FIFA 09 Trophies
Total Trophies: 57Step onto the pitch and play professional football your way in FIFA 09.
Football Legend
Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)
Gimme five
Score five goals in the arena
Time you played a match?
Score twenty goals in the arena
Giant Killer
Beat a five star team with a half star team
Save a penalty
Eat my chip
Score by chipping the keeper in a match
Score from over 30 yards out in a match
Bend it like a pro
Score from a free kick in a match
On the spot
Score from a penalty in a match
Like on the training field
Score from a corner
Wing play
Score from a cross
Last Gasp Goal
Score in the 89th minute
In off
Score off the woodwork in a match
What a Beauty!
Score on the volley in a match
On yer bike!
Score with a bicycle kick
One goal a season
Score with a defender in a match
Fling yourself at it
Score with a diving header in a match
Good head on your shoulders
Score with a header in a match
Director in the making
Upload a video to EA Sports™ football world
A Man Down
Win a game when down one man
Custom sixty four winner
Win a Created Tournament that starts with sixty four teams
One star winners
Win a Tournament that starts with sixteen teams, with a one star rated team.
Huge investment
Buy a player in Manager Mode for 50 million of your chosen currency
Huge return
Sell a player in Manager Mode for 50 million of your chosen currency
Spending spree
Buy 50 players in your career in Manager Mode
The purist
Complete a Manager Mode season without simming any games
The ol’ switcheroo
Successfully perfom a pass that switches the play from one flank to the other
Sparkly clean
Keep a clean sheet
The Peterson
Play for over fifty hours
Beat your favourite team with their rival
The Kwong
Score a headed goal with the shortest created player
Perform a cross for a friend who scores from it. (Co-op Trophy)
Frequent flyer
Win in every stadium
The Gipson Curse
Go into an online match after choosing your own arena player
Optimus Chung
Win a game with adidas Live Season enabled
The Venhola Ice
Win a FIFA 09 Clubs match with your club
The Poon Sang
Win with a team of 11 created players in an unranked online match
Jonzo’s lounge
Score 2500 points and win 5 badges in a single Lounge Mode match
Enter a match with 20 people in a FIFA 09 Clubs Match
Club god
Reach legendary status for your club
Living legend
Reach legendary status for your country
Pictures speak a thousand words
Upload 5 screenshots to EA Sports™ football world
1st time out
Win an Online League match
Manual labour
Win a match with fully manual settings (no assistance can be switched on)
Ranked Winner
Win a Ranked online match
Real world winner
Win 5 Interactive League matches
FIFA Fair Play
Play 5 consecutive matches without getting any cards (bookings must be enabled in the settings)
Ultimate Team DLC Trophies
Club Tournament Mastery
Ultimate Team: Win all gold Club Tournaments
World Champion
Ultimate Team: Win the Gold World Trophy
Online Tournament Mastery
Ultimate Team: Win All gold Online Tournaments
Online Champion
Ultimate Team: Win Gold Ultimate Team Trophy
Silver Packs
Ultimate Team: Open first Silver Pack
Gold Packs
Ultimate Team: Open First Gold Pack
Bigger Venue
Ultimate Team: Upgrade to a Silver Rated Stadium
The Collector
Ultimate Team:Complete an 11 player team page in the collection
Solid Gold
Ultimate Team: Obtain 11 gold players
Best of the Best
Ultimate Team: Obtain your first Gold Rated Manager
BEASTY BEASTY goin 4 platinum bhoys!!!
Got 9 by now
so happy now this has got trophies
lol why is this called fifa soccer 09? in england its just fifa 09 lol good trophies though, gna work on getting them tonight
theses trophies are too easy for the huge return trophy just put christaino ronaldo on for sale and hopefully someone will buy
my psn id is DONFAIZ if u wanna match jus add me
wow great news
can’t get the screamer and bend it like a pro trophy. any tips, and where is 30 yards?!?!?!
Can you do most of these trophies on a normal game?? e.g. can i play my brother in a standard game and still get some trophies like beat a five star team with a half star team and like score a penalty? or do you have to do it in a season..
u can get score a penalty with ur brother and i am not sure about the five star team vs one star trophy
most of the trophies can be done with 2 controlers.
i have no-one to play with so i am having troubles getting freekicks for the bend it like a pro.
the screamer is easy. for example, if you are going for the purist trophy, chose australian league as it is pretty small.
chose sydney fc. then when you are playing go for the kick-off spot (more or less) and press forward+square until the gauge is full. eventually one will go in.
