Dante’s Inferno Trophies
Total Trophies: 55In Dante’s Inferno, players assume the role of Dante as he travels on an epic descent through Dante Alighieri’s nine circles of Hell – limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud and treachery. Players assume the role of Dante, who descends into Hell after returning home to find his beloved Beatrice murdered, with Lucifer seducing her soul into the underworld. His mission is to save Beatrice, but he soon realizes he is also in Hell to face his own demons and ultimately to redeem himself.
Master of The Inferno
Unlock all other trophies
Slaughter at Acre
Fight against the prisoner at Acre
Abandon All Hope
Break through the Gates of Hell
Sentence the Judge
Defeat King Minos
Lovers Torn Asunder
Defeat Marc Antony
The Great Worm
Defeat Cerberus
Like Father Like Son
Defeat Alighiero
Gates of Dis
Enter the lower circles of The Inferno
The Harrowing
Escape Heresy
Defeat Francesco
Bitter Sweet
Save Beatrice
Lucifer’s Match
Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm
Find a Beatrice stone
Power of the Cross
Find all 3 Beatrice stones
Footsteps of a Traitor
Find 10 pieces of silver
Betrayed with a Kiss
Find 20 pieces of silver
Well Done, Judas
Find All 30 pieces of silver
Relic Hunter
Find a relic
Light Relics
Find all Holy relics
Dark Relics
Find all Unholy relics
Forbidden Love
Find and absolve both Francesca de Polenta and Paolo Malatesta
Old Friend
Find and absolve Brunetto Latini
The Damned
Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno
The Guide
Collect all Virgil commentaries
Soul Reaper
Collect 60,000 Souls
Burning Eyes
Send Charon back into the abyss
Warming Up
Perform a 50 hit combo
Perform a 200 hit combo
Poetry in Motion
Perform a 666 hit combo
Holy Warrior
Kill 30 Minions
Demon Slayer
Kill 30 Demons
Bad Nanny
Kill 20 Unbaptized Babies
Kill 5 Gluttons
Kill 5 Heretics
Kill 20 enemies using a counter move
Kill 20 enemies using magic
Give Me Strength
Open 20 Health fountains
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Open 20 Mana fountains
Light in the Dark
Reach Holy Level 7
Death’s Apprentice
Reach Unholy Level 7
Holy Man
Max out the Holy path
Man of Evil
Max out the Unholy path
Gates of Hell
Defeat all enemy waves in the Gates of Hell Arena
DLC Trophies:
Dark Forest
Complete the Dark Forest on any difficulty
Clear Path Not Lost
Complete the Dark Forest without getting lost once
The Trials of St Lucia DLC Trophies:
Upload a Single Player Dante Gold Trial
Lucy I’m Home
Upload a 2P Lucia & Dante Platinum Trial
A Star is Born
Receive a vote of at least 4-stars on any of your uploaded Trials
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Earn 100 Bronze Medals and 75 Silver Medals Playing Community Trials
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Earn 50 Gold and 25 Platinum Medals Playing Community Trials
It’s in the Trial
Beat 25 different single player and 15 different two-player EA trials
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Earn a Player Score of 100,000
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Earn a Player Score of 250,000
Why isn’t this game listed on the trophy support page? 😛
This game is pretty good i just got the platinum #29
Great game… easy to Platinum too. My gripes though, too easy, really quick to finish and each circles are quite short. I’d advise anyone to rent it first since its really fast to Platinum… unless you plan to replay this game many times which I doubt many will do. I was lucky and got it on cost price from a friend…
I would’ve been disappointed paying 70$ for a 10 hours game to Plat!
The St. Lucia trophies look pathetic. It sounds like they’re going to be some customizable version of ‘The Gates of Hell’ in the main game. That in itself was tedious and I’d say most people only bothered with it because they wanted the trophy.
It bugs me to see another plat reduced to 8?% but I can’t see myself wasting time or money on a grind through repetitive nonsense.
Il be getting the trials. add me if youd like to do 2 player. Just put DI trials so i know its you. PSN: gr8jrfan
neo got a job?
Who thought of making this game is messed up in the head easy trophies though
Easy platinum, 2 days max.
got the plat!
only trophy I’ll need more to get 100% is ‘it’s in the trial’ this one seems very hard, all the rest was cake
Hello. I am playing this game right now, its cool but kinda freaky! hellish copy of GOW for sure! just hoping to get the PLAT then WHO WANTS IT???
I just left that firy Gaint ride, dont know but I feel its not easy to get all trophies 😕
Got GOW 1 Plat & Uncharted 1 as well so far (HawkClaws) on PSN