Assassin’s Creed 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Delve deeper into the secret society of assassins with the sequel to the blockbuster action-adventure game. Assassin’s Creed 2 is an epic story of family, vengeance and conspiracy set in the pristine, yet brutal, backdrop of a Renaissance Italy. Ezio befriends Leonardo da Vinci, takes on Florence’s most powerful families and ventures throughout the canals of Venice where he learns to become a master assassin.
Master Assassin
Unlock all trophies.
The Birth of an Assassin
Be reborn as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze.
Arrivederci Abstergo
Break out of Abstergo.
Welcome to the Animus 2.0
Enter the Animus 2.0.
The Pain of Betrayal
Complete DNA Sequence 1.
Complete DNA Sequence 2.
Exit the Son
Complete DNA Sequence 3.
Bloody Sunday
Complete DNA Sequence 4.
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella.
The Conspirators
Complete DNA Sequence 5.
An Unexpected Journey
Complete DNA Sequence 6.
Bleeding Effect
Complete training and re-enter the Animus.
The Merchant of Venice
Complete DNA Sequence 7.
The Impenetrable Palazzo
Complete DNA Sequence 8.
Complete DNA Sequence 9.
Bianca’s Man
Complete DNA Sequence 10.
The Prophet
Complete DNA Sequence 11.
The Vault
Complete DNA Sequence 14.
An Old Friend Returns
Escape the hideout.
Myth Maker
Find the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni.
Vitruvian Man
Unlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16’s video.
Street Cleaner
Hide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay.
Fly Swatter
Kick a Guard while using the Flying Machine.
Messer Sandman
Stun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face.
Perform an Air Assassination on a Poisoned NPC.
Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit.
Pickpocket 1000 Florins.
Lightning Strike
Sprint for 100 meters.
Sweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon.
Venetian Gladiator
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside Santa Maria della Visitazione.
I can see your house from here!
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside Torre Grossa.
Hallowed be thy name
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside the Basilica di San Marco.
Prison Escape
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress.
Choir Boy
Discover the Assassin’s Tomb inside Santa Maria del Flore (The Duomo).
Assassin for Hire
Complete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico.
Macho Man
Defend a woman’s honor.
Steal Home
Win a race against thieves!
Show your Colors
Wear the Auditore cape in each city.
Handy Man
Upgrade a building in the Stronghold.
I like the view
Synchronize 10 View Points.
High Dive
Perform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence’s Glotto’s Campanile.
Intercept a Borgia Courrier.
Tip of the Iceberg
Use your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment.
A Piece of the Puzzle
Unlock a piece of Subject 16’s video.
Art Connoisseur
Buy a Painting from Florence and Venice.
Podestร of Monteriggioni
Reach 80% of the your stronghold’s total value.
Perfect Harmony
Tint your clothes with these colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory.
In Memory of Petruccio
Collect all the Feathers.
Red Light Addict
Spend 5000 florins on Courtesans.
Man of the People
Toss more than 300 florins on the ground.
Victory lies in preparation
Get all Hidden Blades, Item Pouches and Armor upgrades for Ezio.
100 feathers for a bronze? please. w/e i’ll still do it ๐
Hoh to you sweep 5 guards at once with a long weapon.
YEA got PLATINUM 2 day n the hardest trophy 4 me was doing all those Glyph Puzzles
i here there is going 2 be DLC is it true
wats dlc?
Downloadable Content, which you get from the Playstation Store.
yeh thanks ps3 trophies when is it coming out?
Just got Platinum yesterday.
Those throphies are really easy to get.
Took me less than 4 days.
guys i’ve got a really big problem getting no-hitter and sweeper. any advice – especially about the first one
no hitter i just keep throw sand in the guards face then assinate them afterwards. sweeper get the long stick and wait till some guards are line up next to eachother then attack.
kool kool i got 19 plats
puzzle 15 was a bitch.
this game is sick though i havent finished it
wats it men defend a womans honour and reach 80% of your strongholds total value only those 2 trophies need to get ๐
and whats it mean poisioned npc whats it stand for ๐
Poisson a guard then air assinate him and defend a womans honour u should get pretty close to the start
no problems amigo
i tried deffend a womans honour but dont know what to do help please
defend a womens honour is easy do a side mission called beat em up n u should get it
cant to get it
how can i get no-hitter easy (Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit)
Please help
Dude, just block, counterattack, and parry; you’ll get it eventually. I actually did this one by accident. The easily way to get 10 enemies on your back is to step foot in a restricted area.
hey i am new to this website but not new to getting trophies. if you need help with any trophies just look for it on youtube lol.
