Buzz: Quiz TV Trophies
Total Trophies: 25Buzz! goes next-gen with Buzz! Quiz TV on PlayStation 3, developed by Relentless Software. The quiz title that transforms your home into a TV game show studio is already loved around the globe. Now with online support aswell.
Socialite Gold
Play 50 multiplayer games
Socialite Silver
Play 20 multiplayer games
Socialite Bronze
Play 5 Multiplayer games
Sofa Surfer Gold
Play 40 Sofa vs Sofa games
Sofa Surfer Silver
Play 15 Sofa vs Sofa games
Sofa Surfer Bronze
Play 1 Sofa vs Sofa game
MyBuzz Enthusiast Gold
Play 50 MyBuzz games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Silver
Play 20 MyBuzz games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Bronze
Play 1 MyBuzz game
Lonesome and Loving it Gold
Play 50 single player games
Lonesome and Loving it Silver
Play 20 single player games
Lonesome and Loving it Bronze
Play 5 single player games
The Barnard Award Gold
Score 5000 points in single player
The Barnard Award Silver
Score over 3000 points on single player
The Barnard Award Bronze
Score over 1500 points in single player
Sofa Subjugator Gold
Win 50 sofa vs sofa games
Sofa Subjugator Silver
Win 20 Sofa vs Sofa games
Sofa Subjugator Bronze
Win 5 Sofa vs Sofa games
Lightning Reactions
Correctly answer three questions in a row in under 0.5 seconds
He’s on Fire!
Correctly answer 10 questions in a row
Amateur Quizmaster
Create 20 mybuzz Quizzes
Casting Agent
Play a Round as every Contestant.
Flawless Round
Correctly answer all questions in a multiplayer round with all players
Channel Hopper
Play through a game on every channel.
Buzz’s New Best Friend
All Trophies unlocked
How will this game incorporate trophies?
no one will even buy it
Its gd online so it might get a few gd reviews 4 that leading to sales
Some pretty easily earned trophies there, but not so funny ones though imo. But on the other hand it’s not the easiest game to make good trophies for.
The upside to this game is that there is alot of GOLD trophies, but on the other hand, who know how long it will take, or if the ??? are really hard to get
lawl the only reason people will buy this game is to get gold trophies, (i’m not getting it)
It looks like a game that no one is really interested in, but people will buy for all the gold and return it back, atleast the gold trophies seem to take awhile to unlock, unless the games are really short
@ Hopar_Narek: The game is very popular, one of the best games to play with friends and at partys etc.
yer at parties and with friends but half the trophies u have to do on ure own anyways?
idk I’m a pretty serious gamer, but damn well know I love party games. They are the best for casual company. I will most likely get this for the fun drunk party times and the trophies.
I saw someone playing this on my friends list, its not out in the US if i am correct. i believe it comes out Sempt. but i dont kno how he was playing it, he didnt get any trophies either
It’s out in the UK…
I love Buzz, my friend has this one and I’m going to be getting it as well soon. It’s an absolutely fantastic game when you have friends over and this new version has online play too which from the four or five games we played works really well. Our very first game we were in the lead right till the last question when we got it wrong and were overtaken by “johnreed” – grr!
I hope that trophies make more people buy it, as that just means more people to play against. Not that there’s a shortage – we were getting into games in about 5-10 seconds for four players to join up.
More Gold than Bronze trophies?
I like Games, I like Quizes, also I like TV, but something deep down inside reminds me im only getting this game for the trophies…
its been out in the uk since july and its comin to the u.s in sept i might consider buying this game just to play with my friends anyone have an idea of what its gonna cost????in u.s dollars????
oh dear. what has the world come to. why would you even want this game. they are only giving it so many high level trophies because they want to entice people into buying this rubbish.
Come on people! These type of games are fun. From my understanding you can even make your own quizzes and share them over the internets. YOu even get little game buzzer controllers and there is online play.
Anyone ever play “the guy game” now that was the best game show game of all time!
Ok i live in the US and my PSN account is signed up in the US if i buy the game on Ebay from sumone in the UK can i still dowload the update for the game and get trophys since i live in the US???
Yes you can. But there could be some other differences with the online play and downloadable content.
ok thanks a ton dude i really appreciate it
oh yea and one more question if i buy the game from the UK and its PAL format will i be able to play it on my 80GB PS3 that i bought in the United States???
All PS3 games are region free.
Do you get the “Amateur Quizmaster” trophy if you are creating quizzes on the PC?
ye u do ken, anyone up 4 an online game, PSN ID, Hughesy00
soz trophies but acctualy all the ps3 games are region locked so HELL RAZIOR i wouldnt buy it from the UK
@ Paineputter
You’re wrong, you can check out this rather old article (but still correct) or google and you’ll find more proof.
i bought it just for the trophies but actually enjoying it so im keeping it should be a laugh wen get mates round for some drinks!
