Army of Two: The 40th Day Trophies
Total Trophies: 59The wild boys of the SSC face hell again in this sequel to the hit third-person teamwork-based shooter. Army of Two: The 40th Day reunites Salem and Rios as they’re forced to survive in a city under siege. The sequel includes more co-op moves for players to use at any time, which will allow for completely different strategies and options in battle, adding up to a bigger, more organic and immersive co-op experience.
Better Than Gold
Earn all other trophies
Not What I Thought It Was
Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty level
A Steep Descent
Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty level
A Decent Animal
Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty level
Emergency Room
Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty level
Gone Shopping
Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty level
Meat Bag
Use 15 enemies as human shields
Fist Bump!
Didn’t your mother ever teach you some manners?
Charge through 20 enemies
Kill 3 or more enemies with a single grenade
Kill 150 enemies with pistols
Old Faithful
Kill 400 enemies with assault rifles, submachine guns or shotguns
One Shot, One Kill
Kill 100 enemies with a sniper rifle
Quick Draw
Kill 25 enemies with a quickdraw from mock surrender
Open Hand Slap!
Kill 50 enemies with a melee or bayonet
Not So Bad After All
Tie up 15 enemy combatants instead of executing them
Heal your partner 10 times
Co-Op Sniper
Co-op snipe 5 enemies
Attention Grabber
Allow your partner to snipe 5 guys while in mock surrender
In Synch
Kill two enemies with simultaneous quick draws while in co-op mock surrender
Pumpkin Patch
Shoot 2 enemies in the head with a single bullet
Total Fist Bump Destruction
Finish the game as best friends
Total Fist Bump Deflation
Finish the game in a fractured friendship
The Truth Is Right Here
Listen to all of the radio broadcasts
Loot and Pillage
Collect $1,000,000
Hate Monger
Customize a primary weapon to high aggro
The Optimist
Make a positive coop morality choice
The Pessimist
Make a negative coop morality choice
Fresh Meat
Versus: Revive your partner and perform a partner reload during the same public match
Fancy Meeting You Here
Versus: Invite a friend before joining a lobby to play a public match
Big Game Hunting
Versus: Kill both members of a single partnership during a public match
Job Seeker
Versus: In public matches, kill a player with either the primary or secondary
weapon from every weapon kit
Versus: Create a custom facemask online ( and wear it in a public match
Death Dealer
Versus: Kill 10 players with headshots on a single map in a public match
Power Couple
Versus: Earn the highest partnership score in a Co-op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone public match
All Guns Blazing
Versus: Kill a player with every weapon, including special weapons, in public matches
Complete the game on any difficulty level
Complete half the game on hardest difficulty level
Survive an entire level without needing to be revived on normal difficulty or above
Full Arsenal
Collect all weapons and weapon parts
Touch Not A Cat But A Glove
Shoot all Maneki Neko cats in the game
Save every hostage
Future Visions
Unlock all potential futures
Bound For Life
Versus: In a public match, survive an entire Extraction map without suffering a single death on your team
King Of The Hill
Versus: Win a public match on every map in Co-op Deathmatch, Control and Warzone
Survival Of The Fittest
Versus: Complete all 16 rounds of an Extraction game in a public match
Complete the game on the hardest difficulty
The Beast
Kill 6,666 people in Campaign
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Beat partner at this game three times in a row
Customize an assault rifle with three homemade parts. The rusty stock, pipe bomb launcher, and the kitchen knife (all parts you can find playing through the game) are recommended. We’re not spending good money to get a trophy or achievement.
Make all good moral choices in a single campaign (required to unlock the Glock G-18)
Make all bad moral choices in a single campaign (note this unlocks more weapons)
Chapters of Deceit DLC
Men of the People
Escort all hostages to safety
Pick A New Face
Find one new mask in The Chapters of Deceit
Hit And Miss
Complete Chapter 8 on any difficulty level
Train Wrecked
Complete chapter 9 on any difficulty level
Paging Dr. Wu
Protect Dr. Wu from the FDI foes
Good Guys
Positive morality choice. Choose to let the traitor live.
Good Fellas
Negative morality choice. Choose to execute the woman
Can It Really Be That Simple?
