Trine Trophies
Total Trophies: 33Trine is a fantasy action game where the player can create and use physics-based objects to beat hazardous puzzles and threatening enemies. Set in a world of great castles and strange machinery, three heroes are bound to a mysterious device called the Trine in a quest to save the kingdom from evil…
Way Out of the Trine
Earn all Trophies in Trine
Astral Introduction
Complete Astral Academy
Academy Master
Collect all experience in Astral Academy
Hallways Master
Collect all experience in Academy Hallways
Wolvercote Master
Collect all experience in Wolvercote Catacombs
Graveyard Master
Collect all experience in Dragon Graveyard
Caverns Master
Collect all experience in Crystal Caverns
Crypt Master
Collect all experience in Crypt of the Damned
Dungeon Master
Collect all experience in Forsaken Dungeons
Castle Master
Collect all experience in Throne of the Lost
Forest Master
Collect all experience in Fangle Forest
Thicket Master
Collect all experience in Shadowthorn Thicket
Ruins Master
Collect all experience in Ruins of the Perished
Mines Master
Collect all experience in Heartland Mines
Village Master
Collect all experience in Bramblestoke Village
Forge Master
Collect all experience in Iron Forge
Tower Master
Collect all experience in Tower of Sarek
Master Collector
Collect all experience in the game
Complete the entire game
What’s next?
Complete the entire game on Very Hard difficulty
Treasure Hunter
Find all secret items in every level
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hit at least three different monsters with a single bow shot
Hidden Trophy
What a View!
Build a tower with at least 12 Wizard-created objects and stand on top of the tower without collapsing it
Master Ninja
Complete 5 swings in a row to the same direction with the grappling hook
Kill 3 monsters with a single physical object drop or throw
All Boxes And No Play…
Create 500 objects in a single level
Better Than Developers!
Complete Tower of Sarek without any deaths on Very Hard difficulty
Footskull Fan
Kill at least 50 monsters in a single level with the Knight’s Charge ability
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
nice trophies is this game gonna be good aint heard about this b4 now
f*ck me, how many silvers do you want??! i thought this was PSN, so is it like wipeout with the plat…?
Is this any good?
I think I’ll wait till I know a price and review score before getting excited about this. Interesting concept though
haha I just misread Foresaken Dungeons as Foreskin Dungeons
hey Haza12 why wait till you get a review when you have Monkeymoobs up there saying this game is “gonna be good”.
I’m not going to bother counting the number of silvers and gold trophies but it does seem like it goes over the average trophy value for a game.
thickbrow is leaving the forums, time to celebrate all.
its hard to tell since theres no question mark, but monkey moobs is asking if its good. A question I can’t answer, but this game has been anticipated for a while, it was supposed to release a while ago and has been continuously delayed, with no release date set still. Trophy announcements is a good sign though
It’s going to be released this Thursday (9/17). Just saw a spot for it.
I can’t wait for this game. A Plat for a PSN game!
Wow!!!many silvers and a few gold too. If this is a psn game then its gonna be expensive. has to be at least 20 squid or its another trophy driven purchase. If it´s shit hot then fair enuff but i can´t see myself getting it. Just an opinion btw.
P.s i think thickbrow´s opinions are respected and appreciated. after all, he´s only giving his views on trophy lists. we can´t all agree or we´d all be boring bastards!!!
Trine will cost $19.99 in North America when it is released. It was announced at the PSN Web site some time ago. It looks like a pretty cool game. I highly recommend downloading the trailer off of the PS Store to check it out.
Wow… Nice trophies in the PSN… like as burnout, hipeout and socom…
i thought this psn cheap game but it’s an actual game? crap load of silver.
It’s still a psn game afaik but its of larger scale…has been out on the pc from what I can tell for some months.
Just released today for £16.99 in the EU store…Will be downloading it.
It is a PC game that has been ported over to PSN, thats why it has a plat, at £15.99 thats not too bad
what’s this game like don’t think youtube has any videos
Theres tons of youtube vids lol.
This game with platinum trophie will came from PSN? lol… When will be released?
is this on psn or Rl store?
theres a lot of trophies for a psn game
Loving it, one of the best PSN games so far. Out in Europe only right now though.
its a good little game. not see a game like this since the ps1 but its got game play.
