Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Trophies
Total Trophies: 63Return to the Red Alert continuity of the esteemed Command & Conquer RTS franchise in this full-fledged series sequel. Red Alert 3 breaks new ground in the RTS genre, featuring a fully co-operative campaign while bringing back the series’ light-hearted style and classic, action-oriented gameplay.
Platinum Trophy
Unlock all the trophies
The Shrike and the Thorn
Complete Soviet mission 1 on any difficulty level
Circus of Treachery
Complete Soviet mission 2 on any difficulty level
Taking Back Ice-Harbor
Complete Soviet mission 3 on any difficulty level
March of the Red Army
Complete Soviet mission 4 on any difficulty level
The Science of War
Complete Soviet mission 5 on any difficulty level
No Traitors Tomorrow
Complete Soviet mission 6 on any difficulty level
To Tame a Living God
Complete Soviet mission 7 on any difficulty level
The Stone-Faced Witnesses
Complete Soviet mission 8 on any difficulty level
Blight on the Big Apple
Complete Soviet mission 9 on any difficulty level
Ride of the Red Menace
Complete Allies mission 1 on any difficulty level
The Shark and the Lure
Complete Allies mission 2 on any difficulty level
The Famous Liberation
Complete Allies mission 3 on any difficulty level
Enemy of Our Enemy
Complete Allies mission 4 on any difficulty level
The Unfathomable Fortress
Complete Allies mission 5 on any difficulty level
A Monument to Madness
Complete Allies mission 6 on any difficulty level
Forever Sets the Sun
Complete Allies mission 7 on any difficulty level
The Great Bear Trap
Complete Allies mission 8 on any difficulty level
The Moon Shall Never Have Them
Complete Allies mission 9 on any difficulty level
The Death of Father Frost
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 1 on any difficulty level
To Conquer Shattered Spirits
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 2 on any difficulty level
Behold the Shogun’s Executioner
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 3 on any difficulty level
Graveyard of a Foolish Fleet
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 4 on any difficulty level
Assault on the Black Tortoise
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 5 on any difficulty level
Rage of the Black Tortoise
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 6 on any difficulty level
Barbarians at the Bay
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 7 on any difficulty level
Crumble, Kremlin, Crumble
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 8 on any difficulty level
The Last Red Blossom Trembled
Complete Empire of the Rising Sun mission 9 on any difficulty level
Complete all lessons in the tutorial
Tempus Fugit
Complete all campaigns on medium or hard difficulty level
Master and Commander
Complete all campaigns on hard difficulty level (also unlocks trophy for medium difficulty)
The Cleaner
Complete all bonus objectives in the Soviet campaign
The Closer
Complete all bonus objectives in the Allies campaign
The Conqueror
Complete all bonus objectives in the Empire of the Rising Sun campaign
Tag Team
Complete 9 different online co-op campaign missions
Dynamic Duo
Complete 18 different online co-op campaign missions
Twin Tigers
Complete 27 different online co-op campaign missions
Defeat a brutal-difficulty skirmish opponent on a 2-player map
Hell March
Win battles on all original maps vs. skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
Sole Survivor
Win on 2-player maps vs. all 9 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
Against All Odds
Win on a 4-player map vs. a team of 3 skirmish opponents (medium-or-greater difficulty)
Leech 7 different enemy weapons using Hammer Tanks in a ranked online match or skirmish
Short Work
Win a battle in less than 5 minutes vs. a skirmish opponent (medium-or-greater difficulty)
Day of Judgment
Destroy 30 enemy units with an ultimate weapon attack in a ranked online match or skirmish
Girl’s Best Friend
Kill 25 enemy targets in 1 minute with a Commando in a ranked online match or skirmish
Meat Grinder
Crush 20 enemy units in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty)
Sword Saint
Cut down 15 enemy units with sword attacks in a ranked online match or skirmish
High Speed, Low Drag
Arm 10 Multigunner IFVs with different weapons in a ranked online match or skirmish
The Knowledge
Capture 6 structures in a ranked online match or skirmish (medium-or-greater difficulty)
The Spy Who Bribed Me
Convert 5 enemy units with a single Spy bribe in a ranked online match or skirmish
Reign of Terror
Dismantle 4 enemy vehicles using the same Terror Drone in a ranked online match or skirmish
DLC Trophies:
Star Pupil
Complete all lessons in the tutorial
First Blood
Complete the first challenge mission, “Dead Meat”
Complete all 13 main path challenge missions
Superior Commander
Complete all 13 main path challenge missions under par time
Future Leader
Complete all 50 challenge missions
King Of The World
Complete all 50 challenge missions under par time
Battle Tested
Complete any 10 challenge missions
Battle Hardened
Complete any 25 challenge missions
Big Game Hunter
Kill all giant bears in “Number One Threat to America”
Going Commando
Kill 20 Enemy Commandoes
Killed A Ton
Kill 20 Desolator Troopers
Kill 20 Steel Ronin
Wow what a trophy list. They all seem rather easy to be honest. I cannot wait until this comes out on PS3. This game will rock!!
