Bioshock 2 Trophies
Total Trophies: 69Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions, a premier provider of Plasmids and Tonics in the underwater city of Rapture that was first explored in the original BioShock.
Platinum Trophy
Unlocked all trophies
Welcome to Rapture
Completed your first non-private match
Unnatural Selection
Scored your first kill in a non-private match
Disgusting Frankenstein
Become a Big Daddy for the first time in a non-private match
“Mr. Bubbles– No!”
Took down your first Big Daddy in a non-private match
Two-Bit Heroics
Completed your first trial in a non-private match
Mother Goose
Saved your first Little Sister in a non-private match
Achieved Rank 10
Little Moth
Achieved Rank 20
Skin Job
Achieved Rank 30
Choose the Impossible
Achieved Rank 40
Proving Grounds
Won your first non-private match
Man About Town
Played at least one non-private match on each multiplayer map
Daddy’s Home
Found your way back into the ruins of Rapture
Defended yourself against Lamb’s assault in the train station
Sinclair’s Solution
Joined forces with Sinclair in Ryan Amusements
Confronted Grace
Confronted Lamb’s lieutenant in Pauper’s Drop
Defeated the Preacher
Defeated the Preacher
Nose for News
Uncovered the secret of Dionysus Park
Found Lamb’s Hideout
Gained access to Lamb’s stronghold
Reunited with your original Little Sister
Heading to the Surface
Headed to the surface on the side of Sinclair’s escape pod
Escaped Rapture
Bought a Slot
Bought one Plasmid or Tonic Slot at a Gatherer’s Garden
Max Plasmid Slots
Fully upgraded to the maximum number of Plasmid Slots
Upgraded a Weapon
Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station
Fully Upgraded a Weapon
Installed the third upgrade to a weapon
All Weapon Upgrades
Found every Power to the People weapon upgrade in the game
Distant Hacker
Used the Hack Tool to hack an object at a distance
Prolific Hacker
Hacked one of each kind of machine
Master Hacker
Hacked 30 machines at a distances with the Hack Tool
First Research
Researched a Splicer with the Research Camera
One Research Track
Maxed out one Research Track
Research Master
Completed all research on every subject in Rapture
Grand Daddy
Defeated 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight
Adopted a Little Sister
Adopted a new Little Sister for the first time
Master Gatherer
Gathered 600 ADAM with Little Sisters
Fully Upgraded a Plasmid
Fully upgraded one Plasmid to the Level 3 version
All Plasmids
Found or purchased all 11 basic Plasmid types
Defended yourself against the Big Sister without dying
Look at You, Hacker
Killed 50 enemies using only hacked Security
Trap Master
Killed 30 enemies using only Traps
Killed an enemy with it’s own projectile
Master Protector
Got through a Gather with no damage and no one getting to the Little Sister
Big Spender
Spent 2000 dollars at Vending Machines
Dealt with Every Little Sister
Dealt with every Little Sister
Against All Odds
Finished the game on the hardest difficulty level
Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil.
Big Brass Balls
Finished the game without using Vita-Chambers
Rapture Historian
Found 100 audio diaries
Paid your respects to the founder of Rapture.
Rapture Metro Pack DLC Trophies
Aqua Incognita
Play at least one non-private match on each DLC map
Win a non-private match in each of the 6 new maps
Use rebirth to start again
DLC #2 Trophies
Trial By Fire
Earn 36 stars in the Protector Trials
Enemy of the Family
Earn an A rank in all Protector Trials
Perfect Protector
Collect 100% of the ADAM in a single Protector Trial
Get a Bigger Bucket
Collect 50% of the ADAM available in all Protector Trials
Litmus Test
Earn 6 stars in the Protector Trials
Acid Test
Earn 18 stars in the Protector Trial
Hidden Trophy
Minerva’s Den DLC Trophies
Garbage Collection
Destroy all 10 Vacuum Bots in Minerva’s Den
Lancer Killer
Kill a Lancer Big Daddy
ADAM Addict
Resolve all the Little Sisters in Minerva’s Den
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
still unsure about this game bioshock 1 was ok but i will wait until i see some reviews before i get this
still need to play the first one ill get round to it eventually.