I’ve got some of the hidden trophies:
‘I did it my way’ (bronze) – Complete a level with 15 or more character deaths
‘Whackwhackwhack’ (bronze) – Kill at least 5 monsters in 3 seconds
‘The cool way’ (silver) – In a single level, kill one monster by jumping onit with the knight, one with the Wizard’s abilities and one with the thief’s grappling hook kick
Pretty cool game with 3 players, but last level is just impossible to do with three.
no online co op is a big fail. Unless i’m missing summat? 3 players on same console? Does that explain the flood of silvers? Good game just a shame i cant team up with people online. Maybe they’ll patch it if enough people suggest it.
looks good to me, would anyone like to trade 4 sim city 2000? i can’t stand how they will release one game in europe and one game in usa but 1 week apart.
ok thanks im in us so i gotta wait. ohh well
this game looks completely savage, can’t wait till i can muster some cash
dont care what anyone says these trophies are tough.yeah there’s loads but its gonna be a time consuming plat.
not in the usa psn damn it how long we gotta wait? do we even get it? suppose 2 be sept 8th now its a day B4 my birthday still no trine but atlease im having fun on cross/edge Rpg^^
does any1 wanna trade i hv soldner x, street fightr 2 hd remix, rag doll kung fu, rag doll kung fu time saver pack, crash bandicoot 2, twisted metal 2 and spyro. i wnt trine and any other
why dont you just buy it you jerk? Game sharing is illegal. If everyone game shared the companies that make the games would go bust because of people like you. I hope you get caught and banned from psn.
Tommyflop your an idiot gamesharing is not illegal sony just don’t like people doin it
so its not illegal. Taking something that aint yours without paying for it isn’t right tho is it. Do you have a job? Do you work for free and some thief comes along and takes something you’ve worked hard on(yes i said hard on!)for nothing?sticking up for those guys does NOT MAKE ME AN IDIOT!yes sony dont like it and can you blame them? Why not just buy a chipped xbox and rape every game that ever comes out?just appreciate the people who work hard to bring us these games instead of ripping them off. Anyone agree? Or am i the only one with morals?:)
Omg you just proved you were an idiot by pointing out you said hard on how old are you 9. And although I don’t gameshare I know people that do and sometimes the developer will make more money because the dlc or game is to expensive and not worth the full price so they split the cost and download more because of it
he he. U take things too seriously spencer. If u dont like the price then dont download it. Sony have said they’ll take action on gamesharers so people who go on about it on here and their name matches their psn name are the idiots imo.and no i’m not 9 i just have a sense of humour. Nice to get a reply for a change tho. Most of my comments dont get replied to.
Has any1 downloaded this game, is it any gd?? it looks interesting
Hooray! Just got Platinum on this. I reckon this is one of the easier games to Plat, so highly recommended to all you trophy whores out there 🙂
Good game – just a shame the multiplayer is only local as it’s a real blast with 3 players.
i’m still baffled why it wasn’t online co op. I started it but not been back on since i got heavy weapon. Some xp is hard to find maybe easier with 3 players.
Don’t worry too much on getting the xp first run through. Once you’ve completed the game it’s a lot easier to then dash through the levels(on easy) with your powered up chars. It’s amazing how many of the xp’s were sitting there staring me in the face, but somehow missed the first time round. It also uses the old trick of putting xp behind you at the start of a level, so don’t forget to check. Heavy weapon any good then?
crafty buggers heavy weapon is great. Good old fashioned shoot em up with insane weapons.i was 4th on leaderboard for boss blitz.trophies are pretty easy.
does any1 wanna game trade for heavy weapon iv got alot of games if so add muthada_hk
yeah i will mate, add me s-t-e-v-e-n-313
What games you got, i have about 12 games i think add me thanks m8
anyone want to trade with me, i have – heavy weapon , buzz junior monsters, buzz junior robot ruble, flower, super stardust, all of the call of duty map packs ( map pack 1 , 2 , 3 ) , crash team racing, burn zombie burn, astro tripper, a few little big planet costumes and i think thats it i cant remember. i want trine only ask to trad if you have trine or Nba live 10
i also have pain, battle tanks, battlefield 1943, worms and TMNT ( teenage mutant ninga turtles )
The hidden trophy no one has mentioned is Flower Power. Complete a level with no enemies being defeated. It doesn’t say in the trophy description but you can’t do it on Astral Academy.
How do you trade games I have NBA 2K10 Draft Combine & Rag Doll Fists Of Plastics.
hahahaha what a nice missreading XD
this game is very brutal an hard with limited room for errors. i played 6 levels and getting out of control