Texas Cheat ‘Em Trophies
Total Trophies: 12Texas Cheat ‘Em is a new take on the classic Texas Hold ‘Em rules, turning an average online poker table upside down by layering party games and other gambling minigames on top of the basic rules.
The Power of Suggestion
Use a “Suggestion” Cheat to assemble a full house or greater
You Low Down, Dirty #@^%!
Win a hand by using the “Guaranteed Win” Cheat
Sticky Fingers
Steal another player’s chips
You’re Missing The Point Here
Win a hand with a Straight or better without using any cheats
Nosey Parker
Use the Target X-Ray Cheat on another player
Use five or more Cheats in a single hand
Use Cheats to go from a High Card to a Straight or better
Come Out and Play
Win five consecutive PvP games initiated by other players
Something’s Fishy Here…
Win a hand with 5 of a Kind
Cheater For Life
Complete all levels of Career Cheat’em
Like a Bad Rash
Win a hand after folding and then using “Unfold”
Luck O’ the Draw
Increase your hand to a Straight or above using Player Swap or Deck Swap
lol 5 of a kind. This game sounds stupid.
lol at Unfold..i wish i could use that move on Texas Hold ‘Em..
I already got high stakes, is this like that but you rig the deck and just cheat? haha…
lol so were promoting cheating and gambling now , lol christ
is our lord and Savior.
If the cheating and mini games are fun it will be a nice twist on a fun card game. 9.99!
A tenner for a card game is a bit too much in my opinion after all if i wanted too play some poker i go on ps3 home>EA centre>Upstairs and simply play for free the only problem is waiting for a table…….
great game but the cheating is kinda frustrating as the game takes longer to finish..got all the trophies except cheater for life and come out and play..
somebody hook mp up with this game