Dead Space Trophies
Total Trophies: 49Gamers step into a third-person sci-fi survival horror experience that promises to deliver the ultimate in psychological thrills and gruesome action. Set in the cold blackness of deep space, the atmosphere is soaked with a feeling of tension, dread and sheer terror.
Release Dates: US: Oct 14, 2008 | EU: Oct 24, 2008 | AU: Oct 23, 2008
Dead on Arrival
Complete Chapter 1 on any setting
Lab Rat
Complete Chapter 2 on any setting
All Systems Go
Complete Chapter 3 on any setting
Cannon Fodder
Complete Chapter 4 on any setting
True Believer
Complete Chapter 5 on any setting
Greenhouse Effect
Complete Chapter 6 on any setting
Complete Chapter 7 on any setting
Strange Transmissions
Complete Chapter 8 on any setting
Complete Chapter 9 on any setting
Keeper of the Faith
Complete Chapter 10 on any setting
Complete Chapter 11 on any setting
Complete Chapter 12 on any setting
Pack Rat
Store 25 items in Safe
Story Teller
Collect 75 Logs
Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball
Collect 5 schematics
TK shoot 50 objects
Dismember 20 Limbs
Dismember 500 Limbs
Use Stasis on 50 Enemies
Achieve a perfect score in the Shooting Gallery
Air Alert
Zero G jump over 100 times
Kill at least 30 enemies with a melee attack
Ragdoll Check
Force an enemy into a gravity panel 5 times
Big Spender
Spend 200,000 credits at the store
Full Contact
Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam
A Cut Above
Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper
Tool Time
Kill 30 enemies with the Plasma Cutter
Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun
Live with the Hot Ones
Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower
Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle
Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun
There’s Always Peng
Find the Peng Treasure
Brute Force
Kill a Brute
Kill the Leviathan
Get off my ship!
Kill the Slug Boss
Mindless Prey
Kill the Hive Mind
Playing Catch
Catch a Brute or Leviathan Pod using Kinesis
Kickin it
Escape from a Lurker’s grab attack 10 times
Don’t get cocky, kid
Survive the ADS Canon with over 50% Shield strength remaining
Kill the Slug Boss with more than 50% Shield strength remaining
Beat the game on any difficulty setting
Legend Teller
Collect 150 Logs
Full Arsenal
Own every Weapon in the game
Dismember 1000 Limbs
Epic Tier 3 Engineer
Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting
One Gun
Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter
Maxed Out
Upgrade all weapons and equipment
Concodrance Officer
Unlock all the other Trophies
Ehh, very “360” trophies, but there looks to be some challenge to them. I’m big on the “use said weapon to do said act”, but not enough difficulty-based ones, though I can’t tell for sure until I play it if some are very hard to pull off and require skill or actually add another level of difficulty to it. “One Gun” seems like a great one, but I wish there were more like that.
i don’t mind actually . atleast it has trophies
nice 2 easy tho
yeah well most trophy games R 4 hardcore gamers like myself & others. but its good that the games producers are toning down the dificulty 4 the newer, less experienced players.
never played this game before hope its good
Too many bronze, otherwise they look ok!
Yeah it does have a lot of bronzes, but the tasks do not seem that difficult considering. Killing something or using a weapon a few times doesn’t seem like that big of an accomplishment, and rightfully so; it isn’t. If they had more challenging tasks, there would be more of a reason to have more silvers and golds.
But I’m sure that the golds they have in place are already challenging enough. One way to speed that up is to do what I always do for a game: play on the hardest difficulty level possibly. Sure, I’ll likely get my ass handed to me, especially in this game, but it will make you more prepared for a quicker 2nd playthrough. And from what I’ve heard, to upgrade everything, you’ll NEED to play multiple times.
