What that means is that I don’t have any of the online trophies. I am not a fan of the online play and you cannot play against one of your friends towards the trophies. 😛
I got the demo last week, I bought the full game, I had to its freaking awesome. I love Rogue and her Wolvie and (Venom, Warmachine, Sabertooth, someone huge etc.) make a great team. If your a comic or button-mash fan I would highly recommend shelling out the 16$ for this classic. The online features, trophies and the roster make it totally worth it.
soo what are the team combos for the last 4 trophies? can somebody please tell me this.