Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires Trophies
Total Trophies: 51Dynasty Warriors 6 Empires is game that brings together the best aspects of the action and strategy genres. In this latest edition, players can experience Ancient China’s greatest and most glorious war as an all-powerful lord or as an officer.
True Warrior
Obtained all trophies.
Unlocked all Bonuses
Unlocked all bonus material.
Cleared all Scenarios
Reached end of all Scenarios
Cleared “Yellow Turban Uprising”
Reached end of Yellow Turban Uprising scenario.
Cleared “Battle of Guan Du”
Reached end of Battle of Guan Du scenario.
Cleared “Battle of Chi Bi”
Reached the end of Battle of Chi Bi scenario.
Cleared “The Three Kingdoms”
Reached the end of the Three Kingdoms scenario.
Cleared “Chaos”
Reached end of Chaos scenario
One-eyed Wolf
Completed battle as Xiahou Dun.
Menance on the Battlefield
Completed battle as Dian Wei.
Master of Intrigue
Completed battle as Sima Yi.
Feared Throughout the Land
Completed battle as Zhang Liao.
Man of Vision
Completed battle as Cao Cao.
Loyal Companion
Completed battle as Zhou Yu.
Rising Star of Wu
Completed battle as Lu Xun.
Tomboy of Sun
Completed battle as Sun Shang Xiang.
Rough and Tumble
Completed battle as Gan Ning.
Tiger of Jiang Dong
Completed battle as Sun Jian.
Little Dragon
Completed battle as Zhao Yun.
God of War
Completed battle as Guan Yu.
Jovial Warrior
Completed battle as Zhang Fei.
Master of Strategy
Completed battle as Zhuge Liang.
Benevolent Ruler
Completed battle as Liu Bei.
Elegant Dancer
Completed battle as Diao Chan.
Mightiest in the Land
Completed battle as Lu Bu.
Completed battle as Xu Zhu.
Quick as Lightning
Completed battle as Xiahou Dun.
The Warrior’s Art
Completed battle as Xu Huang.
Refined Warrior
Completed battle as Zhang He.
Bringer of Peace
Completed battle as Cao Ren.
Unrivaled Ambition
Completed battle as Cao Pi.
Unwavering Honor
Completed battle as Taishi Ci
Triumph of Knowledge
Completed battle as Lu Meng.
Pillar of Wu
Completed battle as Huang Gai.
Silent Warrior
Completed battle as Zhou Tai.
Cold as Ice
Completed battle as Ling Tong.
Hot Blooded
Completed battle as Sun Ce.
Young Tiger
Completed battle as Sun Quan.
Righteous Crusader
Completed battle as Ma Chao.
Seasoned Veteran
Completed battle as Huang Zhong.
Fierce Barbarian
Completed battle as Wei Yan.
Son of the God of War
Completed battle as Guan Ping.
Mysterious Traveler
Completed battle as Pang Tong.
Paradise of Tyranny
Completed battle as Dong Zhou.
Proud Nobleman
Completed battle as Yuan Shao.
Grand Master
Completed battle as Zhang Jiao.
Enchanting Beauty
Completed battle as Zhen Ji.
Exquisite Flower
Completed battle as Xiao Qiao.
Brains and Beauty
Completed battle as Yue Ying.
Nanman King
Completed battle as Meng Huo.
A Challenger Appears
Completed battle as a custom character.
number 1
This peeks my interest, poundering if by saying “Completed battle” if that means like playing one stage or as a whole game as said character. either way looks pretty easy to do and i am a fan of the serries so i might have to get this one
hmmm another dynasty warriors game..must platinum this..lol
I heard Chaos mode is a nightmare to finish..but will still get it.
looks easy ๐ how much will this game cost?
It’s $40 new. Anyone know how to unlock all bonus material, and do the reach end of all scenarios? I did the 4 scenarios you can get trophies for, do i have to do the ?? scenario or the chaos or both? Thanks!
Number 1. FIRST.
I might rent this game. I’ve played about 2 or 3 of these other dynasty warriors games and the replay value is BUNK.
o yes i am the one
Trophy “Quick as Lightening” is incorrect.
The character to play is Xiahou Yuan, not Xiahou Dun. That trophy is “One Eyed Wolf”
Just a heads up, and I already submitted a request to be changed.
ok so i am taking it as you only have to play as said charater once? or is kinda like gundam 2 were its a set of missions, either way i am totaly down with trying to get my hands of a copy
you just play as that character once
Such easy trophies…just play one battle with each person. And better yet its a fun game.
