Borderlands Trophies
Total Trophies: 81A sci-fi / action RPG from acclaimed developer Gearbox, Borderlands combines the best in first-person action with player customization and vehicular combat for incredible layers of gameplay depth. The game features a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in missions, environments, enemies, weapons, item drops and character customization.
Borderland Defender
You have defeated all bosses and are a powerful force to be reckoned with
Paid in Fyrestone
Completed 5 missions in the Arid Badlands
Made in Fyrestone
Completed all missions in the Arid Badlands
Paid in New Haven
Completed 5 missions in the Rust Commons
Made in New Haven
Completed all missions in the Rust Commons
My Brother is an Italian Plumber
Killed an enemy plumber-style
12 Days in Pandora
Mastered the technology of Pandora
Wanted: Sledge
Killed Sledge
Wanted: Krom
Killed Krom
Wanted: Flynt
Killed Flynt
Destroyed the Hive
Kill the Rakk Hive
Destroyed the Destroyer
Kill the Vault Boss
Speedy McSpeederton
Race around the Ludicrous Speedway in record time
You call this archaeology?
Applied an elemental artifact
Ding! Newbie
Earned level 5
Ding! Novice
Earned level 10
Ding! Expert
Earned level 20
Ding! Hardcore
Earned level 30
Ding! Sleepless
Earned level 40
Discovered Skag Gully
Discovered Skag Gully
Discovered Sledge’s Safe House
Discovered Sledge’s Safe House
Discovered Headstone Mine
Discovered Headstone Mine
Discovered Trash Coast
Discovered Trash Coast
Discovered The Scrapyard
Discovered The Scrapyard
Discovered Krom’s Canyon
Discovered Krom’s Canyon
Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
Discovered Eridian Promontory
Discovered Eridian Promontory
Ding! Champion
Earned level 50
Get A Little Blood on the Tires
Killed 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle
Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest
Killed 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds
Pandora-dog Millionaire
Earned $1,000,000
Sold 50 guns to a shop
Can’t We Get BEYOND Thunderdome?
Emerged victorious from an arena match
Won a duel against another player
Group LF Healer
Rescued a groupmate from death in a co-op game
There’s No “I” In “Team”
Completed 15 missions in co-op
United We Stand
Defeated the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game
And They’ll Tell Two Friends
Played in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who had this trophy
Weapon Aficionado
Reached proficiency level 10 with any weapon type
You’re on a boat!
I bet you never thought you’d be here
Won a duel without taking damage
Killed 25 enemies with corrosive weapons
1.21 Gigawatts
Killed 25 enemies with shock weapons
Killed 25 enemies with incendiary weapons
Master Exploder
Killed 25 enemies with explosive weapons
There are some who call me…Tim
Equipped a class mod for your character
Fully Loaded
Rescued enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
Truly Outrageous
Killed an enemy with the Siren’s action skill
Careful, He Bites
Killed 15 enemies with the Hunter’s action skill
Reckless Abandon
Killed 15 enemies with the Berserker’s action skill
Down in Front!
Killed 15 enemies with the Soldier’s action skill
Zombie Island DLC Trophies
House of the Ned
Completed the “House of the Ned” mission
Jakobs Fodder
Completed the “Jakobs Fodder” mission
Night of the living Ned
Killed Ned…sort of
Ned’s undead, baby, Ned’s undead
Killed Ned. Again
Completed the “Braaaaaaaaaaaaains!” mission
Mad Moxxi’s Underdome Riot DLC Trophies
Small Tournament
Completed the lesser challenge in all 3 coliseums
Completed the larger challenge in the Hell-Burbia coliseum
The Angelic Ruins
Completed the larger challenge in The Angelic Ruins coliseum
The Gully
Completed the larger challenge in The Gully coliseum
Big Tournament
Completed each of the larger challenges in all 3 coliseums
The Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC Trophies
Making A Monster
Built the New Car: Monster
Athena, Out
Rescued Athena
Depot Demolition
Destroyed Lance Depot
Killed Crawmerax the Invincible
Sneaky Little Buggers
Killed each of the loot midgets
Speed Kills
Destroyed a Lancer while in a Racer
Ding! Overleveled
Reached Level 51
Ding! Overleveled to 11
Reeached Level 61
Completed all missions in Secret Armory
Sucker born every minute
Paid for a worthless tour of the world’s largest bullet
Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution DLC Trophies
Found all 6 Claptrap statues
The Lubricator
Found 25 oil cans
Collected 15 Claptrap bobbleheads
It’s so realistic
Collected 5 3D glasses
Muerte la robo-lucion
Killed the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap
The Collector
Completed a crazy request for Tannis
What a party!
Collected 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag and 15 pizzas
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
@hayman – join one of my public games and you’ll get it.
if anyone has bought the 3rd dlc, and wants a partner for beating it, let me know!! I will absolutely help for the sheer joy of doing a loot run, and will share guns afterwards,,, theres too many to pick up if you don’t have some partners!
i was playing my seconed playthrogh and I @ lvl 40 .. i decided to turned off my PS and go to sleep.. the next day i tried to loaded the game.. i don’t know what happened to my save data as it was corrupted 🙁
is there any way to fix my save data .. i really cant stand the idea of starting from 0 lvl..
BigWoopMagazine .. thank you alot but is this your psn “BigWoopMagazine ” ?
Brick FTW
woot Plat… now, almost finishing second playthrough, maybe doing third… what DLC packs are highly recommended? only getting 2 if i can get them
nope. you gotta star over. that happened to me with my siren. Started all over again. I now save my data on a usb flash drive just in case. after i finish playing i just save it there as well. It has happened twice to me and the second time i was glad i had my flash drive.
oh and good way to level up quick is if you have The General knoxx DLC. If you have that you and some friends can go after Crawmerax for some mad EXP. Pt. Also Drifters give a good chunk of EXP and are easy to take down with the monster.
isn’t cromerax lvl 64 on first playthru as well?