Getting a trophy for beating every chapter is just lazy. Some of them look like they might pose a challenge, but for the biggest part they’re disappointing.
this game looks awesome! definitely want to get this one. the comics they have on the psn store leading up to its release have been really cool! i love the art, it was done by the same guy who did the first few 30 days of night comics
i will definently have to pick this one up.
great trophies.
put it on easy and you can get most of the trophies in one run.
then do the game on the hardest diffulty to get the gold and the platinum.
easy trophies, but that might not make it an easy game remember.
scary games usually take a lot longer to do because you don’t know whats gonna happen next.
I almost crapped my pants in the first level. Great use of lighting and sound to create a scary atmosphere.
The only time when completing something deserves an award is when it is extremely difficult to do so. Eden’s trophies are difficult, and rightfully so. I don’t think it is “lazy” when you complete a chapter and get a trophy, but it isn’t that challenging for the most part.
Some extra info for those interested:
Currently you will not be able to switch back to the regular armor if you put the Armor on that you can download from the PSN store.
I hear that you have to go through the game on normal to unlock the hardest difficulty mode. So don’t play it on easy mode as you will have to then play though the game 3 times to get all the trophies.
Hope that helps. I will beat the game this week on easy and i’ll let you know if it unlocks the hardest difficulty.
Great game. Recommend it to everyone
Well gang, I beat the game on easy and I can confirm that it DOES Unlock Impossible difficulty. So please disregard what i wrote before, i was only going on what I had read from another source.
You also unlock a new suit and some power nodes and 50,000 cash. YOu then have the option of going though the game again with everything you unlocked. The catch is that you can only play through at the same difficulty as before.
so some of the trophies on this list aren’t right…for example Surgeon is 500 limbs…not 250…Butcher is 1000 limbs…Legend teller is 150 logs (which may be all of them, it’s just worded differently in the game)….Ragdoll Check is 5 enemies not just 1….just letting you know that in the game their listed slightly different than you have them, not a big deal but i thought you might be interested
am getting this game it looks ace. just done bioshock which was fun
the trophys 4 this are challenging this guy on my friends list already has 100% while i only have 67% WTF
if you don’t get too scared by it, and you plan everything out, then you can get 100% in two game runs.
Just like with Bioshock (if not one).
It takes 2 run through’s and then however long it takes to upgrade all equipment. Even on easy and saving everything I got, I still had to play through to the end of lvl 4 before I was able to upgrade all items.
Currently working on Impossible difficulty. 2 hits and your dead. and you run though an entire clip on one enemy and he still don’t go down.
im renting it for a week from Blockbuster and im off on holiday ill p[lay it non-stop i hope i get near 100% im aiming for 80%+
i got 45 out of 49 trophies on my first run. ill need to finish it 2 more times to get the platinum , 1 for the 1 gun and the other for the max difficulty .
i rented it and i really dont want to give it back!! lol its so amazing the lighting and sound is awesome
i just dont have the money…..
Thats a bit unsettling kinow that if you use downloaded content (suits) then you cant change back. Well at least I know now, I cant wait until they add a new weapon, something cheesy like a big ass rocket launcher
The sound effects in this game are BRILIANT
This game worth getting?
Looks good from pictures etc, but sometimes piks never look the same as the game… how long does it take to complete?
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Shutup Killa
need help for the “Don’t get cocky kid” trophy.
any suggestion?
for that trophy you need to get to the bit where you have to shoot the asteroids with the cannon and you need to keep the cannon health above 50 and after that the dont get cocky kid will appear
just aim for the middle, the left and right asteroids dont do much damage, and aim for the big asteroids, and shoot the pieces that come off of it, and the speedy ones.
keep shooting the middle window ones and u shud be good, but if u can, shoot the left and right sides, but stick with the middle mostly.
dont forget, both shoulder buttons shoot.
