Savage Moon Trophies
Total Trophies: 13Savage Moon sees you protecting a remote off-world mining facility from waves of ravenous space bugs, looking to consume everything in their path.
Xipe Imoon Trophy
Award for exemplary completion of an Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula must be completed with a minimum score achieved on each to win this award.
Ymir Imoon Trophy
Award for exemplary completion of an Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula must be completed with a minimum score achieved on each to win this award.
Zeus Imoon Trophy
Award for exemplary completion of an Imoon nebula. All levels of the nebula must be completed with a minimum score achieved on each to win this award.
Imoon Conqueror
This is the award for completion of all levels of the three Imoon nebulae.
Imoon Artisan
Award for mastery of technology. This is achieved by researching and building all tower types in the game.
Imoon Admiral
This is the award for completion of all levels of the three Imoon nebulae without any damage to mining operations.
Imoon Agamemnon Trophy
This is the award for the successful completion of the first level of the Xipe nebula.
Imoon Technician Trophy
This award is for the first successful building of a tower upgraded to level 5.
Imoon-Bane Trophy
Awarded for killing a huge number of Insectocytes.
Imoon Survivor
Awarded for surviving for an impressive amount of time in any Vengeance Mode level.
Command Degree Trophy
Awarded for completing all of the tutorial sections of the game.
Command Credit Trophy
Awarded for earning a significant amount of credits during your levels.
Command Skill Credit Trophy
Awarded for earning a significant amount of credits during your game using Command Skills.
Waldgeist DLC Trophies:
Waldgeist Imoon Trophy
Awarded for completion of all 6 levels whilst suffering no damage to the base.
Waldgeist Admiral Trophy
Awarded for completion of all 6 levels achieving the minimum set scores.
Luddite Trophy (Waldgeist)
Awarded for completing any 5 levels using only Machine Gun Towers without any damage to the base.
Banker Trophy (Waldgeist)
Awarded to those who display excessive bravery and greed by completing 5 levels with the armor and damage settings at their lowest values.
Insectocyte Juggler (Waldgeist)
Given to expert strategists able to keep any single Insectocyte alive for 5 minutes or more.
Neophile Trophy (Waldgeist)
Given to those who complete any 5 levels using only Lasers, Anti-Air Towers, Particle Cannons and Orbital Strike Towers.
Purple Heart (Waldgeist)
Awarded for completing a level retaining less than 25% health without repairing your base.
i look forward to this one.
yup , me too , hope it’s like a evil PJM…..
Brilliant game – must have…
The ‘just one more try to get it right’ will lose you hours!
Monsters for adults!
cool. will get it after my new year hangover …. around mid-jan….
wicked game…. sooooooooooooooo much better than PJM….great fun.
Game isn’t even out yet. I will give you guys a review when it does. I’m getting this or Crash commando. not sure yet
game IS out in europe in any case. don’t really like crash commando , but then i haven’t had time to play much. if you like PJM and tower def. , get this.
Great… another week without this game.
Thursdays update came… but Savage Moon did not. Whats the hold up?
what an amazing game – just got 100% trophies, that last level was a right bugger!
can’t wait for the expansion!!
still playing vengeance modes – perfect for honing those skills!
where the f is this game!?
and another week goes by and still no Savage Moon.
Not sure if i’ll even get this now considering SF4, Killzone2, Sega collection, bionic commando, 3on3 Hockey are releasing in Feb.
Magic ball was a pleasant surprise at least.
Anyone know the North american release date?
(I guess I could Google it, but I don’t wanna)
Hey guess what? it finally out in North America!
not sure if i’ll get it now though. you snooze you loose jabroni.
does anyone know HOW LONG do you need to survive for, to get the SURVIVAL trophy at Vengeance Mode ? I’ve got up to wave 38, 26minutes played but yet NO survival trophy >:(
Hey, I’m not sure the exact number of waves you need to survive, but I did level 11 on vengeance mode. I played for the first hour and left the room for two hours and saw that I died after 1 hour 45 minutes. I probably could have stayed alive longer if I was playing. =p Anyway, it said I got the trophy and I completed about 108 waves I think.
To get the trophy, do vengance level number 11(Kitsune) and follow this video.~
Its really easy if you follow this video. I hope that helped.
Thats MUCH appreciated, i’ll try that video later on, THANKS AGAIN 😉
Woot! I got all the trophies.
This game is pretty easy to get all the trophies and its fun. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants trophies.
I’m thinking about buying this game (U.S.) so I ask you is it any good?
Yesterday I was looking that more trophies appeared. Still cant buy this addon @ europe. Wondering when release day is…
If the difficulty is on a par with the original game then some of those trophies are going to be near impossible to get.
Love this game.. got 100% so quick, I did twice more for friends. CANNOT WAIT for this add-on!
This game is only 4.99 now. I’m still thinking about it.
BUY it then
Got the update last night… it managed to suck my evening away – after Batman’s demo of course!! Great little game – glad they haven’t messed with it too much!
still playing this – OMG I’m losing evenings to this game! it’s really a great add-on – only 6 levels, but brutally constructed, not so strict that you are ‘forced’ to use certain towers and the new aliens are just cruel! certainly the best tower game I’ve played for aged (p1sses on monsters – but that is damned good too)