Bioshock Trophies
Total Trophies: 66*** Trophy list contains story spoilers ***
BioShock is a narrative-driven action experience that allows players to do the impossible as they journey through an amazing, immersive and terrifying world. Caught between powerful forces and hunted down by genetically mutated citizens, the player will come to grips with the mysterious and fascinating world of Rapture, a distinct Art Deco underwater utopia gone mad.
Maxed One Track
The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks
Maxed All Tracks
Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks
Bought One Slot
The player has purchased one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track
Upgraded a Weapon
The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade
One Fully Upgraded Weapon
The player has fully upgraded one weapon
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgraded two weapons
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgraded three weapons
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgrade four weapons
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons
The player has fully upgrade five weapons
Weapon Specialist
Acquire all upgrades for all weapons
Fully Researched Thuggish Splicer
The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer
Fully Researched Leadhead Splicer
The player has fully researched the Leadhead Splicer
Fully Researched Spider Splicer
The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer
The player has fully research the Houdini Splicer
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer
The player has fully research the Nitro Splicer
Fully Researched Rosie
The player has fully research the Rosie
Fully Researched Bouncer
The player has fully research the Bouncer
Fully Researched Little Sister
The player has fully research the Little Sister
Prolific Photographer
Take at least one photo in every research group
Research PhD
Max out all possible research
Quality Research Photo
The player has taken a Research Photo of the highest grade
Researched a Splicer
The player has taken at least one Research Photo of a Splicer
One Successful Hack
The player has performed at least one successful hack
Hacked a Security Bot
The player has successfully hacked a security bot
Hacked a Security Camera
The player has successfully hacked a security camera
Hacked a Turret
The player has successfully hacked a turret
Hacked a Vending Machine
The player has successfully hacked a vending machine
Hacked a Safe
The player has successfully hacked a safe
Skilled Hacker
The player has successfully completed 50 hacks
Basic Inventor
The player has successfully invented at least one item
Avid Inventor
Successfully invent at least 100 items
Ammo Inventor
The player has successfully invented all possible ammo types
Tonic Collector
Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks
Seriously Good at This
The player has completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting
Dealt with Every Little Sister
The player has either Harvested or Rescued every possible Little Sister
Lucky Winner
Hit the jackpot at a slot machine
Toaster in the Tub
The player has shocked an enemy in the water
Completed Welcome (Hidden)
The player has successfully completed the Welcome To Rapture Level
Defeated Dr. Steinman (Hidden)
The player has defeated the crazed Dr. Steinman
Defeated Peach Williams (Hidden)
The player has defeated Peach Wilkins
Restored the Forest (Hidden)
The player has restored the forests of Arcadia
Completed Cohen’s Masterpiece (Hidden)
The player has completed Sander Cohen’s great masterpiece
Defeated Andrew Ryan (Hidden)
The player has defeated Andrew Ryan
Broke Fontain’s Mind Control (Hidden)
The player has broken Fontaine’s mind control
Became a Big Daddy (Hidden)
The player has become a Big Daddy
Defeated Atlus (Hidden)
The player has defeated Atlas
Irony (Hidden)
The player has taken a picture of Sander Cohen’s corpse
Found Cohen’s Room (Hidden)
The player has entered Sander Cohen’s personal quarters
Find every audio diary
Little Sister Savior (Hidden)
The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters
Brass Balls
Complete the game on Hard difficulty without using a Vita-Chamber
A Man Chooses
Complete the game on Survivor difficulty
I Chose The Impossible
Complete the game on Survivor difficulty without using a Vita-chamber
Platinum Trophy
Collected all other Bioshock trophies
Extra DLC Trophies:
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team”
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Expert
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team” in under 3:00
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Collector
Found all collectible Roses in “The ‘I’ in Team”
“The ‘I’ in Team” – Pacifist
Rescued the Little Sister in “The ‘I’ in Team” without destroying any Machine Gun Turrets
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Expert
The player has rescued the Little Sister in “A Shocking Turn of Events” in under 4:00
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Collector
Found all collectable Roses in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“A Shocking Turn of Events” – Master Electrician
Charged up the Ferris Wheel 9 different times in “A Shocking Turn of Events”
“Worlds of Hurt” – Rescuer
Rescued the Little Sister in “Worlds of Hurt”
“Worlds of Hurt” – Expert
Rescued the Little Sister in “Worlds of Hurt” in under 15:00, on Medium or higher difficulty
“Worlds of Hurt” – Collector
Found all collectible Roses in “Worlds of Hurt”
“World of Hurt” – Tough Guy
Rescued the Little Sister in “World of Hurt” using only plasmids, tonics, the wrench, and the research camera, on Medium or higher difficulty.
WOOOOOOOO cant wait 2 get this game
eny1 kno wen its out?
