Cross Edge Trophies
Total Trophies: 24Cross Edge is an unprecedented collaboration between five major game publishers from Japan. Nippon Ichi Software, Capcom, Namco Bandai, Gust, and Idea Factory have joined forces to create a Strategy RPG unlike any other.
Crossover Conquest
Earn this trophy by unlocking all other Cross Edge trophies.
The Gun Runner
Collect every type of weapon.
The Battle Ready
Collect every type of armor.
The Fashionista
Collect every type of accessory.
The Packrat
Collect every type of item.
The Grave Robber
Find 150 hidden items using Search.
The Dood
Earn the true ending.
The Hikkomori
Earn every single title.
The Skywalker
Reach 300 AGI.
The Meat Shield
Reach 300 VIT.
The Juicer
Reach 300 STR.
The Know-It-All
Reach 300 INT.
The Gambler
Reach 300 LCK.
The Stalker
Unlock all character profiles.
The Patron
Unlock all gallery art.
The God of Death
Destroy 3000 enemy units.
The Highlander
Survive 900 battles.
The World Champ
Exceed 1,000,000 points of total damage.
The Aggressor
Exceed a 400-hit combo.
The Entitled
Unlock any title.
The Bully
Defeat 100 enemy units.
The Newbie
Survive 35 battles.
The Badass
Exceed 10,000 points of total damage.
The Juggler
Exceed a 50 hit combo.
seems quiet easy to get trophies
eh..might try this out..trophies look easy but i hope it ain’t like Dynasty warriors gundam 2 which took a hella lot of time to get everything..
Anyone played this? I’m intruiged by the collaboration effort but unsure as to whether or not I should get this game. Is it good?
i ve seen the gameplay and it looks like disgaea but im still interested to play it
FYI – The condition for “The Entitled” trophy should be “Unlock any title”.
IGN gave it a 3.5
don’t get it in the uk for a about 4 months yet. 🙁
This game is NOT trash…
It’s like Valkryie Profile…Game ain’t bad…If you can find it…
PSN ID-nukdollars
Agreed this game is fantastic valkyrie profile meets legend of legaia, with an awesome cast.
love this game i will plat
got my newbie trophy.
you may think that they are easy to get but they ARE NOT !
it takes a lot of time & They are extremely difficult
I will play it
luving this game
ok question, earn every type of weapon, does it mean to get a dagger, sword, spear etc or ECERY single weapon in the game?
Just a correction for the game description : Namco Bandai did not partecipated in this game.
the game sucked people!
“easy trophies?
I wish. The bronzes will be easy, but everything else, like “Collect all…” Wont be. I think there is 287 weapons in game for example. And I’m almost positive that does not count DLC.
how do you get the entitled trophy?
Nevermind, I got it, thanks anyway.
Btw, which character set up did you guys use to get the specific number of hits in a row? I just want to know so that I can do it easier.
Is there any way to tell how many items you have found with search for the Grave Robber Trophy?
Sorry to post yet again, but how do you get the patron trophy? I beat the game and got the true ending and I just started the bonus level which I think is called 5-2. I was told you get the patron trophy after the true end and getting all the costumes, but I have not gotten it yet. Can anyone tell me why? I’m like 86% done with the gallery art, but I have no idea how to go any further. Can someone please help me?
Liar liar liar the game is a crossover between 5 companies gust , namco bandai, nisa, gust, and idea factory
Sorry I made a mistake it’s catacomb not bandai but bandai is still involved proven by a 2006 copyright on the back by namco bandai