The freaking easiest game ever. The only problem I had was the 100 feathers because I wasn’t paying attention the first few walk throughs on which ones I already got. But the best place to get the feather locations at is this website…
@miketol Smoke bombs help a lot. Get three smoke bombs, throw one down… Kill two or three guards. Toss another one… kill two or three. Toss last one. Kill another. Throwing knives also do good too…
hi how do you get the doctor trophies
hey i am stuck on A old Friend Returns does anyone know how to do this one and also sweeper and doctor and any clues on feathers and wat are courtesans???
plz help
coutesans are prostitutes basically, they mascurade about in revealing dresses
See thats was your 17th, you monster you. Hope you had a good new years bro
My file on assasins creed went corrupt and just freezes my PS3 when i load it.. i had just finished DNA Sequence 7. so if someone has a file on AC2 that is before DNA SEQUENCE 7 and wouldnt mind saving it onto a usb stick then emailing it to me i would be very very happy. i wouldnt mind paying you ยฃ5 via pay pal either..
i do really like this game but i feel its just become fun and the beginning is soo SLOW i dont wanna play through it again.
so please help regarding above post.
my PSN is
contact me on here on PS3
(read above posts)
This game is way too easy to clear – the lack of difficulty really ruined the game. Most rewarding parts were solving the puzzles, and the story line itself of course. Least rewarding was the utterly meaningless task of collecting the feathers. If you are a completist, track these as you go, and collect the rest in the end. I can’t imagine the frustration of missing one of them, and my thoughts go to those who did just that. Also, on how to get the no-hitter trophy: somewhere in the game you get to attack a monastery with a bunch of monks. Killing 10 of them is so dead easy you’ll think it is a real shame. Just wait until then. I got it by accident, and felt that I really lost out on a potentially exciting trophy quest.
umm…how do u throw sand in gaurd’s faces? and is there an online map for the feathers? plz help ๐ฅ
Im just wondering is this game really that worse the the first one because i just got the first 1 today so i was wondering is it that bad?
i mean bad as like not appropiat btw
where can l buy a piantings?
l’ve buy all the paintings in the game but yet l have not get the trophy? Do l hafto do something else?
To get the painting trophy you must buy one in Florence and one in venice and it should pop up if not you might have to start a new file.
how do u throw sand into the guard’s faces?
platinumd this biotch in 3 and a half days
Just bought this off ebay. got just the disc for $20, who cares about the manual? I didn’t like the first one very much but looking forward to this. I was wondering if i beat the story can I still walk around the city later to find the feathers? or do I have to find them before finishing the story?
to throw sand just target by pressing L1 then hold square whilst unarmed
I am having a hell of a time with the long weapon sweeper (my final trophy before getting master assassin platinum.)
But the way I got the no hitter is, I went to forli and made a bunch of guards chase me like the end of a Benny Hill episode. Once you get enough of them, stop, turn around, and SMOKE BOMB the buggers, then stab them with hidden blades like fish in a barrel! And when the smoke clears, deploy another bomb to buy more time. Aim for the low level guards first, since they are the first to run. The three smoke bombs you are allowed in your inventory should get you to a ten count in no time.
Also, take into consideration that there is a mission in the game where you have to take out 10 guards in one minute while they guard the bridge in Venice (this is an assassination contract pigeon mission.) Now I hired some militia free agents to aid me in this, but, thinking in retrospect, this mission is tailor-made for this trophy. Just use no militiamen and make sure you are smoke bombing those bastards… I see no other way to get through this mission anyway. One minute is ridiculous!
Now for the sweeper mission, I haven’t accomplished it yet, but my plan is to grab a spear from the trio of guards poking at the hay bails in Venice south of the huge restricted cathedral where the four large knights are guarding the front gate. Kill those three guards and run off with the spear… stay at a high profile jog, and don’t shift your run into overdrive (by pressing X on PS3) as it will make you automatically drop the spear, which is lame… but anyway, find any number of guards near the cathedral, have a buttload of them chase you into a nearby narrow alleyway, which is pretty essential for this feat. From there, get a good lead on the guards, then drop the spear, turn around, smoke bomb them, quickly pick up the spear (keep it away from the smoke or it will be really hard to retrieve.) and sweep at a cluster of those suckers… Or just try your luck without the smoke bomb… it might be hard to charge your spear attack to maximum with all those bloodthirsty suckers trying to get a piece of you.
1st DLC announced for 28th of January
2nd sometime in February
Is there going to be trophies for the DLC. Can’t wait for Assassin’s Creed 3 rumor has it the main charecter is going to be female this time.
No, Ubisoft said that Assassin’s Creed 3 will be continuing Ezio adventure and i don’t thinks theres trophies because it released today and nothing popped up about it on the site and my 100% didn’t go down
Oh, thats just what I read on Wikipedia
I need all is the feathers, wear the cape in all cities and get all the gliph things, but my labtop broke and my PS3 isnt near my family computer so im screwed untill it gets fixed, but i already got like 50 of them.