Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2011 Trophies
Total Trophies: 20Dangerous becomes deadly in Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2011, where the player steps into the boots of American marksman Cole Rainsford, who has joined his estranged father on an African safari to hunt savage animals that have been terrorizing remote villages. Soon finding themselves stranded, their survival depends on cunning instinct and expert skill to make it out alive.
What Does Indy hate?
Hunt 50 snakes in Story Mode.
I Like Spicy Wings
Hunt 50 birds in Story Mode.
I See You
Hunt 30 animals while using the Hunter Sense in Story Mode.
Hair Away From Death
Narrowly escape death 20 times.
Lucky Number
Kill 7 Birds with one Shotgun shot.
Grizzly Defeat
Kill the Grizzly Bear boss without dying during the fight in Story Mode.
Rhino Defeat
Kill the Rhino boss without dying during the fight in Story Mode.
Steady Hand, Great Scope
Hunt an animal with the Rifle that is at least 50 yards away while using the Scope in Story Mode.
Bow In Front of Me
Hunt 20 animals with the Crossbow in Story Mode.
Kaftar Defeat
Kill the Kaftar boss without dying during the fight in Story Mode.
Adventure Over
Complete the Story Mode.
Collector’s Edition
Collect all Experience Items and shoot down all Marksman Targets in Story Mode.
Hidden Pages
Collect all Journal Pages in Story Mode.
Gallery Lover
Obtain a Bronze or better on all of the Shooting Gallery Classic levels.
Successfully play through all possible path combinations in both Trek Shooting Galleries.
Bonus Lover
Obtain and use every Power-Up type in any Shooting Gallery level.
Disarm 30 traps in Story Mode (bear traps or land mines).
I Will Survive
Survive Survival Shooting Gallery 1 (Night Fangs) for more than 7 minutes.
Combo Wizard
Get a 50 animal combo in any Shooting Gallery level.
Platinum Trophy
Get all trophies
this game has a lot of gold trophies.
Give some1 else a turn of being the frist to type a comment on the web
I was thinking about picking this up to play with my Move but I’ve never played any of the Cabela games before. Anyone know how hard these are to beat? I could see Dangerous Hunts being tougher than the other Cabela games.
Well ‘Outdoor Adventures’ was simple to plat. But it was also a pile of crap. This one sounds a bit mental though. Surviving boss battles doesn’t really imply hunting sim…
That’s what I was thinking. I’ve gone hunting before and I’ve never had to have a ‘boss battle’ with a moose before I kill it. LOL. Just ridiculous.
they arent that hard they just take sometime especially if u want to plat.
The games isn’t that hard. I’ve played many Cabela’s games and this one is ok IMO. The reason it’s just “ok” is bc the made the game with PS Move in mind and with that you lose a lot of the “hunting” in the game. You don’t really find animals and hunt them. You just go on an adventure with guns. Not the best Cabelas, personally I liked the last dangerous hunts game.
dont buy this game is full of bog and hunter sense work 1 time on 2 is verry hard to find iden item target and no video to help you so if you want platinum is verry hard to get but the game is easy only thing is the marksmen item target. is a 3 on 10 for me this game is a peace of …. game. broke all cabelas serie
how do you beat it on hard, i beat it on normal the first day, then took a couple days and beat all the galleries, then went in to play it on hard to open the other galleries,but i cant beat the last stage on hard, all the galleries are oped=n and i have gone in and beat all them but i cant figure out how to beat the last stage on hard, i can change guns then walk into the burning room the animal jumps thru the window and the level stars but as soon as i can move or shoot i die, i start with full health but i cant even get to a health pack before im dead, cant even get more than 2 shots off at the animal, im getting burned in the house but i cant get away from the fire, i can either shoot 2 rounds at the animal or take a couple steps in any direction, then im dead, i can see health packs and even got to the close one once but its used up as fast as you grab it, any ideas?
I have made it through all of the story modes except the last one. I have made it to where I’ve used all of the health packs and stayed away from burning up but still can’t kill the animal. I got frustrated and quit trying for a while. If I kill the animal I will let you know. Any one know how the experience points open up the locked games? I have earned over 15 thous and the locks wont’ open. What am I doing wrong?
How do I open more galleries? I just started playin this game and im woundering how to get through the full moon…………….Any help?