@ Paineputter: You are definitely wrong! lists all US PS3 games as region free and I myself own “Condemned 2: Bloodshot” (would be great if they update this with trophies as well, would love to replay) in the US version (live in Austria/Europe) and it works perfectly well. Will continue to buy US games sind new games only cost 45 euro at Axel and 65+ in Austria…
great game.. worth buying especially for online play.
there is one missing out of the trophys one of the bottom ones in silver?
For the flawless round trophy am i right in thinking if there are 3 of you playing multi you each need to get all the questions, not that you need perfect round with each character on multi mode
Im getting this game not only 4 the trophies, but because of the fun you’ll have playing with your family and friends… The true thing that matters
Trophies are nice, but most of them play up the “trophy whore” factor, with the exception of ones like answering a few of them in a row or winning said amount of games. Those seem to be at least a little skill/knowledge based.
it is such a fun game that even my girlfriend plays it with me.
Comes with 4 buzzers and is the same price as a regular game.
Fun game, fast action and I’ve played it about 10 times so far and there has been no repeat questions.
The game has lots of different modes and allows you to search though a database of questions made by other users. For example I just played a Seinfield quiz and a Will Ferrell quotes one. You can even look though quizzes made by your friends and at the end of it all you rate how good they were.
Game is easy and fun; right down to picking what character you want/outfit and what you want your buzzer sound to be.
Racking up those 50 sofa wins is going to take a year…w/so many good games coming out this month I am not sure if I will have the time! Friend me up if you are interested in working together 1 on 1 towards the 50….I only have 5 wins now, but I’ve completed the multi & single player trophies. Fun game, that 50 is just going to get time consuming!
Anyone interested in working together to rack up the 50 wins Online in Sofa vs Sofa?
Message me. I’m online during the evenings (6pm PST) and on the weekends.
PSN ID: Thickbrow
seya on there.
Ok, i got Platinum 🙂 This takes me about 3 weeks playing every day 🙂 Good luck …
lol thr r alot more silver n gold trophies than bronze trophies in this game
i got 50 or more thophies like gta4 20 or 19 minner edge 16 or 15 little big planet 16 or 17 or 20
just picked it up today, much fun will be had if you get this title.
i picked this game up a few weeks ago to play with friends and family at casual get togethers and parties. Its a right laugh. But need some help with the online trophies…..soo can someone add me on psn, my psn = C_O_S_S_I_E
i need the win sofa vs sofa and play sofa vs sofa and the mybuzz quizes trophies.
so add me and say in message why u added me so i know its for the buzz trophies
I just bought this one today. It’s a really great game. Of course you have to be interested in trivia as it’s a TRIVIA game. And to address any comment about this game being stuffed with trophies to get people to buy it is NOT correct. This game has approximately 80 trophy points available which is just the same as any other disc game. If you are saying that any game is loaded with trophies, please point that argument to BURNOUT PARADISE which has closer to 100 trophy points for a mere 19.99 on the PSN store.
Back to the game, I love how the remotes are actually wireless (be it bluetooth or some other radio signal) unlike XBOX’s Scene it which was infared. Also, the community for it is great. VIdeogame trivia DLC for $6 is awesome and you can do other peoples made up quizzes and make your own too. I logged in today and there was an excess of 17000 custom quizzes for download meaning there will never be a shortage. of material, or any questionable matches with guests that I may have had a certain question set before. Scene it always says That it saves my questions seen, but i always see them resurface, and I havent played it that much.
Trophy Unlocked: longest Post thus far! HOOK UP!
I don’t like trivia games, but there’s a lot of gold trophies in it… It’s tempting, but I won’t buy a game just for trophies.
I will buy Burnout Paradise, PixelJunk Eden, Lumines Supernova and one, maybe two PS3 themes tomorrow.
And bankie, this game has exactly 101 trophy points (Bronze is worth 1 point, Silver is worth 3 points, Gold is worth 8 points and Platinum is worth 15 points, and since the trophies in Buzz! Quiz TV indicates 101 points of all trophies, that’s exactly the same as any other disc-based game, if not, 100 points).
One wing, you sure? Although I appreciate you agreeing that its the same, I read elsewhere that bronze is 1, silver 2, gold 6 and platinum 12. I also tested that by adding up my resistance 2 totals and it works out. Dear Moderator, Please leave the correct answer!
Making 20 quizzes isn’t hard!
U get trophy (if made 20 quizzes) nxt time you play when signed in. Going for platinum on this game.
Anyone need The 40 Sofa VS. Sofa wins, I need it too and I’m willing to help if someone’ll help me. Send me a friend request on PSN.
PSN: Catabolic
got platinium!
recently got this game and lovin’ it! money well spent.
the trophies are going to take a while.. and i dont even mind, its that fun!
Anyone got trouble with Sofa Subjugator Gold
Win 50 sofa vs sofa games?
I have 69 wins now and still not got it 😛