mp trophies lol some people are going to have a moan about that 😀
ok? just ok? Bioshock is the freaking poop! as in, its awesomeness on a stick! I can’t wait for this, its gonna be more awesomeness on an even bigger stick!
it was ok because once i had completed the story i went to redo it on survivor difficulty but after about an hour i couldn’t bring myself to finish it cos i knew exactly what was gonna happen and i couldn’t really change my style of play which i could do with COD e.g.. try knifing everyone or sniping or shotguns etc hopefully the online will add some life to it cos otherwise it’s a rental
Can’t wait for this game !!! Just happy that we are getting this game at the same time as 360 and not a year apart
loved bioshock but it didnt tempt me to play it again after the 1st time for some reason. i dont mind how getting to ranks gets you trophies at least it means you’ll play the MP. i hope its got a good MP as the SP will be amazing. 😆
Well I guess hidden trophies are like completing the game on survivor without dying etc. 😐
thtas an awful lot of online trophies…..
still need to get the first one!
its a shame about the amount of online trophies, i’ll still hunt for the platinum though!
Awesome! Really similar to the first games, I guess I’ll try for the online trophies but it all depends on wheter or not MP is fun.
Amazing trophies ;_)
wow moobs, I don’t believe we were playing the same game. Picking different plasmids to upgrade makes a huge difference in your playing style (at least, it should), as well as choosing whether to save or harvest the little sisters. Also, theres many situations where it makes an enormous difference if you choose to hack, vs destroy the different machines around. Its really a dynamic shooter, with a lot more creative elements than I’ve seen from any other shooter in the past. Oh well, to each his own.
Will be getting this! Cant wait.. the first was so awesome!
At least the online trophies are not ridiculous..
i didn’t use any of plasmids apart from when i was forced to i found them a bit stupid and never really got involved in the game cos your character is about as interesting a dog turd
Also multiplayer it will be very fun. And also the hidden trophies must be Boss fights like Resistance 2.And another thing multiplayer trophies are very easy you take a silver trophie if you win only one match the only hard trophy must be the “Choose the impossible” :lol
The trophies in this game are the same as the trophies in the first one. It seems like there’s not going to be much of a difference, which could be a good or bad thing.
What is this game about?
Hopefully the game is not as difficult as the first one. Survivor wasn’t fun, I’m sure MP will be though.
So cant wait for this. 9th Feb hurry up
nobody said first so i guess i will have to take their place

Wow, this game looks really fun, now i really need finish the first one before it comes out
Bioshock was one of the most genius games I have ever played. Enduring into playing as the first Big Daddy ever built, I can’t wait to see what wonders the creators have brought for me this time. Long live the underwater world of Rapture!
I agree wit Bioshocklover 2K ganes never ruins the story of a good game
This game is a MUST! I really loved the first one and can’t wait for this sequel! Wow… so many good games coming at the same time, it’s gonna be hard picking which game to play first…
For f*!ks sake, what is it with games slapping on the MP? Why do these people feel that adding MP with time sapping, crappy ass M*&£a-f^%$*ng trophy’s… I’ve not the time and money enough not to have play a game for 4 month’s just to get the Plat.
I’m waiting for the interest destroying news of a Dead Space2 MP… Online is good with some games, i think it’s time develepors started thinking about Mp more seriously and not as a must have add on…
Sorry for the rant…
@ Doc-B
I agree with you completely mate, theres too many developers that seem fixated on having their single player games include multiplayer, don’t get me wrong I loved the original, the story alone was excellent & I’ll still buy #2 but this whole new trend of including multiplayer where it doesn’t suit has to stop. Now that you’ve mentioned it I seriously hope EA DON’T put MP in Dead Space 2
Oh & has anyone seen gameplay footage of Bioshock 2 yet? It looks amazing, the graphics are hugrely improved on the 1st, hacking turrets doesn’t include the pipe mini game anymore, etc
😀 * hugely
Saying that though the uncharted 2 MP is pretty good if a little under-populated… I just can’t see it working with this…
I agree that previous single player games like Bioshock doesn’t require MP. Its like a new trend came up and many game developers thinks its GOOD to have MP included. Sorry, but if the game won’t be as immerssive as a true single player game, then cut the crap about MP.