Kill the FDI leader. Could it really be this easy?
only 5 chapters?
oh and first 😀
5 Chapters but maybe each chapter is divided into several parts..Who knows i hope it isnt that bad like the first game
a few online trophies… hmm 😕
Urgh, MP trophies are a waste of time! IMO when I play online I want to be able to say stuff like “Holy crap dude I shot you right up the back passage!” Not “Right boys for the next 10,000 kills I don’t want anyone dying as I need this Team Survivor Trophy” I want to have a laugh with my mates online not worry about how the hell I’m supposed to win 100 Deathmatch games in a row. I’m not saying I’m against MP trophies completely, they should just be used in a way similar to the DLC for KZ2s Trophies, x amount of kills as a particular class, x amount of kills with a particular weapon….that sort of thing, nice & easy so that trophy whores can earn them easily & the rest of us can concentrate on getting one up against our mates.
God damn gingerninja, ur comment rules and I totally agree, MP trophies that u have to involve yourself in to be able to get is waste!
i have 1000 trophys and 1 plt trophys i don’t play games for trophys i play games for fun.
is it just me or is it if a game has good online it doesn’t have MP trophies e.g. COD but crappy games do e.g. Resistance 2 and this terrible excuse of a game
I think that the trophies for this game are pretty good. I would rather not have online trophies though.
At least the platinum title is true…good trophies as well, minus the exception of the MP ones.
can not wait for this game, i loved the first one and trophies dont look that hard
i think you have to boost to get the MP ones. Game looks awesome just like the first! I got dibbs on Salem.
the co-op demo just became availabe for download i think x
i hope so coz i wanna see if i like it, no doubt i will
loved the first one. It was so fun with 2 players. Might get this but might not seeing that God of War 3, MAG, Modnation Racers, and Heavy Rain is coming out next year
I played the demo & u can only play co-op is that how its going to be when it releases.
well it is a ‘co-op demo’ lol
this game looks cool amigo
this game is cool cant wait to get it!!
that mask maker website sounds cool…
Played the demo and wasn’t really impressed. It REQUIRES CO-OP gameplay so bleh!
Cancelling my preorder…
This game is all about co-op, if you don’t like co-op then you really have no business anywhere near this game or the first one.
cant wait for it. loved the demo. hopefully the chapters are alot longer than the first game. but either way, im still getting it
how is this game i was considering getting it
gotta get this game man…. this years 2010 wishlist:
Army of Two: The 40th day
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer
My wishlist max payne 3 killzone 3 and this one
damn. am i the only one that wants god of war 3? lol
Army of “TWO”. Think about the title. Plus you can play the game yourself but have work with the AI.
just picked up the game yesterday I thought it was way better than the first one
this game e great it is a short game luckily i got it for 50 in new zealend
It has seven chapters and 2 of the secret trophies are- Rock, Paper, Scissors-Beat your partner at rock, paper, scissors 3 times in a row and Scavenger- Build a gun using 3 homebrew parts. Does anyone know what other 2 are?
i really want this but i wanna know if the online co op is as bad as 1st one where you only could play with salem/rios depending on which one you are.
The actual game is much better, and doesn’t require you to co-op, i wouldn’t cancel it bro
i simply love the army of two series. the first nd the second
but the 40 days is much better. i didnt play the beta version , but the actual game doesnt suck at all, its great.
How do you create an extraction match for public use?
Its 7 chapters and 2 more chapters coming out on thursday (1 april), so its gonna be 9 chapters in total soon
The game is one of the games i played..
No, its 7 chapters today (31 march), but its comming out 2 more tomorrow (1 april), so its gonna be 9 in total, and there is more tropies that they doesnt show…
here are they:
Men of people: Escort all hostages to safety
Pick a new face: find a new mask in chapters of deceit
Hit and miss: Complete chapter 8 (any difficulty)
train wrecked: complete chapter 9 (any difficulty)
paging dr. wu: protect dr. wu from the FDI foes
Good guys: Posetive morality choice, let the tratior live
Good fellas: Negative morality choice, choose to execute the traitor
Can it be that simple?: Kill the FDI leader, can it be that simple?
anybody else having trouble earning the dlc trophies?
yea im having problems too. none of them will unlock, i start from chapter 8 and finished and nothing. then today i play the whole game then did the dlc after beating it and still nothing. you would think with million of dollars put into making a game and millions riding on how good the game is that they would at least make sure everything works b4 release.
There are 7 chapt not 5
got all the trophies out of dlc
What the f@#$ is wrong with you? Resistance 2 is amazing!!!!!!!
I have som problemes with the co-op split screen. It is from Left to right and not top to butom. Some know how to chace that??
whats up with the new trophies how do u get them do u have to download them