Alice: Madness Returns Trophies
Total Trophies: 45The Wonderland that you knew from childhood has gone horribly wrong … again. This is the follow-up to designer American McGee’s twisted take on the classic Lewis Carroll tale. Designed with the same dark style of the original, but now featuring entirely new visuals, story and game design, Alice: Madness Returns follows Alice on a journey through a wildly corrupted and shattered Wonderland to uncover the truth behind her haunted past and tortured psyche.
The Strong Survive
Complete the Game on Easy Difficulty.
The Imaginative Endure
Complete the Game on Normal Difficulty.
The Beginning of the End
Complete Chapter 1 on Nightmare Difficulty.
Strike a Deal
Upgrade a Weapon.
More than a Mouthful
Fully upgrade a Weapon.
Shooting the Moon
Collect 4 Jars of Rose Paint.
Family Memories Fond and Faded
Find all Liddell Memories.
Nothing Like the Smell of Bacon
Pepper All Snouts in a Chapter.
Equip a Different Domain Dress.
Weapon Schizo
Hobby Horse to Vorpal Blade to Hobby Horse Combo.
Grind ’em All!
Kill 5 Bolterflies in a row with the Pepper Grinder.
Hit 4 enemies with a single Hobby Horse ground smash.
Tea Party
Destroy 10 Ruin Barriers.
Eyes on the Size
Find the hidden Shrink Sense Decal.
Kill 10 Bitch Babies with Deflection.
Beware of the Lagomorph
Kill 30 enemies with the Clockwork Bomb.
No quarter! No mercy!
Defeat 100 Ruin Enemies.
Defeat 52 Card Guards.
The Persistent Flourish
Complete the Game on Hard Difficulty.
Armed to the Teeth
Fully upgrade all weapons.
Painting the Town Red
Complete all Radula Rooms.
Everything Fit to Remember
Find all Memories.
Seasoned Campaigner
Pepper All Snouts in the Game.
Ship of Fools
Complete HMS Gryphon without taking Damage.
Just Peachy
Collect all the Peaches in the Scroll of Destiny.
Complete a Chess Puzzle without failing.
That’s Using Your Head
Complete Off With Her Head Part 2 in under 6 minutes.
Cold Arms, Cold Heart
Defeat the Drowned Sailor without taking any damage.
Pulling His Strings
Defeat the Dollmaker without taking any damage.
Calm In the Face of Death
While on your last Rose, kill 5 Enemies without activating Hysteria.
Madness Prevails
Complete the Game on Nightmare Difficulty
Finish the game using Hysteria only once.
Platinum For All Other Trophies
Platinum For All Other Trophies.
Hidden Trophies:
No Happy Returns
Back to Wonderland.
End of Innocence
Complete Vale of Tears.
Hatter’s Demise
Complete Wonderland Chapter 1.
Grim Folly
Complete Wonderland Chapter 2.
When Worlds Collide
Complete Wonderland Chapter 3.
The Harder they Fall
Complete Wonderland Chapter 4.
The End of Daze
Complete Wonderland Chapter 5.
Acquire the Vorpal Blade.
Ground Pork
Acquire the Pepper Grinder.
Strange Hobby
Acquire the Hobby Horse.
Death by Darjeeling
Acquire the Teapot Cannon.
Venting Frustration
Spend 7 minutes on steam vents.
Looking forward to this regardless of what the ‘critics’ say… Might be some tricky silvers, depends on the game mechanics… And how ‘bad’ they really are, or not 😯
havnt seen that many Flaws in the reviews!! 😕
Check Metacritic.
The reviews are pretty mixed if you actually checked, it’s scored a 71% or something. That’s pretty average!?
The user review is much better
7 to me Means Good and thats Good enough!!! while Duke Nukem was a 6 which was alright which was dfinitly not Good!!!
The 0-10 scale is to simplistic… The whole Alice/Duke thing proves it? Where do you get your reviews from??
71% is different to 7…
it was 6 according to ME but Duke itself got 4 out of 10 the most on which is where i check all Gamereviews.
I don’t bother to listen to critics most of the time what they hate I love and to me whether this game is good or not that fact that I finally get to play the first one is good for me seeing as I was only 11 when it first came out and heaven forbid I play a game like this at that age lol.