Mega Man 10 Trophies
Total Trophies: 12Mega Man 10 once again brings back the nostalgic perfection of classic 2D Mega Man gameplay, embracing retro platform action and NES-inspired old-school graphics. Through-out Mega Man’s adventure he’ll take on the malfunctioning infected robots and classic-style bosses that can only found in Mega Man games.
Clear the game once.
Clear the game in under an hour.
Clear the game on HARD.
Make it to a boss room without getting damaged.
Defeat the 8 bosses without your helmet on.
Defeat 1000 enemies.
Defeat one of every type of enemy.
Defeat the 8 bosses with just your default weapon.
Clear the game without using any energy, mystery, or weapon tanks.
Clear the game without continuing.
Clear the game without dying.
Clear the game without getting damaged.
first again looks ok
wow. clear the game without taking damage? are they for real…lol man that should be a gold…
all these “clear the game” trophies are just an admittance that its a very short game. Trophy for doing it in under an hour doesn’t round good. I want a game to last longer than that. Hope its worth going thru 10 times. Is that why they called it mega man 10?
The in-game achievements for Mega Man 9 are similar to this. For anyone who played the old NES original MM games, it’s no surprise that the game can be beat in a short time by people who know the game. But don’t worry, it’ll take you lots of time to learn the levels, etc. and many deaths. If you know the game inside and out and speed run everything perfectly you can beat MM9 in about 40 minutes.
Good luck to anyone who wants to try to get that Mr. Perfect trophy though… that one will be a serious pain in the nads. It’s the only challenge I haven’t cleared in MM9.
MR.PERFECT should be a plat!! no, 2 plats!!!
no that should be a platinum by itself
I got the mr perfect trophy about a week after downloading the game, but I agree it should have at least been a gold or something though haha. Since it can be gotten in easy mode, it makes it much more achievable than in 9 since you can save after Wily stages, although relearning the easy mode boss patterns was a pain. Defeating all of the challenge mode missions is by far the most difficult part of the game, mainly the requirement of perfecting the hard mode bosses using only the mega buster to get the full percentage point.