BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Trophies
Total Trophies: 51BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger is a 2D fighting game featuring 12 hand-drawn characters and an online battle mode.
I Am the Just Sword
[ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeated Hakumen.
Murakumo Activated…
[Player Match] Played first Player Match.
[Player Match] Witnessed over 20 battles.
Ruler of Kagutsuchi
[Ranked / Player Match] Fought against all characters.
Be Gentle… It’s My First Time.
[Ranked Match] Played first Ranked Match.
That Was Incredible!
[Ranked Match] Won first victory in a Ranked Match.
You Brute!
[Ranked Match] Three consecutive wins in Ranked Matches.
Hands Where I Can See Them
[GALLERY] Collected over 50 illustrations.
I Like to Watch
[REPLAY THEATER] Collected over five replays, other than your own.
Hello World!
[STORY] Watched the opening.
You’re the Best! Around!
[TRAINING] Dished out a total of over 1,000,000 damage.
Carpal Tunnel
Exceed a total playtime of 25 hours.
Reached Lv.10.
[ARCADE] Beat Arcade mode on HELL difficulty.
[Player Match] Fought a total of 150 battles.
100 Trials
[Ranked Match] Fought over 100 battles.
Praetorian Guardsman
Reached Lv.30.
[SCORE ATTACK] Beat Score Attack mode.
200 Trials
[Ranked Match] Fought over 200 battles.
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
Secret Trophy
admin, the pic is wrong..
and talk about secret trophies.
yup…and yup.
1 of the hidden is the platinum trophy.
what’s with the ‘secret trophy’ nonsense (sorry haven’t been on this site for a while) – surely without specifying these, this site is a bit useless… the whole point is to find what these are so that people can obtain them? I don’t think any games should be posted on here until at least all of the trophies (the obvious platinum included) is known… sorry… other than that – great site…
The ‘secret trophy’s’ are ones that are not known at game launch. Over time they will be discovered and then placed on here.
A fun thing to do is get the game and then actually contribute this ‘community’ of gamers by discovering the trophies. Also this page gives us a place to talk about how to get the trophies or what people attempted to get the trophies.
Thanks for your opinion though….
I did this with the game ‘Sacred 2’ by the way.
This game received high ratings from other game sites. Might make for a good renter considering UFC is my main fighting game
hey fongy if the site is useless then don’t use it, we won’t miss you.
He was asking a question, Miiiitch. He later says that the site is great. I mean, it is a bit weird to see half of the trophies undiscovered when the generic idea is to find out what the trophies are. I can understand why he would ask a question regarding this matter and I think that Thickbrow did a great job of responding to his question and clearing up any confusion. No need to be rude to a newbie. The idea is to build a community on these sites, not scare them away.
ANYWAY, I was highly interested in this game and now with that awesome reviews it’s been receiving, I definitely think I’ll have to take it for a spin. My only turn-off was that there’s apparently only 12 fighters. Seems like a low number when compared to other fighters around these days. Anyone try it yet? If so, how is it?
Fair enough but there is no need to call the site useless as with most trophy lists with a lot of hidden trophies these will all no doubt be added in a week or so,
True enough but I’m sure he was under the impression that once a trophy is marked secret, it will never be revealed. Hell, that’s what I thought when I first came on here. It’s not as if it’s labeled anywhere otherwise. Now that he knows how the site works, I’m sure he won’t label it useless again.
You can go to to get the actual list of trophies? Then tend to be accurate and they do not tend to have that “secret” designation.
i found one of the secret trophies. Use Ragna’s Gauntlet Hades 100 and you’ll get it. Also do your first Barrier Crush, I just got that 20 mins. ago
Devil’s Advocate Trophy (Uses Ragna’s Gauntlet Hades 100 times)
Restraining Order Trophy (Use Barrier Burst 30 times)
You”ll Never Forget Your First Trophy (Perform your first Barrier Crush)
Cat-a-pult Trophy (Threw a Kaka kitten using Taokaka’s Kitty Litter Special)
Hi I want this, when is this out in Europe?
P.s: fairly easy platinum?
As I have 160 Hours on Street Fighter and 1000+ games online …
This game is AMAZING, it turend out to be my FAVORITE FIGHTING game of ALL TIME, I played ALL fighting games from Tekken to Soul Calibur and DBZ series and Street Fighter. This game takes a dump on the other fighters and takes a diarrhea on King of Fighters XII, you can see pixels and the graphics look fuzzy and dull, while Blazblue has VIBRANT colors and beautiful scenery.
This opinion is coming form a guy who has over 1000 Trophies
and a PLATINUM trophy on Blazblue achieved in 7 days
I MUST have this game.
Can’t wait to attempt to get platinum on this.
Otherwise, I WILL try to import it. I need this. xD
whats your online name on psn?
what is this ?
can somebody verify?
just got back from a japanese arcade and this game is mad fun definitely rent it at least if you like fighters, i plan on buying it
Maybe this will help:
Dont know if its correct though, but it seems to be.
My PSN is: weavsxx
Whoa. Proud of this one.
Need any help…
psn: weavsxx
Wont be out for a good while. its just some sad loner making up stuff.
Just think how long it took to make the last 1. nearly 6 years. so it aint gonna happen.
btw when is this out in europe?????? its really annoying
I love this!CG in this game is really nice!
Got from BLAZBLUE.COM -> “European fighter fans who haven’t already imported Arc System Works‘ BlazBlue will be rewarded for their patience early next year, with exclusive characters and moves only available in the European release” Cant bloody wait.
The European PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 release will feature bonus content, including a strategy guide and the game’s soundtrack, and the announcement makes mention of “new gameplay content not available anywhere, like new characters and moves.
were u read that berformet? it cant be true new move n gamplay how ppl gunna take each other on. i have jus gt this game can i use my te stick with blazeblue. cos wen i hada ago u had 2 use the right anlog stick 4 a finishin move
i have been playin this game like crazy its very good. can any 1 tell y i have played 107 ranked matches and no trophie?
can anybody help with the spoon full ov sugar trophie jus add me if u can
i have done all ov the trophy apart from leonidas. its killin me unlimited rachel is a hoe. anybody no anythin i dont i need it for plat.
they chose quality over quantity with the fighters
Looking to boost psn: iceman_259