Noby Noby Boy Trophies
Total Trophies: 12In Noby Noby Boy, the wormlike Boy stretches around and swallows everything in his world to help him expand. Start on Earth and explore the galaxy with the help of all the other Boys playing online!
Eat Your Words!
Eat the words NOBY NOBY BOY within the manual or in the staff credits.
Report a length of exactly 765m to GIRL.
The Prince
Take the Prince for a ride.
Make BOY’s body grow thicker while keeping his head small.
Combined Character
Create a combined character by eating an animal and a human or a fruit and a human.
Take 10 inhabitants for a ride.
Eat 20 inhabitants.
Stretch BOY to a length of 100m.
Bye-Bye BOY
Meet up with Bye-Bye BOY.
The BOY House
Rotate the roof of the BOY House.
The Space Squirrel
Find the Space Squirrel.
BOY Quiz Expert
Answer all questions correctly in the BOY Quiz.
sounds japanese…
the hell is this game?
haha sounds hillarious check out this creepy thing
This looks stupid..
just dont see what kind of game this is…
Keita Takahashi probably isn’t a name that most gamers are familiar with, but many are undoubtedly familiar with his innovative puzzle game Katamari Damacy. Those clamoring for more of Takahashi’s unusual creations will soon be appeased, given that Namco Bandai announced today that Noby Noby Boy will be available via the PlayStation Network on February 19 for $4.99.
There’s a game in here…somewhere.
Noby Noby Boy is a game meant more to be seen than described. In the game, players control a wormlike creature named Boy using the PlayStation 3 gamepad’s analog sticks. Boy is capable of eating, and passing, every object in the game’s world, with his length determined by the number of objects consumed. As Boy grows, he is capable of more intricate movements and can extend his reach to increasingly distant destinations across the solar system.
One of the more interesting components of Noby Noby Boy is its networked functionality. As individual players grow their Boys, the length will be uploaded to a persistent online character known as Girl. The online creature extends in direct relation to the aggregate length of all Boys, and as she grows, new areas of the game will be unlocked as playable stages for everyone to access. Noby Noby Boy also lets users upload gameplay footage to video-sharing site YouTube.
the part about Girl sounds hella cool,great idea…. but its more of a game than linger in shadows right???
check out the screenshots to give you an idea. looks like you just go around and eat stuff, maybe like an updated version of “snake” (you must know that one). looks like it comes out in the UK and Japan first, feb 19th i think. I haven’t seen anything about a north american date. and yeah, the girl idea is pretty cool!
well , i’m a sucker for PSN games (as i point out , where do you get a game for 10£ ? and then my mates point out what when you have 10 ?), so all in all , i’m pretty sure i’ll have to get this , see what its about…i guess it’ll be like snake , kinda…
Katamari was great and so will be this game. Strange, but fun.
This looks so odd I want it.
same here
is there even trophies , a mean sum1 on ma freind list was playin it , fay euroip obv , but when i compared trophys nout there, a mean yea the game sounds gd , but unless its a ps1 or older game, a mean i might get this and not enjoy it but with trophys u try to get them meaning u do kinda get sum monys worth , but with ps1 or older well ur only gona download the ones u luv , and at 3.99 each , am happy lol , specially when u get bored of ps3 online activity , or collectin trophys ,
ma opionion on this like
anybody know how to get the “unproportional” and “the prince” trophy? i don’t know what the price looks like! just those 2 and byebye boy left to get!
just got unproportional. to do it eat a bunch of stuff then hold L3 and he’ll squeeze it all out really fast. this should leave him larger on his tail end.
as for the prince trophy, i don’t think anyone can do it yet. searched around on a bunch of maps, but looking at the picture for the trophy i think it shows what the price actually looks like (little green martian thing) and i read elsewhere that he might be on the moon. currently only earth is available, so more people need to report to girl so we can all get to the moon.
this game is pretty fun! for $5 can’t really go wrong!
this game is really really strange..i don’t have any idea what to do,where to go and what is happening in the
if anyone out there has any luck getting the trophies,mind helping me out? lol
I got the Prince trophy so it’s achieveable before going anywhere.
these games make me laugh would u have bought this game if it had no trophys i dont so. The only games that are good on psn is wipeout & flowers .
I only got 10 trophies wtf?
I’ve been trying to get the BOY house trophy but even though I’m rotating the roof nothing is popping up. Has anyone else got this or is there a problem with it?
Also, which words do you eat to get the gold? NOBY NOBY BOY comes up about fifteen times in the manual.
And anybody trying to get the 765 trophy, Don’t bother trying to calculate anything. The numbers you get for your lengths are completely random. I went up to girl dozens of times without touching L3/R3 and got everything between 0 and 9 metres.
