Bayonetta Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Bayonetta is a stylish and cinematic action game, directed by Hideki Kamiya. A witch with powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless angelic enemies, many reaching epic proportions, in a game of 100% pure, unadulterated all-out action.
Acquire all Trophies
Acquire all Trophies
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Taste Of The Witching Hour
Complete all chapters on any difficulty.
Chapters 1-4 (Normal)
Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Normal difficulty.
Chapters 5-7 (Normal)
Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Normal difficulty.
Chapters 8-11 (Normal)
Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Normal difficulty.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Umbra Witch
Complete all chapters on Normal difficulty.
New Testament: Ch. 1-4 (Hard)
Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Hard difficulty.
New Testament: Ch. 5-7 (Hard)
Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Hard difficulty.
New Testament: Ch. 8-11 (Hard)
Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Hard difficulty.
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Umbra Elder
Complete all chapters on Hard difficulty.
Hidden Trophy
I’m A Bit… I Mean Witch.
Execute a Torture Attack.
Feels Good, Doesn’t It?
Execute 50 Torture Attacks.
You Want To Touch Me?
Engage Witch Time successfully 10 times.
Nice Try
Engage Witch Time successfully 10 times consecutively.
Earn 10 Platinum Medals. Must be earned in 10 different battles.
Double, Double, Toil And Trouble
Create 20 Concoctions.
Tread Not So Softly
Kill an enemy by jumping on top of them.
Nice And Relaxed
Avert 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped.
Touch And It Will Hurt
Counter 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped.
Touch And It Will REALLY Hurt
Counter three enemy attacks consecutively with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped.
Come Here, Little Boy
Taunt and defeat five plus angered enemies while taking no damages. Gaze of Despair may be equipped.
Wicked Weaver
Execute a Wicked Weave attack while using Dodge Offset.
Wicked Weaver Master
Execute 20 Wicked Weave attacks while using Dodge Offset.
The Deepest Cut
Kill 20 enemies using only Iai-Jutsu with Shuraba. (Iai-Jutsu performed by holding )
Higher And Higher
While never setting foot on the ground, grab enemies 10 times using Kulshedra.
Hidden Trophy
Seeker Of Magic
Purchase three new techniques.
Commander Of Magic
Purchase all techniques.
Record Collector
Obtain there complete Angelic Hymn Gold LPs.
Hidden Trophy
Treasure Collector
Discover half of all the Umbra Witches’ final resting places.
Treasure Fanatic
Discover all of the Umbra Witches’ final resting places.
The Path To The Heavens
Discover all Alfheim portals.
Angel May Cry
Complete half of all Alfheim portals.
Angel Slayer
Complete all Alfheim portals.
Truth In Its Purest Form
Collect all of Antonio’s notes.
Naughty Tentacles
Destroy all the tentacles that drop down together during a single sequence in Chapter 9.
Hidden Trophy
Fire The Afterburners
Earn Platinum Medals during Verse 1 and Verse 2 of Chapter 14.
Hidden Trophy
not too sure about this game its a maybe if reviews are good
woo can’t wait for this one..i hope it might be better than DMC 4
these trophies suck :O as does the game imo way to overrated
How would you know the game sucks, it doesn’t even come out until January.
its a devil may cry copy, and i hated dmc
He probably means after playing the demo, I have to agree with him, doesn’t live up to the hype, at least not in the demo, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong in January lol
i see videos of this. its looks pretty good so far. gotta get some updates though.
demo wasn’t bad, just get a japanese account and try it for yourselves. and it apparently is already getting 10s in japan
Awesome! Devil May Cry… if Dante was a female witch covered in hair…and he was in a completely different game. lol
This never looked good imo.
no…it’s not a copy since the maker of DMC makes it u idiot!
LOL then it can still be a copy moron
its like saying Modern Warfare 2 is a copy of Modern Warfare
YOU Dumbass !!!
Who cares if this is a Devil May Cry Copy. All games are a copy in some form. God of War is a copy in some ways to DMC, ninja Gaiden the same. Jesus.
Anyway: I love Devil May Cry 1. It’s the best in the series by far, and since the original guy who did DMC1 is doing Bayonetta, this game will be kickass imo.
Getting it for sure. Screw reviews, they’re all biased in some form. 🙂
anyone bought this game yet and tryed it??? would like to hear som opinions about the game (and the trophies ofc :D) from someone who acctually played it! Thanks!
The developer is the same, so its very similar… BUT, i played the demo of PSN Japan and the game is really good. Great graphics, a lot of combos… I was watching the previw on gametrailers and they said that the action in Bayonetta is better then in DMC. I can´t wait to play it.
Played the demo last week and oh boy was I disappointed by this title. The mechanics are very much like DMC4 and graphics are somewhat ok. But where the big letdown comes from is that TRULY GHEY COMBAT MUSIC… I’m like WTF is that SH!T! It’s made for sissies in mind that’s for sure! Aaaaaand it was enough to get a nice cancellation mark on that preorder… thank you very much!
So for any interested gamers out there, for Chuck Norris’s sake, PLAY THE DEMO FIRST or you might regret spending on that craptacular game.
I loved the game despite what ign said though i only played the demo i really enjoyed it but thats mainly due to the face i love dmc and god of war type games.
P.S. Who cares if the combat music is “ghey” it makes it all the more enjoyable cuz its so weird
played the demo big fan of of dmc series i personally think DMC better than dis also i like the bgm it has
This game is very over the top. Way better than the DMC (Devil May Cry) series. DOnt like the loading times but sony states that they are working on this issue. If you are a DMC fan this is a must have. Great game, very addictive.
i love the game. its kinda easy^^ cant wait to unlock hardest
Are you ever going to show what the ??? are?I just need two more.