Darksiders Trophies
Total Trophies: 43Penned by legendary comic book artist Joe Madureira (X-Men, Battle Chasers, The Ultimates), Darksiders: Wrath of War is set in a Post-Apocalyptic demon-ravaged world where evil forces have prematurely brought about the end of the time.
Prison Break
Free Samael from his prison
Death Dealer
Meet Vulgrum
One Tough Cookie
Meet Ulthane
To Move A Mountain
Collect the Earthcaller
Who’s Counting?
Defeating more Angels than Ulthane
Reach Out & Touch Somebody
Collect the Abyssal Chain
Into The Void
Collect Voidwalker
Elemental Thief
Collect the Crossblade
Sight Beyond Sight
Collect the Mask of Shadows
Kill 10 enemies with one blade geyser wrath attack
Tremor Bringer
Collect the Tremor Gauntlet
An Old Friend
Collect Mercy
Collect the Scythe
Aerial Predator
Kill 160 enemies while on the angelic beast
Wrath Machine
Collect all the Wrath Powers
Obtain Ruin
Kill 666 Demons
Don’t Make Me Angry
Collect the Chaos Form Ability
Chasm Jumper
Collect the Shadowflight Ability
River of Blood
Shed 3000 gallons of demon blood
Dark Rider
Ride for 100 miles
Kill 150 Demons from horseback
Time Lapse
Collect the Chronomancer Ability
High Flier
Kill 5 duskwings without touching the ground
Improvised Kills
Kill 150 enemies with items from the environment
Open Air Parking
Taking out a helicopter with a car, during the apocalypse
Like A Bat Outta Hell
Defeat Tiamat
Rocked Your Face Off
Defeat the Griever
Ashes to Ashes
Defeat the Stygian
One Mean Mother
Defeat Silitha
Payback’s A B****
Defeat Straga
The Final Challenger
Defeat the Destroyer
Treasure Hunter
Search 150 chests
Full Power
Collect the maximum amount of lifestones
Wrath of War
Collect the maximum amount of wrath cores
Ultimate Blade
Forge the Armageddon Blade
World Raider
Collect all 27 Artifacts
Legendary Form
Collect the Abyssum Armor Set
Battle Hardened
Max out all weapons & unlock all combat moves
Balance Restored
Defeat the game on NORMAL
The True Horseman
Defeat the game on APOCALYPTIC
You Call That Easy
Complete the game on EASY
This platinum looks easy,
of course it does, because youve played it and would know
Oooooooooo BURN! r23’s right though… beating this game on apocalyptic may be harder than finishing Gran Turismo while blindfolded.
So yeah, we’ll see if the trophies are easy after we play it.
lol.. beating on apicalyptic is just a matter of time really..
plus it does look easy
if it was harder than GT blindfolded i doubt anyone would get plat lol
Not seen anything about this game, mite have to look up on the game. π
sweet looking list here
Gold Trophy for EASY?? Maybe its not that easy after all…
it will be hard on APOCYLPTIC and i hate collection trophies
Can’t wait to end the world in style looks fun
i hate to say it but, doesnt this game looks alot like God of War and World of Warcraft made a baby?:P the character you play reaaaally looks like Arthas some times and the sword is scary much like Frostmorne:P dont u guys agree??? π
Can’t wait for this game! all the humans are dead?! its gunna be splendid !>.<!
going to buy it now
great game and apocalyptic is hard. but, uh, thats kinda the point.
this game is great i love it
This game was alright i just got the platinum #25
Does Aerial Predator count with next playthru, or must you do it in 1 game?
Can I keep dying & retrying to get acheivement? i started on apocalyptic and am trying to get platinum in 1 playthrough
bought the game to 2day looks super!!! plat looks easy.. hav 10 plats over 960 trophies
this game looks nice should i buy?
I just rented the game and it’s not that hard even on the hard difficulty. Most of the trophies are pretty easy and the game is fun. It’s not the best game ever, but if you like God of War, you will like this game since it is a lot like it.
I’m playin on easy now and seriously – its not easy π apocaliptic must be really good fun. I can’t wait :)) BARKER – yes you shuold by it, promise won’t be dissapointed.
I just beat it on Apocalyptic. It wasn’t that hard at all. The last boss was cake. I have all of the trophies now except for one. I just have to get Angelic Beast. Luckily I have a save at that spot so that I can redo it until I get the Platinum. Good game though. π
You must do it in one run through that part of the level. The best thing to do is save it right before that part and keep redoing it until you get it. It took me about 5 tries before I got it and got the Platinum as I waited until after I beat the game to go back to that part. π
it is true war does look like arthus. but who care. the game is fun
I beat the game on Normal and got most of the achievement except for like two.. so i start a new game on hard to get the rest of the achievements. So Now i have all the trophies except for BFA…. I thought i was suppose to get it after i get the last trophie?
you would get it, r u sure you have all othes? … btw do you have to unlock apocalyptic mode or is it there before you play thru it???? thx
Guys this game is vary easy on the hardest difficulty took me 11 hours to beat it and 26 hours for all trophies
This game plays exactly like God of War. It has almost the same feel as God of War and Devil May Cry. Fans of those games won’t be disappointed if they pick this one up.