I too have rotated that roof a lot and no trophy.
To get the eat your words, I ate the letters spelling NOBY NOBY BOY (TM) slowly in a row, and only them.
the reported stretch is kind of a cumulative, not your current length. in fact you can add to it buy tugging on yourself (ha ha) without adding length. I just shrank myself when i was at ~740, then slowly added, checking every movement (up+start will be good to check it).
Help with the BOY house trophy!!!
i have a problem with unproportional trophy i became unproportional many times whilst keeping my head the same size
ugh, got the BOY house…
Crawl back into the house and hold the R stick left or right for a few secs.
Thanks Vlade, I just got the Boy house trophy. I should have known not to over-think anything in this game. I still can’t get the gold though. Which NOBY NOBY BOY did you eat and how accurate do you have to be?
I773D33MABL3, how did you get “the prince” trophy? please explain. i searched but couldn’t find anywhere.
I had eaten a few and didnt get it… so i pooped everything, tapped the button and was careful on the next one in the manual that i found. I ate N-O-B-Y-N-O-B-Y-B-O-Y-TM only and in that order by tapping the button and then moving to the next letter. Then trophy popped.
Teamsleeper08, I’d love to help you man but I actualy don’t know. I got it on the first level I played. There were a few people riding on me and it just popped up.
for prince, i found out you have to find a level with falling katamari, there is one with eskimos in it that has it and then search for him there. i have found 2 levels like this and scoured them both but have not found him still! damn you prince! so frustrating. haha
i just got the prince i just need the 765m trophy but sadly my net broke down on me when i just got it..darn i have to do it all over again!
ok just 100% the game..the 765m is not random..just keep going up until you have 700m of total length then revert to Noby Noby Boy’s size then keep going up until you get 765m..
Halarious…Had almost all the trophies….didn’t know how to get bye bye boy and I quit. You actually get that one for quitting. I cant get 10 inhabitants to ride, and i dont know how to get the prince to ride.
I think this is the first game I ever played where you can actually fart an entire bicycle.
find a level where there are dwarfs with lots of animals..just stretch very long and watch as the animals and dwarfs gather around you…don’t move too much just keep stretching..
got 100% easier than i thought
I notice a lot of people are saying “i got such and such a trophy, Or i got 100%, but nobody is really saying how to get them.
anyone want to make it clear?
want trophy are you specifically getting Thickbrow? i can help you out..
The prince and
combined character
Im still having trouble with unproportional as well if you know an easy way to do it
Reading the comments on this game made me laugh so much..
the prince = you can find him in the map full of eskimos..just keep changing maps until you can spot a katamari ball rolling around a map..he’s small so you need to zoom in very closely to spot him..
combined character = you just need to eat a human plus fruit or animal then press R2 to combine them…i got this by eating an orange and a human..
unproportional = stretch your body to the length you desire,keep eating stuff then press L3 to shit it all at once..keep doing this until the right part of his body is larger then his head..keep eating and shitting cause this takes may take awhile and even if his body is greatly unproportional than his head you might not get it so keep trying..
hope that helps..
The prince is on the eskimo map, but its hit or miss. He was not on it the first time I visited the map, but was the second time I was on the map. He is fairly obvious, so if you dont see him, just scroll through the maps until you get to it again and you should see him bouncing around. (THIS week : 100% Flower, Magic Ball, Cuboid, Burnout, & NOBY!)
so how thick does boy have to get? right now he’s walking with his hind legs cuz his butt is huge!
this game was really fun, even if there were trophies or not. and for $5 you can’t go wrong. the moon is finally available, and the next planet is mars!
I still dont know how you eat stuff. All I can do is grow, move and jump. Can someone please help my dumb ass?!
Flux, press L2 when near an animal, person, or object. if you don’t eat it just press it a bunch of times, your bound to eat something that way ^___^
to eat something u press L2 but u don’t press the trigger all the way down
to get unproportion trophy i had to make body fat go back into house and change maps b4 it wud pop up. also 765m trophy wen i try to report it to girl, fairy sez he can’t but wonders why. is this meant to happen an how do i get it. help pls
i hate these PSN Games, a cheap way to get easy Trophies. atleast in this and LoS.
ok i only need the prince trophy now. Reading through the posts and people mention something about katamari. What the hell is that?
I’ve seen a picture of what prince looks like but i am unable to find him.
Knowing what a katamari is will help me find it.
Katamari=A Big Ball with Lumps on it…
the katamari doesnt’ll need to find a map full of eskimos..
noby noby boy is great i like a mastermind criminal add me as your buddy my ps3 username is Darkdemon53 and its a capitol d
i need help…i can’t do the tutorial…