Optimus Chung can someone help me with this trophy
I have downlaoded the latest update for adidas season but how do u enable it
Optimus Chung is a silly trophy imo , it is exactly what the description says though : go to the settings where you choose the player for the arena , choose one (i picked one from my team) , then go play a ranked game. it’s that simple. i just dont get the point of this trophy.
as for the trophy with adidas live season enabled , i think your best bet is to play in manager mode or in season , ‘cuz i don’t think adidas LS is enabled when you go into ‘kickoff’ , anyhow you know if adidas LS is enabled because if you look at your squad players in the Management menu, they have arrows and colors to indicate their form of the moment.
you have to do optimus chung on an online game but its preatty hard to get becoz you and the player your playing has to have it enabled and not allot of people have it enable when there playing you
how do u get the trophies?? download it? there is no update
guys the “optimus chung” trophy is the addidas live season trophy & u can just do it in kick off
yeah sorry got ‘optimus chung’ mixed up with ‘the gipson curse’ ….
and pig : when u put fifa in , it should say it’s found the latest version of the software, etc.
just play optimus chung on kick-off n win, simple as
thanks everyone and add me if u wanna match
need 12 more for platinum common hardest is do manager mode bit time consuming 50hours n buy 50players
does club god and the other one below it which is silver are they the be a pro trophies
how can do score a free kick? i just cant do it
trophies are brilliant. Just wondering for the be a pro tropies club god and living legend, and the manager mode season without simming trophy, can i contine a be a pro/manager mode that i started before trophies if im half way through a season already?
Is there any way of finding out if you’ve spent 50hours on the game, because I don’t know how close I am to getting that trophy, and how do you get the Optimus Chung one, I have Live Season enabled and have won a few matches but no trophy. Thanks.
legendary status is in be a pro mode i believe.
scoring a free kick simple when yur outside da box put bit of curl on it n it’ll go in top corner… aint done it yet though i score b4 they can get close!
For the CLUB GOD & LIVING LEGEND trophy, can you pick someone like Ronaldo or do u have to create a player..
should be wid any player that has a national team so yes ronaldo wud do.
im David Villa
Got 31% Of The Trohpies
On Manager Mode I Cant Buy Some 1 For 50Million The highest I Can Go is £49,500,000
Why is that does anybody know ???
IF anyone has got this trophy can they tell me the things they did 2 get it thanks
Great game fot Trophies / going 4 the platinium eventually
D/W Just went on a forum and found sum 1 telling evrybody the easiest way to get the trophys anf followed his instructions and got Huge Investment and Huge Return lol
Now Got 40%
i put my manager mode in $ insted of £ sold ronald for $ 68 million and got messi for $ 58 million very easy gold and silver trophie
I hope they don’t do the same thing for Tiger 09. I just traded it in for 20bucks.
Oh ya.
Send my Friend a challenge over the PSN
His gamertag name is: Germaneagle
He can and WILL kick your rear end.
I updated the version of the game but the trophies arnt there. Any help???
Anyone know how to do the custom 64 winner trophy. The 16 team trophy is easy, but the max amount of teams I can get is 24. Do I have to unlock the 64, or is it a typo and should be 24? Anyone know?
add me on psn … The-Amazin-Nath … if u are trying to get any of the fifa club matches trophies and ill add you to my club
chump hater : go to tournament , and change the square icons at the top , there will be 1 called ‘tournament’ i believe and you can set to 64 teams there. easiest way: pick a top team , then pick 63 half or one star teams. then sim the season. make sure you save a couple of times at the end of it , in case you loose in the knockout stage. sim the rest. save in between games , hardest thing is creating the tournament….
yes finally got the 10 vs 10 trophie glad thats out the way was very hard to get 3 trophies left for me now and the platinum is mine
help me mate
mate will you help me
Thanks for the info Kingawol. I knew I was doing something wrong.
Hi, how do i check which trophies i already have?
press the PS button , got to game , trophy collection , fifa. its on the XMB bar
On my way to my thrid platinum.
Amazin Nath ive added you on PSN and accept cus i propa reyt need help, its reyt annoyin me, thanks
Right i want the club trophy!
PSN ID: Markthfc
I will create a club. if you would like the trophy also. Add me / send msg.
join the 10 gegen 10 team for the trophy that means 10 vs 10
its getting old now i dont think ill get platinum all i need is 10 vs 10 and club win 50 hours 3 trophies to go i neec your help am online at night so if you wont to set up a team am up for it psn:lesliewilson thanks.
How do i get the one star winners trophy??
plz add me for the 10 vs 10 trophy… I’m having a rough time getting te trophy since I don’t have enough people in my list that play fifa. I can be on line whenever you want from 6 april to 18 april. Can be on line too ad 2 april (as long as you want me to be on line.
psn account: Duiveltje