Although, for Bioshock 2, it’s an other developer thats doing it so I doubt the single player will be letdown. And your right Doc-B, trophies shouldn’t require countless hours of MP. I hate that and well, I’m just getting the PC version so no more trouble here!
As for Dead Space 2… I just can’t wait for this game to come out. My guess it’ll release around Halloween… oh and yeah, MP could kill it! I can’t see how EA would make a MP for DS2, it just doesn’t suit well…
I pre-ordered this last week with Dante’s Inferno 😀 , and bought the first one I like the first one a lot but the second playthrough is pretty boring 🙁 . So this platinum for me has to wait a little while until I have the urge to play it once more. 😥
I know I can’t wait for Dead Space 2 but it’s apparently not coming out till early 2011 but it would of been sweet if it came out on Halloween it would of gave me something to do instead of opening the door for little kids.
Dead Space 2 will have MP, they publicly announced that a while ago. And what LIKEUCARE said about Bio2 MP is true, its a different dev, done on purpose so that the original guys won’t have to lose focus on making an epic SP. So… its not just slapped in, its well thought out. Anyways, you don’t have any desire to get in a deathmatch arena while splicing some plasmids to take out your foes? I know I do!
@DarkAssassin78 and BigWoopMagazine
DS2 MP and 2011 release…. FRAK IT!
What I’m not totally fond of DS2 thought would be it seems to be more action-oriented than survival horror like the first Dead Space. I mean, ok, it could make some sense since Isaac did get through the whole mess of DS and could be a somewhat expert of Necromorphs exterminator. But, I think it would’ve suited well the story to have him close to insanity, seeing necros everywhere, hallucinating and stuff…
I’d love to see more focus on the responsible of that Marker’s project. The military and the freaks of that religion…
On topic, Catching the Sister could be fun!
not long now i cant wait bioshock is the best game on ps3 so far lets see if bioshock 2 can beat it. 🙂
WTF happened there…?
lol anyway
Agree 100% mate, DS2 is meant to pick up exactly where DS left off, after that ending (2.45am for me, I nearly had a heartattack ) I can’t wait to see what happens
just pre-ordered this today, comes out on Tuesday (in the UK) 😀
i’am not big fan of the single player but i think the multiplayer is awesome got lvl 20 so far
does anybody know the what the last secret trophy is? bcz i beat the game and im missing two secrets ones i know one is 9-irony hit the fake andrew ryan with a golf club but what the other one?
Just got the Special Edition (with vinyl LP), oh this is gonna be schweeeeeet…….
Savior. save all the little sisters, let the black chick, the guy who flooded Dyonasis Park, and Gil Alexander live.
Did you get the counter attack ? Kill an enemy with their own projectile – best done with the spider splicers.
If anyone is interested in boosting to get the annoying online rank 40 please do add me as im in the same boat. When adding just put in the title bioshock boosting just so i know what its referring to.
My psn id is: scottalfiecaz
Got the plat today. Loved this game, the MP was a nice add one, but then again i love the multiplayer thing as much as the core game. If you really liked the first one’s story this will not let you down. Also the hard mode isn’t too hard. Nothing like surivor was on the first one.
any 1 wanna do online trophy boostin pls add me
lol hi hatim if i got the game il help u cheers mate
For anyone thinking of getting this game, you best play the 1st Bioshock as it adds to the game play and practise so you can dive right into Bioshock 2 with no problems.
I waited over a year for this to be released on completion of the 1st Bioshock and was worth every month I waited.
2k games seem to have the edge and the extra DLC is spot on.
The DLC has made this game slightly harder to complete as some of the trophies are in the DLC.
dammm is so hard to play the dlc since only a few people have dlc grrrr
everyone is cheap 10 dollars for 6 maps is a good deal