…I don’t usually bother pointing out spelling errors online as well, who really cares. But this one was pretty fun! People typically confuse the expression “PIQUED my interest” with “PEAKED my interest”. Which makes sense (peak = high point…makes sense but still incorrect). However here it was PEEKED like looked at, which I found a little funny. Beyond that, typing POUND ER ING instead of pondering was also kinda funny…..god I got up too early
lol ok so you got me, but then again with a PSN ID like mine your bound to make more then a few half baked errors. I am still getting this one
how do i get all bonuses?
mistake …….
“Quick as Lightning” trophy can open by Xiahou Yuan
hahahahahaha this im getting for plantinum and for chaos mode just pick that imba bow girl not sure of name but is this game only an expansion to the previus because as i see it the same characters and missions are there…..
i got platinum it was soo easy buy it now i swear soo easy
how do u unlock all bonus material plz any help would be cool
You unlock all the bonus materials by complete certain objectives within Empire Mode. These objectives are found in the Archive section of the Menu. Ive beaten all the campaign mode except for one and i realize that you cannot unlock all of the Bonus material un less you complete almost all of the objectives. Hopes this helps everybody out there
I have completed all the objectives except for let allies win the battle, kill 1000 people without getting hit, and 2 campaigns and I only need 4800 points left to unlock everything so you dont need to do all the things.
any help with find the imperial seal and take the imperial throne ..and thankyou for help so far so grateful ๐
@ Bombgart Any tips on how to get the objective where you have to beat the mission alone on Master or Chaos Difficulty (ie: Who do you use?, what mission is best?, etc.).
This game was a bit of a let down, i wish they had of put more effort into this one then the robot crap. Very easy platinum but it’s a bit time consuming.
any1 how do u unlock the objective under buying re hare and what is it
red hare is a horse in the game. You have to get 30,000 coins and then you can purchase it in the stables.
Yea, I wish they wouldn’t have changed all the weapons to these dumb and unrealistic weapons@Miiiitch
Quite surprised you only needed to play a single battle to get a character trophy, instead of a whole scenario. One major disappointment with this game, is the in-game minimap, i have perfect vision, yet most times I need to get close to the TV just to see where I am, what way I’m facing etc. And you cant change it in options, that was a let down, but still, easy trophies to easily get platinum, first game I’ve gotten Plat with, still havent done Resident Evil 5, Lord of the Rings, Alone in the Dark, overlord 2, Godfather 2, call of duty WaW, Mercenaries 2, battlefield bad company, GTA4, Resistance 2, Far cry 2, Tom Clancys endwar, LittleBigPlanet, so yeah, I’m majorly chuffed ๐
OMG!!! Easy trophies much??? free platinum!
just so you know to remember “imba bow girl name” look on trophies if you might remember slightly also 2 things. there are 2 bow girls sun shang xiang the all bow then yue ying the sword and crossbow girl ๐ god i played to much i know everyones name without book……
pretty easy for me i played as ruler “girl not that it matters” and i didnt donate money you can go serch every well on all maps or they will bring it to you eventualy…. i was lucky i got married to liu bei found the imperial seal and got too be emperess in 5 rounds
and now i got my first plat yay when is the next game coming out? ๐
How long did you guys take to plat?
Which characters can get married?
Just wondering how it’s a free platinum??? You’ll either buy or rent the game both cost money.
uh… you’ve got to be kidding me? UNREALISTIC?! These weapons are more realistic than the old ones, my friend you’ve got to know what your talking about before posting. o.o
You actually unlock the trophy by buying all the Bonus material in the game (wallpaper, voices etc…) You dont need to get all the bonus objectives, you only need enough of them to have enough points to buy everything. And I had plenty after a couple playthroughs.
Im having problems unlocking the trophies, everytime i complete a battle i dont get any trophy. what am i doing wrong?
You don’t just complete one battle to get the trophy, you have to complete the scenario(Your force or your Liege’s force must rule all the territories of China.
@SMITHY444 Any man or woman in the game can get married as long as your relationship level with the other character gets high enough, It’s the same basic principal as swearing an Oath of friendship with other characters
Hope It helps! ๐
You don’t have to complete the whole scenario with each character. Please read the whole forum before you report. I should now as i have Plated this game and it took me 10 hours. So get this game. I highly recommend that you go on youtube and watch my videos that show you how to get the trophies. Type in xPBaxter. Sorry for any spelling mistake.
Does anyone still play this game? How long does it take to platinum?
this game makes me wonder why in hell i am a trophy whore.this is no fun but imma plat it because i guess i secretly hate myself ๐ฏ
Honestly, this game is beyond easy and is even quicker to plat than Assassin’s Creed 2….so, thats pretty damn fast xP
Oh trust me chaos just means the scenario a land in chaos. its probably the easiest since u get to choose ur own characters and such. its practically ur own scenario. in which u must capture all empires to end the “chaos in the land” . hope that clears up any misunderstandings. P.s im like 13 so i play this alot
I still play this game , its awesome