holy this i am getting with or without trophies..
It’s got Gemma Atkinson and Holly Valance in it.
oh yeah Dr. Rock..that’s also one of the reason im getting it
eh … a mind this for ps1 infact bought it of psn the ps1 version lol , loved ps1 games , got crash and everthin, play them more than a do normal ps3 games, so what is this just gona be like tht then , or like end war ,
a h8 it if i was like end war
cant wait to get this for ps3. Saw a vid with tim curry in it, laughed my ass off, purely coz its tim curry.
should be good, from the demo on 360, its nothing like endwar (thanks god)
bit of over the top red alert is always good 🙂
this i can’t wait for a command and conquer game for ps3 i can’t wait. trophies look easy should be a breeze for us advanced players.
i don’t know how brutal the A.I. is in Brutal Difficulty..i hate it when they do a Rush..but I’ll love this game cos I’ve played all the Red Alert games..
I haven’t really played RTS games on a consol, though I loved starcraft, warcraft, and age of empires on computer. I played one horrible starcraft version for the n64, good thing it was only rented. I just like the mouse i guess… I’ll see from reviews…
i’m picking this game up soon and i was wondering wot the multiplayer was like… co-op and competetive
so is it good?
got this game yesterday. its awesome if your a fan of the red alert series and command and conquer. i’ve only played the campaign mode and all the tutorials but its sweet so far. trophies are easy to unlock as each campaign only takes 30 min if that give or take a few. Add me on PSN level 6 gamer bout 65% done (Smittyde77).
anyone that wants to do co op or play online add me Smittyde77
Add me for co-op trophy!
PSN: Rallycar06
Me too, add me up for co-op trophies PSN blakedaddy
add me for co-op!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
psn : h_hnvt
soo this game worth gettin???
Add me for online trophies please. scottalfiecaz
Add me for the campaign co-op trophy and send me a message ,PSN: BRWSTA
Anyone have this? How much is it and is it worth the money? I tried the demo and really enjoyed it.
all command & conquer games rock look 4wards do duking it out against my cousins like n old ps1/ps2 days go over each others house an battle
its amazing, the demo doesnt justify. i hated the demo
Looking for someone for COOP. PSN: Protactinium91
just try finishing the game on hard, friggin impossible
i have all other trophies exept the last allies mission and the japanese campaign
hey is any one up for trying to get the twin tiger trophy on hard with me ❓
I am!!!
Id : A-l-i-x
I am looking for somebody for co op
all misions and mayby and a hard lvl
easy plat withh help
Looking for partner to do co-op on easy level or help me finish allies mission 9 and all the rising sun missions on hard
~PSN: MartianMan92
Also looking for someone to get the co op trophies with – have completed it on hard so will help anyone with any missions they need as well – PSN – BigGunsAl
Need all Co-op missions Twin tigers. Add Tomy_IV
hey i also need the coop trophy
psn: nobody1408
i don’t care which mission
If anyone needs a hand with the trophies I’m more than willing to help. It has to be on hard though medium and easy are too boring.
PSN: Hendy_7777
i need coop trophies, PSN: Stoogiemeister
i need co op partner add me wolfgang101
need help wid online trophies id GreatGolam
Anyone needs help with co op message me i’ll help ya out
the full game is pretty epic compared to the demo