Just so everyone knows, the bronze trophy “Merchant” actually needs 8 schematics in order to unlock it… not 5.
hi guys i have a question,does the DLC weapon packs also give trophies or should i only use the normal ones? cause i downloaded some of them and im worried i wont get the trophies when i use them..
i meant get 30 kills with “weapon”…and the upgrade weapons trophies..
awesome game just picked it up yesterday and i cant stop playin it
am going though the trophys on my list and two of them it does not show what they are i then came on here and found out u have three on this i dont have, so which 1 should not be on there? `kickin it`, `slugger`?
Just wondering this or bioshock or should i both rent them out psn : d797
Rent them both, really good games.
guiness..i think you dont have the dont be cocky kid trophy..
wooohooo just went platinum. my first one ever.
lol hey me hinking a bed smart right and get two gold trophys at once,
a done it on hard mode , with one gun haha the plasma cutter
wow was i well disapointed when it sayed impossible mode haha lol
so av went on tht now and am a gona kick the s**t outa those zombies haha , gona get full arsenal and shred them cant wait, they deserve it for what they put me through on hard
lol theres a challenege for ya , hard mode , with only the plasma cutter, it is possible, took me bloddy ages though
haha lol
i just got my 7th platinum in this game…
I’ve gotten the Epic Tier 3 Engineer,One Gun and Maxed Out Trophy in Impossible Mode…beat that
now onto BioShock for my 8th..if i can platinum that game…good luck with the platinum in here trophy
djstu1990, im doing the exact same thing. wasnt too hard to go thru hard mode with only the plasma cutter, its a really good gun, just gotta keep stocked up on stasis and ammo!
i need some help on the Z-ball minigame.. i HATE the zero gravity rooms as it is (it gives me a slight headache)and im not really a fan of basketball,lol.. i guess ill go look on youtube and see how to do it..
impossible mode is not that much harder than hard mode, just less ammo, and i can notice the A.I. is slightly more aggressive, but barely. the enemies still take about the same amount of shots to die.
-I only need 3 trophies for platinum!
*Maxed Out
*Epic Tier 3 Engineer
i should have maxed out and slugger by tomorrow.. and im on chapter 6 on impossible.. im so close i can taste it!
i think the hardest part of impossible mode is Chapter 1…you have so little ammo and so little health that you can barely survive..
I hate the zombie that doesn’t die
So I made a impossible file and kindof got stuck on the 6th boss… I got maxed out, and now I go to new game and I can’t make a new impossible game. wtf?
Ohh theres no saved data so you have to make impossible mode when you beat any other mode, WITHOUT quitting the game. Nice now I’m on chapter 4 round 3 and I can’t make impossible. You suck ea.
Hi Everybody ..
this is my first comment here, anyway i can say this game is good for one go after that for sure its boring because you have to repeat eveything with no change at all..
i finished the game on the easiest diff at first and then continued with the same save data up to chapter 5 or 6 to have the “Maxed Out” trophy and some others that i didn’t got in the first round. Then i started a new game on the impossible diff to have “Epic Tier 3 Engineer and One Gun” in one round..
right now am in chapter 10 and tommorow or maybe the day after am going to have the platinum trophy..
am thinking to copy my data just before the final boss for people who can’t go through the bame on the impossible diff..
but i don’t know if this is against the site policy or not ..
so if its ok .. just replay and i post it for you ..
Hey guys,
Just finished getting platinum on this game and I have a tip for those attempting the Epic Tier 3 Engineer trophy.
Before you complete the game make sure you purchase the Military Suit from the Store. After your final encounter with the Hive Mind DO NOT turn off your PS3. Instead, start a new game in Impossible Mode right away and you should have your Military Suit carried over into this new mode. I found it helped a lot as you do not have to spend money on new suit upgrades. You will still get the trophy, this is just a glitch.
To those of you who are overimpressed with themselves about completing the game on Hard or Impossible using only the Plasma Cutter I’m really not sure it’s something to boast about. To the newbies I’d have to say that it’s one of the best guns in the game once it’s upgraded and in Impossible Mode you’ll want to avoid spending recklessly on many of the different weapons and focus mainly on one or two.
Good luck!