DC Universe Online Trophies
Total Trophies: 57A massively-multiplayer experience, DC Universe Online brings high-energy action to the forefront with a combat system designed to deliver a fast-paced action experience with the extraordinary powers of your personally created heroes and villains at your disposal. Battle with or against their favorite DC Super Heroes and Villains including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Joker. For the very first time, players and fans will be able to enter this fabled world as an active force for good or evil.
Tanks Very Much
Achieve level 10 as and gain the Tank Role.
Mission Control
Achieve level 10 as and gain the Controller Role.
The Healing Touch
Achieve level 10 as and gain the Healer Role.
The Queen’s Favorite
Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by Circe.
Criminal Mastermind
Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Lex Luthor.
The Joker in the Deck
Achieve level 30 as a villain mentored by the Joker.
Knight for Justice
Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Batman.
Warrior of Truth
Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Wonder Woman.
Champion of Earth
Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Superman.
Acrobatic Ace
Achieve level 30 as an acrobat.
Fearless Flier
Achieve level 30 as a flier.
Speedster Supreme
Achieve level 30 as a speedster.
Platinum Pace
Earn a platinum medal in any race.
Platinum Trophy
Earn every other Trophy in the game.
Fight for the Light DLC Trophies
Parole Denied
Defeat Red Lantern Vice, Yellow Lantern Lyssa Drak and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells
Parole Granted
Defeat Red Lantern Vice, Green Lantern Guy Gardner and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells
Not that Repulsive
Defeat Vice in the Coast City Duo without restarting the repulsor
Willpower Outage
Defeat the Scion of Will before the Sliceclaws power it up
Illogical Reasoning
Beat the Final Confrontation as a villain without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City
Low Battery
Beat the Final Confrontation as a hero without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City
Complete Oan Sciencells without being knocked out
Intergalactic Planetary
Collect all styles in the Sector Agent set
Planetary Intergalactic
Collect all styles in the Sector Incendiary set
Fight for the Light
Complete Coast City Duo, STAR Labs Alert, Coast City Alert and Oan Sciencells Alert
Lightning Strikes DLC Trophies
Rogues’ Gallery
Complete all of the Rogues’ Wanted Posters
Crash of the Titans
Complete all of the Titans’ Bounties
Two Tickets to Paradox
Seal both types of Massive Speed Force Ruptures
Prime Timeline
Complete the Massive Speed Force Rupture Event
Reap the Rewards
Defeat 100 Paradox Reapers in Central City
Play On
Complete the Cosmic Treadmill: Flashback Duo without destroying any Sonic Emitters
For My Next Trick!
Defeat Abra Kadabra while all the Riot-Bots are active without being knocked out
Quickly, Into the Past
Complete the Cosmic Treadmill: Flashback Duo in under 7 minutes
The Battle for Earth DLC Trophies
The Used to be Adventurers
Ensure all three Colossal Archers reach the front lines at the Paradise Court battle in the Themyscira: The Gates of Tartarus raid
Complete the Themyscira: The Gates of Tartarus raid in 20 minutes or less
Prime Numbers
Defeat all three Prime Avatars without destroying any of the Brainiac Spawners
In Prime Time
Finish the Prime Battleground Raid in 15 minutes or less
Bottle Opener
Complete 250 Battle for Earth Duos
Guilty On All Charges
Allow all Sentences to run their full course when fighting the Supreme Justice in the South Gotham Courthouse Alert
Timely Closing Agruments
Defeat the Prosector and Defense Attorney within 10 seconds of each other in the South Gotham Courthouse Alert
Jury Tampering
Stack the jury with 12 humans, not allowing any Brainiac Jurors to be transported to the Bailiff in the South Gothm Courthouse Alert
Uncover the Truth
Complete all of the Collections, Briefings, and Investigations available in the Battle for Earth DLC
The Last Laugh DLC Trophies
Let’s Get a Rally Going!
Rally 50 iconic allies in Assault: Headquarters arena matches
Making a Name for Yourself
Knock out 50 iconic enemies in Assault: Headquarters arena matches
Putting the Safe Back in Safehouse
Win 100 Assault: City Safehouses arena matches
Space Invader
Unlock Ursa, Power Girl, Amon Sur and Kilowog Legendary Battle Arena Avatars
The Armor Makes the Man
Collect all styles for the Knight PvP Battlesuit
Knight Moves
Collect a complete Checkmate PvP Battlesuit
Together We Stand
Complete the Assault: Headquarters arena match without letting any iconic allies get knocked out
This House is Clean
Complete the feats: My Life as a Robot, Hostage Negotiator, and Spacial Delivery
Hands of Fate DLC Trophies
Not Even a Scratch
Defeat Ra’s al Ghul in the Unpaid Dues operation without allowing Felix Faust to take any damage
A Soul Beating
Defeat the Fused Soul at the end of the Soul Alchemy operation in 3 minutes or less
Organic Gardening
Defeat Swamp Thing in the Seeds of Rot operation without destroying any Children of Nature seed pods
No Bedtime for Bozo
Defeat Talia before the Bumbler Hellthrall is knocked out during the Black Dawn operation
Fate in the Balance
Complete the wave event at the start of the Wayward Sould operation without letting Doctor Fate get knocked out
How to Train Your Wizard
Unlock the Doctor Fate and Felix Faust Legend Battle Avatars
Runes to My Memory
Collect all styles in the Runes of Norsemen set
Spirited Defense
Complete the With a Vengeance operation without letting any spirits disrupt the summoning circle
wow just 12 will take some time but could def plat this one
yeah, no shit! this will take alot of time XD
im not for mmo’s but this does seem pretty intriguing
I’m really looking forward to this… This has the potential to be awesome IMO, but I’m interested as to how the online part of the game will actually work…
For a game which is meant to consume a massive amount of your time and keep you playing for years, thats kind of a small number of achievements. Are their not specialised achievements for killing each boss you face? for killing a certain number of bad-guy or good-guys? for putting on your first piece of epic armor?
Just something more then just “you reached lvl10…. now your lvl30….”!
There are litterally hundreds of achievements on other competitive MMOs on the market.
“I’m interested as to how the online part”
The whole game is the online part. It’s online only. Massively Multiplayer ONLINE Role Playing Game. MMORPG.
short trophy count but no bronze is a good thing lol.
Criminal Mastermind
Achieve level 30 as a hero mentored by Lex Luthor.
as a hero mentored by Lex Luthor.
as a hero
a hero
Lex comes back from the future to warn the heroes about Brainiac. That’s why, i think, he mentors a hero…
he also infects everybody and starts the whole future war in the first place.
My gripe now is how absolutely buggy the beta is – which normally is not new – but the release date for this game is only 2 weeks away. they should have these bugs fixed by now – and there are a lot of console crashers from reports on the betas.. i think the nicest thing a reviewer had to say about the beta was “half the time you have to actually turn it off via the back switch.. which is almost as dangersous as playing the console while its on fire”
What the hell 12 trophies only.
I mean 14 haha
@MrX – its also no bronze so all the trophies are worth more – on top of that its entirely online – which means expansion packs galore
i thought i Commented 1st on this but Yeah Anyway glad to see some Dlc’s Cuz from the shit they got now its really depressing but since sony decided to randomly just upgrade my sub for dc now i can get some work Done!
In game there are hundreds of “feats” that satisfy what you are looking for here. And they are how you increase your character’s skills and stats past the lvl cap.
There, can people stop whining about there being 12 trophies with the DLC packs in place?
How are the trophies?? Is this game platable? And what do y’all think are the top ten or fifteen easiest platable games? Ever??
only a couple of there you can get for free x) and they take loads of time