North America on Oct. 21 and internationally on Oct. 24
ok thanx 4 the info
cant w8 4 this game oh when does battlefield get trophies
This game looks very fun……cant wait for its release
heard this was out on the xbox first hope its a good game xbox games are crap
can’t wait for this one im gonna rent it the day it comes out.
These trophies are atleast worth their minerals, they’re quite difficult to obtain
to guinness61
this came out on xbox last year, and was huge. It is gonna be even better on PS3.
yeah the designers have improved certain fetures on it
its iight not getting it tho
You guys enjoying the demo ? I am, but I already completed this game on the PC, still getting it for PS3 though 😛
When’s this game come out? Played PS3 demo & It was quite amusing.
October 21
btw did you guys see the website ? it’s pretty awesome
im renting it cuz littlebigplanet comes out on the same day… should have been released b4 it
can’t wait for this game.
Played the demo like 5 times and i haven’t got bored of it yet.
They need more silvers.
great game played the demo very fun and little big planet looks fun too. U guys should try it’s were u rent games for a low cost. that way u don’t have buy the game in case it sucks and if it’s really good u could buy it from them brand new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ viciousbaby
if you rent it and like it… then you buy the game, and have then paid for both the game and the rental. you spent more money.
the demo is basically a free rental. so if you like the demo… buy the game and save yourself some money by not getting another demo.
ummmmm weres my trophies patched on release?! were r they then!!!!!
lol my mistake they just popped up
Bought this game today and it is amazing! I must say though that them gold trophies look like they will be very tough to get. I mean the trophy ‘I Chose The Impossible’ may actually be impossible lol
tip here guys. if you’ve not played the game before: don’t kill cohen when you first meet him or you can’t get into his apartment in olympus hieghts.
well i have now done all of them except the survivor mode trophies. just gotta do that, then im at 100% platinum.
I have done the game on medium with 44% done but guess what i have a new list of more trophys to get which is not on this list? one is called “the ‘i’ in team – rescuer”. There is 12 of them.
what does DLC stand for?
DLC = Downloadable Content
rofl, beating big daddies on survivor difficulty is fun, takes like 10 minutes and it costs +- 9 EVE Hypo’s & first aid kits .. and a looooot of bullets
Horray!! Another Silver!
where do the DLC trophies come from, is it an automatic update in the game that is downloaded or something? there is no DLC at the PS store.
DLC will be available Nov 20.
great, thanks for the info
guys the quickest way to beat a big daddy without using any ammo is security target plasmid. just get one in from of a camera and it’s out on a few minutes even on survivor mode.
I just finished it on survivor and now have my 100% platinum! woo!
Just a heads up to anyone trying to get the Brass Balls or I Choose The Impossible trophy. YOU MUST HAVE VITA CHAMBERS TURNED OFF!!! I just went through the game on hard and every time I died I would just reload my last game. Just finished the game without using a vita chamber and no brass balls trophy!! Found out now it has to be turned off the whole game!
i just completed it but didnt get all the tapes but im now doing it on survivor so if i pick up the ones i miss (but not the ones i already got) will that count?
No, you MUST get all the audio’s in one run, also counts for the full research trophy
I turned the VITA chambers off as soon as I came out of the plane wreck, so I was already in the game. Does this mean that I won’t get the trophy ?
got all the trophies except for 1 “tonic collector” 😛
survivor is just sooooooooo hard at first boss and gettin my ass kicked already 🙁
DLC – I mean really – I know its a good game, I rented it and beat it on Medium and gave if back to Blockbuster. But are games today really worth $75 ($64 + $10 DLC)? Are the prices really just getting out of hand? Hey I am a trophy whore (Level 8 w/365 trophies), but are we just getting exploited by the marketing of these shiny things? Especially since most games have that “new car” depreciation (i.e., the minute its in your hands it looses 50% of its resale). I literally had Blitz for 5 days and took it back to Gamestop and they offered me $20. I know, blitz sucked. I sold it on eBay for $40…took a $20 hit just to get that crap out of my living room!
Little Sister Savior (Hidden)
The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters
Shit, didnt see that one coming. Guess I have to clear the game 3 times to get all the tropies
almost have a platinum on this one
i love this game im playing it threw my second time on the harest dificulty without plazmids or the vita-chambers
Is it true if you beat it one run through the game, that you cannot go back and do it again to gain trophies? BC that would suck then.
u can beat the game on any difficulty and then start it again as a NEW GAME PLUS which means that u keep all the weapons plasmids and tonics … research … bla bla bla.. so it isn’t very hard to beat it on hard now tho.. but u need update patch for this which comes with DLC!!
Great Game! Can’t wait for the sequel.
are the trophies considering getting the game is it worth it
yeah me too….seems fun…considering also getting the DLC if its worth it..