Rochard Trophies
Rochard follows the story of the humble astro-miner John Rochard. John and his mining team accidently discover an ancient structure hidden deep in an asteroid, thus proving mankind isn’t alone in the universe. Soon after, his team goes missing without a trace and John finds himself stranded on the asteroid.
25% Gold Collectibles Found
Collect 25% of all Gold Collectibles
50% Gold Collectibles Found
Collect 50% of all Gold Collectibles
Pack Rat
Collect all upgrades
Kill an enemy with an object shot with G-Lifter
Kiss Me Deadly
Kill a human enemy with another enemy’s body
Unfriendly Fire
Kill a human enemy with deflected bullets
Death from Above
Kill an enemy by falling on him
Electrocute a human enemy
Second Amendment
Kill 100 enemies using the Rock Blaster
Death on Delivery
Kill 100 enemies using objects shot or dropped with G-Lifter
Game Completed
Defeat Maximillian
100% Gold Collectibles Found
Collect 100% of all Gold Collectibles
Say Hello to My Little Friend
Kill 2 or more enemies with a single exploding mechanical enemy
Speed Run
Complete the game in 3 hours or less
Cool Character! =)