Zombie Apocalypse Trophies
Total Trophies: 12As heavily equipped gunslingers, Zombie Apocalypse sets players on a mission to destroy as many zombies as possible in order save the last remaining human survivors.
Anniversary of the Dead
Complete the Final Day, in either Single or Multiplayer, and finish the game
A Week to Live
Complete 7 days in any game mode without dying
Friends in Low Places
Save 25 survivors in any game mode
Hotter than Hell
Complete the final day of the “7 Days of Hell” unlockable mode
Interior Decorator
Kill 25 zombies in any game mode using environmental hazards
Can’t Touch This
Rack up a lOOx multiplier in any game mode
Environmental Awareness
Kill a zombie using an environmental hazard in any game mode
Gas Powered
Complete an entire arena, getting every kill with the Chainsaw
Gun Shop
Kill at least one zombie with each weapon type in any game mode
More the Merrier
Kill 10 or more zombies at the same time in any game mode
Play in an online multiplayer game
Tour of the City
Complete each arena at least once in the same game in any game mode
i like killing zombies 😆 might get this!
Agreed! Will have to see when this is out! Is this the same as Dead Nation?
games looks quality defo gettin this
Hmm… I wonder what this game’s about.
i hope this turns out better than Burn Zombie Burn.
Burn was a great game, but i know a lot of people found it difficult.. this looks more promising though.
Yeah I liked burn zombie burn to hope this is at least as good 🙂
hmm the background of the cover of the game looks very much like Fallout 3
@pobert – good eye. It looks EXACTLY like the art from Fallout3, with different words on it.
Hi there, this is Mark Cooke from Nihilistic Software, the developers of Zombie Apocalypse.
Just wanted to clarify that no, this is not the same game as Dead Nation.
Though I can’t give an exact release date yet, Zombie Apocalypse will be released soon. If you like, you can follow us on Facebook to get the latest updates immediately.
I hope you will all enjoy killing loads of zombies in the game! 🙂
game looks good but wot game will be better
zombie apocalypse
dead nation?
I think this game will be awesome as i love killing zombies on call of duty world at war!
brings back old memories of sega genesis zombie ate my neighbor souped up.
dude, i think its like dead rising. CAN’T WAIT TILL 3/30/10 DEAD RISING FOR BOTH SYSTEMS.
dead risng 2 not 1 people
I heard that it is a cross between L4D and BZB. This will be an awesome game. I didn’t get Left 4 Dead (on PC from Steam) and I didn’t get Burn Zombie Burn because I heard about this game.
game looks good
This game will and probably be awsome add me if u want 2 know more game + platinums
had bzb but it was to cartoony this looks like it cud be a good one @ least on video it looks good
i played the demo. this game and its trophies r so awsum.anyone want to add me and power thru this game?we wil b unstoppable!
Anyone willing to trade for this game? I have Zen pinball w. extra table, FF7, Namco museum, and Shatter. Just hit me up if your willing to trade. Azuriaf on psn.
Pretty disappointed by this one. only 7 Stages. After the 7th Day you have seen all the Levels and seriously seeing how small those Levels are its even more of a Letdown. Got all Trophies except hotter then Hell because it feels like its taking forever
wooo a developer on allps3. Got demo last nite was lovin it.4 player online will be wkd.trophies seem reasonable.def gettin this. Note to game sharers:just pay for em. If u cant afford, tough. Trusting your account to someone else is just mad. And sony will come knocking some day.
Heh, sony encourages game shares, each time you buy a psn game you are allotted 5 downloads of it. And as far as security issues go, you simply go into your ps3 account, delete credit card info, then change your password. Now you can gameshare without worries. Just give out the new password, and when the trade is done, go back to your original unknown password.
this game is awesome
To Azuriaf – No you dont get 5 copies of a bought game.. I made that mistake of trading games when in the end its your account you can have 5 multiple accounts running the same game.. Not 5 copies of a game to trade, but 5 account activations.. Hope it made sense?
This is a mini, right?
i downloaded the demo its aawesome yeah i got my multiplyer up to 804x.