I am thinking of buying a dlc but i cant decide which one to get, what do people recommend getting?
if anyone has these dlc for ps3 help me get them plz email me at [email protected] theres no 3rd L its a #1 thx
How do I ‘Killed an enemy plumber-style’? Anyone know? I’m so close to the platinum.
You gotta kill an enemy by jumping on it’s head. If you are close to a Platinum (Borderlands was my first ;D) I assume you are on your second playthrough. First; load up a 1st playthrough game. Second; get a weak gun. Third; shoot a skag till it’s nearly dead. Fourth; jump on said skags head. PRESTO! It’s a-me… Mario! Happy hunting.
i need some help with the co-op i just bought this game today and am lvl 5 and i have a mic if you can use them in the game my psn is domtoretto1
and before anyone makes remarks on my name 1 im not in love with vin diesel 2i hate the fast and the furious but dom toretto is my actual name and has been since the 80s lol
What’s up with the Gearbox trophy .. beat down the last boss with someone who had that, returned the key then … no trophy … any idea ???
Ho and what are you supposed to do after that ??
Hey Me & My Friend Are Thinkin Of Buyin The Game. Is It Worth Buying??
hey guys does anyone know how to get the braaaaaaaaaaaaaains trophy for the zombie DLC i cant seem to activate any mission for it and all other missions are done as far as i can tell in the dlc
@kevin uk
who cares.. its 10$….
he looking for somebody to play the game ( a new game to lvl 50) and other online trophy, i just have it add me WARGARDIAN 👿
Although I love Borderlands the new DLC trophies look pretty grim??
@ badcomebackguy
i think in halloween place in 1 of the corners just walk in the area and a cut scene will show, its been quite awhile since i played that dlc so cant be absolutely sure wether it is that place all i can remember is there was a pumpkin patch.
You have to find T.K. Baha in a house with the Fyrestone sign….he gives you missions to bring him brains and it is the last one he sends you on
I have 77 out of the 81 trophies including the newest DLC. Apparently there is a glitch with the 3D glasses trophy because I have tallied 13 and no trophy. You are only supposed to have to get 5. I only need the 4 trophies for collecting the items on the new DLC. If anyone wants to play, add me at the same name on PSN.
this happened because you were cheating using modded weapons and the update erased yo shit fool lol
Can anyone help me beat Borderlands on the 1st Playthrough & the second Playthrough ❓ And help me find all the Claptraps ❓ And help me complete all the Missions in every area ❓ And let me kill you during a Duel to get the Trophy for winning a Duel against another Player 😆 ❓ And help me finish all the Missions in The Zombie Island Of Doctor Ned ❓ If anyone will help me my PSN ID is: CATSRULE26
if you could help me i would be thankful for your help 😉
@kevin uk
I would say The Zombie Island Of Doctor Ned.
Cheers Mate!
Awesome game, Enjoyed every moment of it, Not to difficult to grab that platinum either.
do u have the hiddens trophies and where r the oil cans
Anyone wanna help me get the united we stand trophy and the claptrap one??? I have tried to join many online games and most people are just trying to lvl up and have already beaten the bosses.
Dude I just bought the game yesterday so if you need a partner I’m your man my psn ID is Majinsol this would be great if we could play this game
armory of general knoxx and zombie island of doctor ned
This is to any1 if u r reading this i will be glad to help on Borderlands kk guys my psn ID is ajreaperaj kk c ya =)
how can i get And They’ll Tell Two Friends trophy
all the dlc is good, general knoxx has the best weapons, moxii has a bank where you can store weapons, zombie island is zombies duhhhhh and well the clap trap 1 i think it gives you new inventory slots idk, all have their advantages i think claptrap is probably the most useless outa them moxii and knoxx deffently have the best advantages, The game is all around amazing cept the ending sucks lol, as for the trophy every 1 is having an issue with! play with sum 1 that has the trophy if you dont get it then ask if u can add them and reinvite them
there 81 trophy
yo man shoot me a request. could always use sum help wit robolution. psn is KB420101
The game is great, and so is the DLC. BUT, for trophy hunters, most of the DLC (esp. in ClapTrap) is GRIND, GRIND, GRIND. Since you have to wait for respawns, and the loot that you need is totally random and an extremely, obnoxiously low % so…..lets see, been at it at least 3 hours, need a total of ~50 items combined for 3 different trophies, and I don’t have 1 yet, tho should be really close to 1 (i hope since you dont have a counter to see how many you still need, pfffffffft!) AT least 1000+ enemies of the type I need to kill to get the loot too.
borderlands was my 1# platnium
is psn working again
if any one wants to play online add me as the same name i haveall the dlc by the way
i already platinumed dis game. btw im on lvl 64 on borderlands.
anyone who is lookin for a good parter for borderlands im all in just shoot a friend request to cat_slammer-6969 i could use a friend online that likes this game as much as me i got all dlcs
kill an enemy by jumping on top of him think msrio bros. really easy to do on a pup skag
Does anyone know what the 3 hidden trophies are??
Because I have no idea
yo any one wanna tag along wit me i give u eridean guns if u add me and help me kill general knoxx and yes big-bossman_1452 is my psn account name
@haymen whats ur psn account name
hello im looking for someone who can help me with the “and they will tell two friends” trophy just message me on the psn with the subject line borderlands and then hopefully we can have some fun
PSN- DaGoomba420X
If anyone has modded weapons to share add me on psn- booka916
i can help u get that if you still need it ,the trophy tell two friends