PixelJunk Monsters Trophies
Total Trophies: 19Inspired by the popular and addictive “tower defense” genre, PixelJunk Monsters takes the simple real-time strategy concept of building, researching and base defending and presents it in a uniquely attractive style. With meticulously hand-drawn 2D art, PixelJunk Monsters recreates the look of a classic with crisp graphics designed for optimal viewing in Full 1080p HD.
Tower Collector
Clear the specified stage by building every type of tower
No Crossing
Clear the specified stage without crossing the bridge
Green Flag
Clear the specified stage without a tower ever upgrading
Picky Eater
Clear the specified stage without using the fire tower
Gem Hoarder
Clear the specified stage with 25 or more gems
Clear the specified stage with a balance of 10,000 worth of coins or more
Bomb The Boss
Clear the specified stage using only bombs to destroy the boss
Money Grubber
Clear a stage without losing a single coin
Construction Expert
Build 10 towers in less than 30 seconds upon entering a stage
Wave Goodbye
Clear an entire wave of enemies with only a bomb
Deep Impact
Destroy 15 enemies at once with the Mortar Tower
Encore : Scrooge’s Return
Clear the specified stage with a balance of 12,000 worth of coins or more
Encore : Wishing Well
Drop 100 coins into the water and clear the specified stage
Encore : Zero Carat
Clear the specified stage without using gems
Encore : Lucky Find
Find an extra large stash of coins and gems
4 Tree Rainbow
Perfect clear the specified stage
Get Medieval
Clear the specified stage using only arrows and cannons
Encore : Black Flag
Without selling any towers, clear the specified stage with all towers upgraded to black
Rainbow Team
Perfect clear the specified stage
With all of the content coming to PJM, how can you not pick this up? It is now, without a doubt, worth the 10 bucks.
Awesome. I always wanted pixeljunk monsters but never got it.
Now i have a great intention to get when the patch comes out.
i look forward to it!
what does it mean “specified level”?
Specidied means what it says its the title!
A new mode will be included in the patch. Challenge Mode will be the way in which you get your trophies, as a way around people cheating to get them (or whatever, as this information will be tied to your PSN account, I assume).
Oh Lord just let them be retroactive
No retroactivity…the patch comes with a new game mode in which you’ll earn the trophies.
update is officially outttttttttttttttttttt
Has anyone else not been able to download the update??? I have tried restarting the game multiple time w/ no luck… any help? Thanks.
i got same problem
yea i kinda dont wanna uninstall it, re-download it. then install it again and see if it works, might be the only option, but i just dont get it.
Hey guys … don’t be impatient! If you start the game and the download is not there, just wait a few hours and try again. Walk the dog, go for a run, do your washing … Don’t bother uninstalling it / reinstalling etc. The “specified level” is becomes clear once the patch is downloaded. Each trophey relates to a specific level, which is shown in a picture. If you’ve played the game before you’ll recognise the old levels. There’s some classics, and some of the HARD (but still fun) levels to redo with new requirements attached (Finish it without any of the towers upgrading … another one is finish it with so many coins in the bank etc, … hard!) … The trophies are NOT retroactive. But there’s only 14 of them, so its not like there’s heaps to redo. It is challenging. For $10 this game is fantastic. I was totally addicted till I finished the original game (got half wat through encore before other games caught my eye) I’ll now be working hard to get those 14 trophies. woot!
How we get the update?
steeby how did u get update
We should all have the upgrade now.
these look good i will try and get these
hey chill, was only asking if it was a install problem why i wasnt getting the update when so many people were.
most people still have lives to do stuff.
i tried many times, never got it.
played other games.
went to bed.
woke up and downloaded the update.
all is good. everyone should have it.
good stuff
just updated… these trophies are hard to get. Don’t bother with this snorefest for a game. Not worth the price tag unless you really really really like Tower defence games.
great game,trophies not that bad if you take them with patience. I got the first 4 in a row! some are harder than others like the “Black Flag & Rainbow Team”.
These are quite hard for trophies!, good game though.
Black Flag is easy, but Rainbow team is, well, hard! I love this game a lot. It bring the fun I have the first time I played Dune 2.
Anybody else think these trophies are quite hard to do?
I know some people have got them and are a lot better at the game then me lol… but most of the trophies are bronze and are way too hard to be bronze lol.
Yes sam4sonia, they’re hard but they worth the time. Some are puzzle based, like the one you must have 100 coins in the water (you must enter, when you have some hundred of coins, in collision with monsters near the water). But that damn rainbow team, is incredibly hard!
Any guides for catching these trophies? They’re freaking hard!
Great game! Anybody completed Scrooge’s Return Trophy? This is my last, which I cannot pass. Please add some video tutorial, because this is the most hardest trophy in this game!
I get 10 900. I miss this one and the 2 perfect stages. Rainbow team is possible?
13,455 on scrooge’s return .The trick is to buy and sell so no enemies get buy w/out droping coins, also try to sell before the end of each round as to keep your bonus as high as possible . -THEONEHOTDOG- 318 trophies 11/12/08
I love these challenges, I’ve fallen in love with monsters all over again!
I got all the trophies except for the secret ones. Its really hard to explain how to rainbow double team as there is no real trick to it. Keep trying and you’ll eventually get it. Although, some tips would be that the most important towers are 2 laser towers and 3-5 fire towers (depending on how many you can make black). Placement of these towers is key. I got it with a laser tower on the right side of the path (same side the base is on, NOT on the trees next to the path, the top left corner one) and another laser tower on the opposite side (once again, not touching the path. the trees next to the path are occupied with cannons, arrows and fire towers).
As for Fire towers, your ideal setup is to have 2 black ones next to the center path leading to the base, both spaced out enough so that when the first stops firing, the next will hold them back until the first reloads. A mine may be required as they’ll slip through sometimes.
Finally, as SOON as wav9 19 ends, run to the top left of the map and turn EVERYTHING to cannons. I think i used 1 or two mines on the last boss, but thats mainly because i spent little to no time standing on cannons for the full level.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message on PSN, my id is barkiemailman
Hey guys, I’ve had monsters for a couple weeks now and have a little over half of the trophies but the tips will be very helpful. My question is, I unlocked the bomb in the special map and used it to get my bomb the boss trophy but now I try to use it on either island or trophy maps and pushing Square does nothing. I replayed the bomb level to get the bomb again but it didn’t reward it a second time. Any thoughts? Thanks.
@ LoJack963
Youtube.com has the best tips for all this game’s trophies.
Are you sure you have the coins that the bomb costs?
got a few of these (no cross , green flag , picky , gem , money grub , cons expert , waave goodbye , 4tree , medieval and rainbow team) but tower collector i keep doing over and over and the trophy never appears. it doesn’t say anything about rainbowing this trophy so i don’t understand…. why me lord? why me? lol. i’ve gotten bored having beaten it like 4-5 times and still no trophy ……………… so i can’t be bothered gettin Encore. oh who am i kidding? i’ve only been playing PJM 3weeks and am loving it…never played tower defence games before….
kingawol.. This is one of the most easy trophies! I got it in the 1rst try! Can’t belive that you got Rainbow team and missed this one! 😀
Be sure to build all the towers.. Like the Ice, and all the towers you need to “buy” with gems. (:
yo tui : i beat it everytime!!! the trophy doesn’t unlock , thats all…. i build all types of towers , the trophy in the bottom right corner gets the green tick , i finish the level , and NO TROPHY (i’ve now done it like 12 times and don’t get the trophy….i don’t understand……)…. thx for the help (even if i didnt need it….lol)
done it again twice this afternoon (after going 2nil down to man united i needed something to ease my mind)and still doesnt unlock.
Hey King…this is probably way too late, but you need to have all tower types STANDING at the end. If you had 1 mortar and sold it, you fail……….oops, just re-read your post before submitting this and I am probably wrong. Oh well, having 100% is nice, but not getting 1 trophy ain’t the end of the world.
cheers barkie…but as you guessed , i’ve done it all…. and the tophy doesn’t unlock. it would definitely piss me off if there was a plat at the end of it , but doesn’t unlock , doesn’t unlock , as you say 100%is nice , not getting 1 trophy ain’t the end of the world , plus i have savage moon now…. (sad that not getting tower collector i never got scrooge and bomb the boss ’cause it pissed me off not getting TC to unlock…)thanks anyways….. although on second thought i think i’ll try it again , as i often cash in my air defence towers at the end …..
barkie…. thank you sooooooooooooooo much… i guess i do cash in my air def towers b4 the end !!!! finally got tower collector !!! haha ! (now need to try for the rest of PJM trophies….) thx again barkie
just scrooge and bomb the boss , might get Encore …..
stupid lil’trophy , but i’m sooooooo glad i got it finally …thx barkie ~ i’m a fool………..
Trophy Unlocked: Helped fellow trophy addict in need. Sweet.
sweet ……cheers mate.